Unable to pick up items

I was running monoliths, and had no issues previously. I entered a new zone, and only got gold drops showing up. I went to an affix shrine and none of the affixes were able to be picked, nor was I able to grab my unique item at the end of the monolith. I hit Z and X to try to remove filters, and even turned off my filter, but couldn’t pick up the item. I haven’t seen any reports for this in the past year or so, but has anyone else run into this recently?
Player.log (885.2 KB)

Did you try alt+Z – this key combination disables ground tooltips, preventing anything from being picked up

I hadnt tried alt+z, but I’ll keep that in mind if that happens again. I had my hand on qwer, so I’m not sure how I would have hit it, but anything possible

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