Trash boss system

If you can tell what exactly abilities are causing problem, maybe some advice can be given.
Some general advice:
1 Cap resists (void for this fight).
2 Get as much HP or ward, and armor as possible. T5 health or ward retention on all items (choose what your build focuses on), strength / increased armor and flat armor here and there.
3 Pick a movement skill that doesn’t require an enemy target.
4 See purple on the ground → run out of it.

I can see you point.

Rahyeh, The Black Sun can be frustrating as a boss, especially for how early it appears in the game’s progression.

But the difficulty is not static. Enemy modifiers can affect the boss, so this would be the first question I have for you: Did you fight the boss with active enemy modifiers?

This boss is one of the bosses that leaves you the least room for reaction and you need to act very swiftly, when the throws mechancis at you.

Having a sufficient amount of health/ward and multiple layers of defense is essential.

Having a movementskill that doesn’t requrie a target can be very useful and increase the room of error for you.

Yeah, exactly.

I don’t understand why some people talk like LE’s bosses are some insane chimera of MMO raids and Dark Souls. Orobyss can turn into a visual shitshow depending on the modifiers and the first phase of Mountain is horse ass, but that’s it. NFI what games these people are coming from where “Don’t stand in the fire” is a requirement that catches them off guard.

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As I said, the PoE fights are clean, you can clearly see each of the skills, almost all of them are preceded by speeches from the bosses, until Ultimatum there were SEVERAL builds and they did hold small errors, you would die from being hit several times, never HK, of course if you play with a glass cannon everything is dead, but tank builds were possible (and still are today) poe really lost this purpose in the idiotic attempt to kill the player so frustrated streamers could make content so the defensive builds were massacred and today the game is focused on pure damage with RARE ecessions.
-Mavem and uber Sirus were in fact the first time that PoE pushed a PURELY mechanical bos and they are horrible fights that no one normally does, they had to stick a RIDICULOUSLY broken potion in the mavem so that people would start farming because the uber mavem fight is tiring It’s the kind of fight that when I finish it I want to turn it off and not play again for about 4 months.
Proof of what I’m talking about is how Tencent has been pushing the game more and more towards uber uber items that are pushed to drop for uber boses, and more and more normal boses drop less, in this current league they are useless in terms of drop, to the point of remaking old ones like Katarina who had a wonderful fight and an incredible reward, both the potion and the diadem and the staff as well as the IS mechanics. everything was ruined to force players to farm RUIN boses and mechanics.
-making a boss in PoE (before) only took about 4 maps, and you could buy invitations, and you could get together with friends and thus take and do 100 fights in a day if you wanted. Is it possible to buy the invitation and star several to do everything at once in one weekend here in LE?

The problem for me here are:

  • Farming the boses takes too long, staking them several times is a nightmare and here the game punishes group play.
    -The movement of the boses seems out of place, sometimes it seems like they float and don’t fight against your character, so in addition to dealing with things falling out of nowhere and marks appearing on the ground, sometimes you have to go after the boses, the dragon rotates on its own axis, casting Skills that kill instantly.
    -the fights are polluted with a lot of things, lots of brands, mobs spawning out of nowhere, and NOTHING seems to be cast by the boss, they look like the mave’s fight where there are things there in the scene just for the sake of it, just to create useless difficulty.
    -defenses don’t work unless you have tons of ward.
    That’s what I see as the problems here, it’s what made me lose the desire to play. and it’s not like they’re all like that, there are a lot of fun bosses here, but the purely mechanical ones are so bad that they made me tired, after I reached high levels of corruption seeing that nothing would progress I lost the desire to repeat these tiresome mechanics for nothing.

I’m actually suprised to hear you say this, since Catarina is probably the most unfair fight PoE ever had. If it’s your first time fighting her and you haven’t checked the mechanics, you’ll certainly die 100% of the time. Because she becomes immune and it definitely isn’t clear what you have to do to progress the fight. You have a barely visible sign on screen and no idea on what to do. So you’ll likely die to the corpses as you’re trying to evade all her stuff and figure out what to do.

Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about. No build ever survived Sirus’ Meteor Maze attack until at least Harvest league. As I said before, it’s possible that with the power creep they can now. But that was not the case for the vast majority of leagues. Same applies to Elder’s nova and Shaper blast.

I’m not even talking about uber Sirus, because that was not a thing yet back then.

Again, I’m confused by this. How is it any different from PoE? In PoE you need to do the conquerors in different areas of the map (maybe that changed by now) until you can finally go after Sirus. Since it was random if a conqueror would spawn or not, it took a long time.

And I’m especially confused because if you’re doing that in a group in PoE, it only advances one of the players. You can do all conquerors, but when you get back to your map you still have to do it all over again.

Again, as I said, LE bosses were clearly created with the PoE mold. It’s not something PoE did in the last 2-3 years since Maven. It’s been there since the start. At least since chapter 10 Kitava was introduced. Not to mention the guardians, which had the exact same thing and couldn’t be tanked at first either.

The main difference is that PoE has audio signals which LE doesn’t have. And yes, the dragon animations are weird sometimes, but that’s one boss. Otherwise, in terms of design, they’re the same.

