Unable to complete Lightless Arbor and Soulfire Bastion. FInal room has no door to the boss

Interesting. My game is also saved on HDD drive. However, i never had any issues before the multi player patch.

Give it a try,lets hope will be fixed for you too…i buyed the game after multiplayer pach,i dont know how was before.

I play on a laptop and both the stock 256gb and the 2TB I put in are SSD. I really don’t think that would have anything to do with the bugged doors. I’m really disturbed that there has been absolutely 0 reply from any Developers in an entire month of having such a game breaking issue. :sob:

Tried Soulfire Bastion for the first time. Ran into the same issue. Entered the dungeon and got through the first two levels, but the third door, while highlightable, will not react to me clicking on it. Had to just portal out of the dungeon.

I have encountered this issue on three lightless arbors in a row and on every soulfire bastion attempt. Very frustrating.

The Lightless Arbor , the problem still not solved after the last patch.

Happend twice. Got throught the first room no issue, select my door, loading screen, “You have been slain by a Screeech from a Gloom Screecher” …that was hiding INSIDE a loading screen? Im on the other side, click respawn and can see my char stand there, full HP but can’t move…why is ist always the dungeons that break? I swear they are as stable as wet toilet paper at this point

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