DPS dummy

The idea is to create a dummy in one of the cities that will show real incoming DPS. Your opinion? Any idea to have DPS-meter ingame.

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This request has been brought up a lot of times in all kind of shapes and forms.

If I remember correctly the devs are not against having more advanced ways to test skills, but they don’t want exact dps to be available, because this will end up being the only metric a build will get measured in.

They prefer if people experiment with stuff and see what feels best.

The new area in chapter 7 where you can enter the arena already has slightly more dummies to test stuff on.

I could see this being expanded more.

I personally would not like any accurate dps to be available.
A few different dummies with fixed amount of HP, where you can measure you TTK(time to kill) would be the perfect compromise between decently accurate data without giving out exact dps numbers.

This is how marvel heroes did it and I really liked it.


TTK dummy with fixed HP and ingame timer for this encounter sounds nice.

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Only to those who can’t cope with basic maths.

While having a TTK and a actual dps number are very similar, they do have slightly different applications.

Especially in the context of “one skill” vs. “the entire rotation”

If you don’t have any way to practiacally/accurately measure the dps of a specific skill it will lead to builds as a whole getting compared, which has upsides and downsides.

Especially for builds that use a lot of buffs and debuff this is way more interesting compared to a pure dps number. Especially when you don’t have 100% uptime on everything.

Here it becomes very interesting, when there would be 3 or 4 different dummies with different amount of HP.
Let’s say one has 5 million, the next one 20 million, the next one 50 million and the biggest one has 100 million.

The same builds would have different “dps” on each of these.

Some builds might be very bursty and perform well on the smaller dummies and other builds might perform very bad on the low ones, but have great dps after a few seconds (builds with a lot of debuff and DoT’s and other ramping mechanics)

For cases like this just having a dps number as measurement is something I actually dislike.

I very much prefer the dummy TTK approach.

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I was gonna make a similar suggestion. A very simple yet quite useful implementation would be having dummies with a known health, like 100k, and print time spent in chat when this life pool is depleted. That way we can try different play styles, rotations etc and still have some idea how good it is.

As for not giving exact DPS numbers, I get the idea behind. I agree that people should check what feels best for them but there is also the fact sometimes you just want to see if something is an upgrade for you. Your gameplay doesn’t change at all and the difference isn’t big enough to tell accurately doing Monolith etc but you still want to check it. And that is where dummy would be much more useful.

Another issue with the game is, DPS tooltip is actually wrong. I am pretty sure despite the fact that my Warpath is changing ignite and bleed to time rot, DPS tooltip is still calculating them like ignite or bleed. Who knows what else is wrong there. This sort of stuff becomes an issue when you don’t know how certain mechanic works. Good luck figuring out change in numbers with Warpath that hits 6-7 times a second with time rot DoT ticks on the enemy :slight_smile: Unfortunately not all of us have time to record it and find average of numbers to figure out the change.

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Yip. Devs have directly acknowledged this. Its especially wrong when there are conditional and situational calculations that need to be factored into the calcs. Ailments, crit chance and cross skill factors can all skew the figures.

Devs have committed to fixing this as best they can (including the character sheet info) but it was all put on the backburner in favour of the Multiplayer dev. So its just a question of time before they get back to it.

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I’ve been playing Undecember since launch and it has a DPS tooltip and a DPS dummy. I have to say that 90% of meta builds (toxic flame and whirlwind) are not top dummy DPS builds. And I as always play my favorite summoner what is not meta too.
So it’s can be an real example that ingame DPS are just QoL - help in build planning and build creation.

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