Ubuntu Linux, unable to connect to game server (le-65)

I had been running Last Epoch via Steam on Windows with practically no issues. I decided to move to Ubuntu Linux and have installed Steam and Last Epoch. I’ve googled the hell out of this, but I’ve been unable to resolve the "unable to connect to game server (le-65) issue. I have Wireshark traces that show a few events before the connection reset, but my wireshark skills are a bit rusty.

Is there a fix for this, or am I perhaps missing something?

Edit: I booted into Windows 10, installed Steam and Last Epoch, and the game worked fine.

A quick update:

I had originally installed Steam using snap. I had heard that there were issues with snap, so I reinstalled Steam using apt. I’m unable to verify the cause, but long story short the game now runs.

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Good to know, I’ll try installing using APT because I’m running into the same problem.

Edit: this indeed fixed the problem.

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