Training Area to have a way to measure effective stats

I don’t think this is an highly urgent feature but it would be appreciated imho.

Currently there is no way that I know of to measure the dps of minion builds and some builds have so many conditionals that is hard to trigger everything and keep and eye on the char sheet without even mentioning that when your damage relies on debuffing others, you can’t see that anyway.

A very simple area (zoned I would say) in which there are the classic mannequin for:

  • Single target

  • Multiple target (cluster)

  • Being attacked by heavy hit

  • Being attacked by multiple light hits

And some interface that records stuff like “highest/lowest” and “average” (dps, damage taken, etc) until you reset or leave the zone.

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Would love to see this as someone who mainly plays minion builds as those are always hard to show accurate damage for.

And sure most other builds could enjoy a testing area like this to help figure out gear changes and builds.

Not a fan of “accurate” dps measurements.

This will just make the whole “play as efficient as possible” mindset worse.

A couple of different dummies, with different fixed values of HP would be enough.

This is how Marvel Heroes managed this and I highly liked that approach.
There were also dummies that shot at you to test out defense or retaliation effects.


If you don’t like the idea of a proper way of measure your stats, don’t use it.

Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t give you the right to take away the option for others to want and use it.

I don’t want to get into a discussion of what people are allowed or entitled to. But something like this will change how things are done or expected for a large part of the community.

Something like this would affect me directly.


Can you elaborate?

Guides are already being made and shared with a tool that crunch the numbers.

How are you affected by this exactly?

When concrete methods of calculating damage are convenient and prominent, it changes the community and the discussions it has significantly. It attracts more of the kind of min/maxers who are toxic and intolerant of less “serious” players whose focus is their experience of fun as opposed to the biggest numbers. It becomes the expectation that these methods will be used by everyone, all the time, for everything. People who don’t or don’t want to use them get attacked more. People get browbeat into focusing more on “the meta” with the biggest numbers than on playing a way that they enjoy. It has a huge negative effect on the discussions of builds - a build but doesn’t include The Holy Grail gets derided and dismissed, as are builds that don’t meet some arbitrary minimum level of fake numbers. People who play or think more casually about the game become less interested in participating in discussions because they’re treated like third class citizens by the loudest members of the community. The attitudes that toxic min/maxers bring with them aren’t isolated, and spill over into everything else.

Whether or not any of that is an argument against the game giving us more tools to do math is not a point I care to debate, but to say that it would have no effect on the community is very naive.


I don’t mind build guides as much, even though I also think that people coming to LE should not immediately seek out build guides, just because that is “the norm” for other similar games.
One of the greatest strengths of LE is, that you can basically make anything work pretty decently up to a certain point. And changing or respeccing afterwards is very easy.

But build guides are only a part of all of this. Having more accurate dps calculations would lead to rippling effects throughout builds guides and the meta.

I did already talk about something liek this in another thread a while ago

I totally get where you are coming from and if dps measurements were avaialble I would also use them, because I like them too. (I am also a min-maxer myself, within my own “boxes”).
But the overall negative effect on the game and community is too much of a negative to me.

If you want to compare two different setups or skills I am a big fan of the need of actually comparing them in practive and not on paper or purely on some dps numbers.

If you are testing Setup A and Setup B and you can practically not feel a difference because their actual dps is within +/-10% of each other, that is good. Because then you will most like choose to play the one, that feels better to you.

If more accurate dps were available, some people would absolutely neglact the “weaker” build and maybe not even give it a try.

It does affect me, because I am very active in the community and I want this game and the community to become a safe haven for everybody who wants to come here and just play the game.
If the overall mentality of the community drifts into a certain direction it is very hard to reverse that and new people coming to the game will get a certain vibe from it.

You can agree with me or not, I don’t mind, but having more accurate tools avaialble will change the vibe and community a lot. If that is good or bad is very subjective and that is why we are here in the forum and discussing it.


This sounds like you just wanted everyone to agree with your feedback and suggestion? Feedback and Suggestion should always get constructive criticism and other ideas. It’s how collaboration and making one person’s idea better.

I’m almost exclusively a play-by-feel kinda guy. I use the current round of Arena area dummies to just kind get an overall look at do these numbers coincide at all with how they feel in play? That’s really about all I ever need.

Others will feel different obviously and they can give feedback to this as well. Then the devs can get some idea on ‘how many players’ would like this and does that % of players warrant spending time on it.

Feeback. Suggestion.


It does not really.

I explained why I suggested such a feature, which is completely optional in how you play a game. Especially in the kind of game which doesn’t require, at any time, to play with others to be able to enjoy it, thus the “the community then becomes driven by numbers” is moot in my opinion.

At the time I asked, the only feedback was “Don’t think it’s a good idea” which is why I asked to elaborate.

Don’t put into others’ mouth what you thought they meant to say.

Whether they put DPS numbers on dummies or not, the player base will make tools to calculate DPS from stats. It might be delayed until someone puts together a good enough tool for it, but any impact from knowing exact DPS numbers will happen sooner or later. Not having DPS counters on dummies does make it much harder to tell if things are working in game as expected however.

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