Trash boss system

Just about any of Ben’s builds can face tank anything. But, let’s keep that a secret, this thread is fun.

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I really think the bosses in LE is far more visual in the aspect of showing you what NOT to stand in, compared to alot of other ARPGs out there. So i really disagree, that bosses in anyway feel “souls like”. Yes they might lack abit of audio representation aswell combined with the visuals, as foexample PoE does it. Atleast for me that makes it easier to memories when i have both a sound / voice and a visual i know i have to look out for.

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The problem is that there are many brands, many cast at the same time from different sources with other things like mobs etc, making the screen polluted, in addition the boses “slide” during the cast following your mouse so you don’t dodge while walking, you are OBLIGED to use an I-frame mobility skill at the exact moment.
AND WORSE if you die ALL progress is simply lost and you have to do it again, soon the fights become tiresome and it becomes clear that they are just WASTE OF TIME to hide that the game actually doesn’t have much to give :confused:

  • I even read someone here who commented on this, but it seems that this game was designed with the principle that every character had a (3x)dodge but in practice we don’t have one, so often during fights the character seems to lack mobility and that’s terrible.

The video you posted was of 2 years ago, after the power creep, so it’s normal that that can happen. I did say that it’s possible Sirus can be face tanked now because of that. But around the time of Harvest/Heist this wasn’t the case.
It was some time after that they redid their mechanics, adding spell suppression and all of that, and now every single character has near instant health regen, when before it was very very rare, and every character has super duper defenses. So much so, that they had to add more tiers to maps and now T19 is the farming goal.
If PoE2 wasn’t a thing, I’m pretty sure that in a few years you could tank Maven as well and they’d introduce an uber Maven.

Personally, I’ve died to PoE bosses like Sirus, Elder, Shaper, Atziri, etc, a lot more than I did in LE and it’s mostly because the big attacks in LE have a lot more time to react than in PoE. Other than that, I see no difference in design in both.

Anyway, no point in continuing this discussion. You have your opinion and I have mine and we don’t seem to get our point across, so this isn’t productive at this point.

Elden Ring being the best of them is debatable, since the long time Dark Souls fans didn’t like it so much. It’s the most accessible to non-souls fans, certainly.
Anyway, those runs you mention are glitch runs. Without glitches you need longer to finish it.


No man, that’s bullshit man. Just because you have to spend a ton of time practicing and abusing bugs to teleport around, clip through terrain, and traverse the sky to complete them really really fast doesn’t mean all Souls games aren’t totally brainless!!!

-well in my opinion Elder ring is the ONLY “ok” soulslike because everything else is trash, none have more than 150k on steam and none keep numbers for more than 2 months. Formulaic, shallow games whose only difficulty comes from bad programmers who don’t know how to program a control and camera interface, gameplay is the only difficulty in these games.
-Sirus’s fight, I caught the first video I saw, there are thousands out there, if you have good will it’s easy to find, I hope that instead of diverting the subject you assume that HK in games mouse click is a stupid idea

No, I don’t agree that one-shots in ARPGs are a bad idea. In fact, I find it a lot more fun to have to dodge mechanics in a boss fight than just spam clicking a button while watching a video in another monitor. But to each his own. I won’t continue debating this.


I understand your point. What made me stop playing was precisely that because with my lock I ignore everything making everything monotonous.

But my point is, wouldn’t it be better to have MUCH LESS rules like classic games, thus allowing the fight to escalate, you would feel a powerful blow from the boss, you would have to retreat, use a potion, go back, etc… these games where everything happens in milliseconds seems to me programmed by people Those who suffer from premature ejaculation, 1 hit kills you, if it doesn’t kill you in 0.02 seconds you’re already full of luck… :confused:
Then we come to what I saw a lot in D3, the game where there are 3 life statuses, Full life, dying and dead. 99% of the game you spend inside mobs and your life doesn’t even change, until you suffer A HIT that almost kills you and you regenerate in milliseconds, or a hit that kills you.
That’s not stupid either. Because D3 is a game played by bots while you watch videos on the other monitor…

Elden Ring style bosses would be fun. A lot more interesting than Diablo/POE ones.

Well, I deeply disagree, when I play an ARPG I would like to worry more about builds and strategies to face a boss than about frantically crushing a bot with dodges in a fight as mediocre as a goldfish is capable of beating.
My sadness is that souls players come here and cry and kill the ARPG by bringing this shit here, but we don’t see strategy and builds for clean fights being requested on the forums of these flopped soulslike games.

BUT we will probably have 11 story chapters out of 12 by then.

I shall start playing legacy and pass my account to my children so they can complete the story someday.

There is a rhyme and there is a reason.

You have to actually learn the boss mechanics. I, like you, found a lot of the encounters more punishing that I would like. I looked into it and it was because I need to actually learn boss mechanics.

Sometimes it sucks but on the other hand, sweatier people find that stuff to be fun. :person_shrugging:

For sure need to decide if you’re willing to get a bit sweaty with this game.

Nah, Souls bosses usually are nearly immune against one thing, highly susceptible to another thing and have predictable moves once you learn them. One might be immune to bleeds and you need crush damage, or immune to fire, blah blah blah. What I like about the fights is how fluid and mobile the bosses are. They just don’t stand there or are confined to tiny spaces. It feels like a real encounter.
You might have to adjust your build to fight this kind of boss if you use swords and they are strong against slash, or obviously fire spells won’t work too great against flame bosses but it does add a lot of variety.

Why the fuck are people STILL bringing up souls like games to compare to LE bosses? What in the actual fuck is wrong with people? If you can’t get out of that BIG RED CIRCLE and feel that is “sweaty”, then why are you playing games? Telegraphs are ridiculous in this game, you actually need to be physically unable to move for bosses in this game to be hard. About the only unfair shit is heorot dashing and getting one shot by his outer AOE because you 100% need a traversal skill + fast reaction. Other than that, everything in this game for bosses is piss easy.


That is funny because that is actual a really bad example. he winds up for that charge and you can 100% not get into the outer AoE damaging zone by moving into the direction he will dash in before he dashes. No traversal skill requried at all.

But I’m bad so that always gets me :rofl:

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I think this comes down to this ability not being telegraphed and you need to read the animation of the boss.

I would argue this boss’ charge requries less reaction time compared to some other things like Rahyeh. But because this ability is not instantly telegraphed and rather comes down to reading animation its harder or people.

But you don’t need “fast” (relative to other things) reaction time. You just need to react soon enough, not when he started the charge already.

So this comes down to bosses being more thant “just” telegraphs and I think the comparison to Soulslike bosses are not too far off.

I personally still think LE’s boss design is closer to Dungeon and Raid Bosses in MMO’s (telegraphed abilities), but some of the (like Heorot in this example) have some facessts of soulslike bosses (reading animations).

I am no expert in soulslike games but I think bosses in these types of games usually don’t have telegraphs at all, its all about animation cues.

So LE is definitely not crazy with that, but some bosses do have it.

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Yeah, indicators are piss easy. But I’m really bad at reading animations that lead to a mechanic. But I’m not going to cry and act like it’s a huge problem just because I’m bad at it. People act like this is a souls game irks me to no end. Now that you told me this, I can probably practice a few times and get the mechanic down instead of reacting to the charge. See, we can all learn and get good.


I don’t know either but it’s way beyond willful ignorance, and it’s truly insufferable. But it’s admittedly also really funny to think of how hard these bingbongs would be spazzing out if they played an actual Souls-like.

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I love your optimism!