Trade & Item Factions

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For your first question, yes, it works just like how you described. You would be able to trade them any item with that resonance you acquired, but they must be able to equip said item given it’s faction requirements.

For the second, I’m a little confused at what you’re asking in particular. Since you can only represent one faction at a time, you would only get the benefits of having max rank for a single faction, and equip gear from that faction. Having max rank in both factions is a good thing, but only if you plan to be switching between them, which would require you to maintain two sets of gear.

Then CoF would be so much “weaker”/worse than MG 'cause all you’d get is the rank-based buffs with no target farming while MG gets to buy the precise item you want with the affixes you want (assuming it’s been put up for sale) laughing at CoF languishing with RNG.

Trade+ prophecies would also get the benfits of both worlds, open trade + enhanced target farming (that it doesn’t need because trade). RNG/CoF needs target farming, trade doesn’t.

Strongly disagree.

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Nothing because a character can only be in one faction & benefit from it at any given time.

that was the plan, max both and have 2 set of gear. but only use the one that has better stats.
glad you can max both and that there are no limits here.

This will be the way. They will be played off against each other depending on the situation and even any particular differences in the cycle. Min maxers will always min max and squeeze as much juice out of any situation. It is going to be hilarious.

My indication is that its logical that most “trade players” from other games might not play trade in the long run.
The restrictions on trade are so severe that its only worth for basic trading.
The reason being, not able to resell, so no flipping items or crafting on it and selling it again.

This probably means less people who want to trade so less items on trade.
On top of it not everything can be traded until you are rank 10 which will be another factor of an active or inactive trade market.
I’m actually for restrictions in trade to some degree and i love SSF as well, i play both in other games. I’m afraid however that not being able to resell items is the nail in the coffin for trade.

idea for a middle ground in the trade system:
It would be sick IMO if EHG would add another crafting system which lets you have a certain amount of crafts (Forging potential for trade) that you could do an item to be able to sell it again (as a middleground restriction wise).
They already got this system so that would save some time.
I still think it would be a lot of work for them to make this work together with the restricted system they’ve build but i have the knowledge about that.

EHG could also copy a system like Fifa has. They have an maximum price range to prevent “trade abusers”. You could still flip items within that price range and snipe items which is fun for the people who like this trade game and solves some trade abuse problems.

It slowly scales the prices higher on certain items till a maximum point as well. I’m not certain how they build that but it could be an option for EHG to open up the system and restrict as well at the same time together with the idea i just proposed.

All in all i do prefer a way more restricted way of reselling items, flipping etc.
I do hope however that will be some options to craft and/or resell items since the trade
market can be a subgame in itself, even if its really restricted. I think many “real traders” from other games will be pretty disappointed with the many restrictions this system has.

I do love that SSF has a really good system which seems to be in favor of trade.
Normally its the other way around.
The only sad thing for me is that tier 6/7 exalted items will be easier to get. It already rains exalted items and i loved the drop only system and tier 7 being harder to find.
I actually had a few of those YES moments with that. This will be gone with the SSF faction. Yes i could choose to not use it probably but i want to use everything else from this system.

Anyway i liked that tier 7 exalted used to be this thing that you only could get with playing the game and it being harder to get which isn’t the case anymore.
If trade had a bit less restrictions i would also prefer trade only being able to sell tier 6 exalted item so it still had tier 7 as a drop only feature. I love that system.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that was one of the main reasons why we have trade at all, let alone an AH where you can just search for the specific item you want.

Yeah, but it’s also a slippery slope to having more/unlimited resells, 'cause you know the first thing that people would say in that instance “it’s awesome that we can resell items, but why is it limited to X?”. Also, if it’s a crafting thing you effectively convert FP into trading times, you wouldn’t be able to do it to uniques or legendaries which will be 2 of the most sought after tradeable items (this is why they’re at the top of the rank requirements).

Oh, I thought you were going to go for the most amorally toxic RMT that a developer has ever implemented.

Wouldn’t that just end up with most thimgs being posted for the maximum? It’s also not a free market (apparently this is an important concept).

Thats a fair point, it does for the people who know the value.
The thing is that they made it so that the price range at first is not to high and scales so with the game realize 1 card starts as 10 k and after a month the max buyout price could be 40/50k depending on how good the item is. I really don’t know how they did this.


True and a fair point. However now there is nothing for people who like to flip or resell.
A big part of the audience that comes from other ARPG also like that part.
I do respect and get if EHG doesn’t want it in this game, but i think on the longer term they will lose players over that. If they added a limited version for flipping i dont believe people who dont like this would leave the game and just play COF. See the difference?

Yes, and there would be constant pressure/complaints about where the limit is. It is certainly an option, whether it’s a step too far is only something the devs can say, but if they did do that, we all know that people wouldn’t be satisfied & they would want more, 'cause that’s what people do (& you can see it in the skill respec threads).