Man, Sirus’ invitation can always be bought, and getting him (playing correctly) takes about 4 maps, today it’s that or less since the maps are already specific to each guardian and the JA guardians are farmable bosses. It’s simple and you can do it whenever and as many as you want. You juggle to compare something that has no comparison. The DGs here take more time killing useless things until the boss who makes the 4 fragments famous and fights Sirus :confused:
Getting 800 progress to make a cake takes a long time, it breaks the grinding rhythm which is the SOUL of a good ARPG, Besides, here it’s not possible to take this in the form of an invitation and sell it, thus selling items that I don’t care about and buying the ones I want to make.

her fight is challenging due to the chaos damage, but I’ve never failed in one of her fights, she LITERALLY says EVERY ONE of the skills she’s using and ALL the skills (apart from the pillar) are cast by her cleanly, the debuf marks you with a CLEAR and HUGE arrow the area shines clearly. Her fight is challenging without needing a HK, 150 marks on the floor, without making you dance around for a while… you stop and fight AGAINST HER and her henchmen. not against a scenario mechanic, and as I said, with cap chaos and a pot you calmly tank everything in the fight, of course if you make a mistake you suffer damage, if you suffer several times you die, THAT is the idea of a boss fith not one, dodge everything mechanically perfect or die. This is DUMB, especially in a game where you move with the click of a mouse

I confess that I don’t know if I would tank because Sirus’ Maze and Elder’s nova are so slow and predictable that I never took one of them, but the Shaper Beam never killed me with a soft tank build, a really tanky build I almost ignore, the really fatal damage of the shaper is his Teleport Slam (which is also very slow and predictable) it doesn’t kill a tank but it does a lot of damage and can kill you in the next damage, and what kills me most in his fight is the Bullet Hell because there are a LOT of them and usually when he makes a mistake 3 or more hits you, there’s no way. As I said, HK only became standard in PoE after ultimatum and that’s terrible, whether there or here.

Did people just bring up “souls” like to this game? Seriously… LOL


Maybe it can now now that you have Maven and Uber Sirus. Up until not too long ago you couldn’t. You had to grind the conquerors. And to even get the conquerors to show up, you had to do maps in each of the 4 areas until it was finally influenced, at which point you had to do 2 more in that area so you could kill the conqueror.

Maybe they changed that for the last 2-3 years, but for many many more years, that wasn’t the case.

Maybe now it doesn’t, but it did. PoE went all the way with power creep, so I guess it didn’t make sense to keep gating the older “weaker” bosses anymore.

Again, maybe they changed it since. Just 2-3 years ago it was anything but clear.
I mean, you only have to search for “poe catarina immune” and see all the people complaining about the fight.

So… juts like LE’s bosses? Where you can tank a bunch of them and you have to avoid a few others which are so slow and predictable that you never have to take one of them?

As I pointed out, it was way before ultimatum. You just probably didn’t play back then.

Didn’t you know that whenever a game has more complexity than Tower Defense or an Idle Clicker, it’s a Souls game?


The problem isn’t the bosses, its mobility or lack therof for some classes. Example: Running around dodging 1 shots is very easy on a falconer. You have tons of mobility; mobility is what makes falconer fun. If you are a primalist, or sentinel who are not designed to be mobile, the boss fights are exponentially harder because they lack mobility. Tanks would avoid 1 shots easier if there was a way to conquer collision detection, aka - pass throu monsters.

You still can get 60% movespeed on those classes, enough to dodge most stuff. You also have movement skills. Besides, tanks can survive most of boss mechanics. For example, as a sentinel (Paladin with Healing Hands + Judgement, no ward bullshit), I can ignore and outheal most of T4 Julra mechanics, with the exception of explosion, that you shift away from, puddles on the ground, and standing directly in the beams for prolonged period of time.

Git gud.

We are getting evade in 1.1 update. That should help tanks a lot in boss fights.

I wouldn’t mind the one-shot mechanic if I could more easily re-fight the boss. The dungeons aren’t all that exciting and can take a while to run through. If I’m with a friend or two then it’s more manageable as one of us may survive if one dies. And then there’s a lack of incentive as the rewards are lackluster outside of the LP mechanic. I get so many crap uniques and the set items are almost all trash.

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I’ve been playing PoE since December 2013, with few leagues skipped and 38/40 since delve.
-Katarina was ALWAYS in the exact same fight, the only nerfs on her were on her drop: /
-Mavem and Sirus I mentioned as exceptions for having horrible fights where the biggest problem is things about the scene. However, from the beginning Sirus had the stones awake and calling his fight would be very simple. and a few leagues later they already brought fragments that are infinitely better, this game already had that as a model, it didn’t create anything, it could have taken advantage and understood that this boss progression grind is a mistake, its competitor tested and proved this.
-I researched and confirmed that yes, build tanks were ALWAYS able to deal with the damage from the maze meteor
[POE 3.17] Sirus - Meteor Maze tank (

there is NO complexity in ANY soulslike game, ALL of them can be completed in a few MINUTES, even the best of them Elder Ring can be easily beaten in 40 minutes (the record is 17) they are purely mechanical games without ANY STRATEGY OR COMPLEXITY TECHNIQUES, however they use of a VERY OLD construction strategy in games, ESSECIVE PUNISHMENT and artificial barrier to progress. When games were on cartridges this was very common, games didn’t have content so they created ways to punish the player and still make it something time consuming so until mastering the mechanics the player took much longer than the game actually had to offer, DK country is an example of a good game that used this technique.
-Soulslike games are beloved by companies because they are a SIMPLE AND CHEAP FORM OF PROGRAMMING A GAME and selling it as something difficult or challenging, but they are not, once you master their mechanics, even a goldfish can finish these games, and that’s it. I’m exaggerating, there’s a video out there where LITERALLY an aquarium goldfish resets the Elder Ring.

Let’s hope their patch schedule gets a little better. Having to wait weeks between small fixes spells doom for how much new content they can get out. In 3-6 years, we might only get 1 new zone, and a small graphical update, at this rate.

It’s weird playing some other games, and getting small updates almost daily (looking at you TL:Infinite).