Not changing the system like it is now won’t change the fact that people will complaint about it. That’s the whole point of people being different and people liking different things.

What you basically say with this is, don’t let them change it for the sake of people asking for even more if they do. Complaining/asking for different things will happen in any situation. That’s the whole point of a forum and of discussion.
EHG wouldn’t have changed crafting if people didn’t asked for more… this changed for the good in my opinion and maybe for the bad for someone else.
Discussion shouldn’t have to stop because you or i think its in a good place for us IMO.

Trade will fail if not enough items on bazar and from what i see all streamers swarming to COF.
Only devs will know how many players go with MG.
But if you want to buy some specific item in bazar and you don’t find it for several days/weeks means trade isn’t good enough. Let’s say 3Lp Exsanguinous for example.
I will give it a shot and will see how is going but atm from the straw polls made by the streamers is like 75% COF vs 25% MG. Keep in mind the player base will be split again between HC/SF and also SSF for each of those .
Now we will wait and see what items are in the bazar and see if the trade will fall or will be good.

Yeah, that’s definitely a concern & while the devs have said that the have “many levers to pull” to balance MG & CoF, I would assume that us from an “economic” point of view. If “too many” players are enjoying CoF I’m not sure reducing the favour cost of trading or increasing the favour cost of prophecies/lenses is necessarily going to change much?

Doesn’t surprise me, prophecies/lenses are the new shiny. Or maybe that reflects how people feel about trade/not-trade.

Yes, but if you’re talking about something very rare, possibly not, perhaps the ones that have been found are too valuable to sell & are in use? Is that trade’s “fault”?

I feel like people highly undervalue the ability to buy the exact item they are looking for. And of course it relies on the market having enough players to make work, but I really don’t think that’s going to be an issue with how people have been discussing the two factions.

And I agree and reiterate your point. CoF needs a way to target farm items, while MG has the ability to buy the perfect one with little hassle. It isn’t about new mechanics and wanting to make CoF seem better, because the longer a cycle goes, the worse CoF will be if you are looking to minmax a build as opposed to MG.

The more items that flood the market, the more gold people have on average to purchase said items, why waste your time hoping to get what you want from CoF, when you can just walk down to the bazaar and buy it?


You know how rare is a mageblood or headhunter in poe is even rarer then that 3lp item i put as example and still plenty of them on the trade.
Irony is they hired a specific guy to make the trading system on this game.
Has some good parts that prevent booting but also system won’t work if players don’t choose MG.
I’m not a dev to balance MG and COF but i don’t think they see the big picture.
The player base will be split multiple times.

Personally if trade is a fail the game won’t be for me anymore.
I refuse to play a game with worst trade then d2 or no trade.

There’s 2 components to item availability in trade, rarity & the number of people doing stuff to get it (or number/frequency of attempts to get it to drop, if you will). Those items might be rarer (how much I have no idea since we don’t know exactly how rare a 3lp Exsanguinous is) but there’s way more people out there looking for them & willing to sell.

Yup, that is a definite concern.

Fair enough, but do you mean less trade (because more people go CoF) or more difficult trade (because there’s no AH & you have to meet up with the other party)?

I’d love to know how many people would go trade versus non-trade if PoE had something like CoF, assuming it’s a “viable” option to trade.

Yup, HC/SC, league/legacy & MG/CoF. As long as there are a sufficient number of players who choose MG in each of the other categories, it’ll be ok.

I’m not sure COF have a place in POE since POE is balance around trade for all the drops.

Yeah, it would have to either be restricted to SSF (ie, effectively rebalance SSF) or have CoF drops tagged as untradeable like LE does.

Still an interesting question though.

I find this an interesting mental exercise. What if these numbers are accurate across all players?

What do you do if you are EHG, and MG simply doesn’t pull enough people to work? Like, what if most of the ARPG player base just actually wanted better drop rates? Certainly the temptation must be to simply leave it as is, right? EHG really didn’t want to do trade. Doesn’t this then land them into the, “well, it’s not really broken if players don’t want it… is it?”, boat?

What if 75% if PoE people don’t actually want to trade, they are just forced into it by the game and a vocal 25%? I mean, that’s just hilarious. I don’t think it’s true, but I’m going to wet myself if it is true.


I mean. I’m one of those people who doesn’t love trade in PoE but does it out of necessity that I’d much rather not have to do. I don’t love private leagues because I can’t trade, because without trading I feel like I have nothing goin’ for me. The drops themselves don’t feel like enough most times.

So i could see this theoretical having a base in reality.

That’s not what their kickstarter says.

If your only options are shit drop rates or shit drop rates + trade, is it a surprise if there are an unknowable number of people that are on the fence about trade or don’t dislike the concept enough to go SSF so they go trade instead?

Me too. Trade in PoE to me (as someone who doesn’t play enough to get good drops) feels bad a lot of the time (not all the time, sometimes it works & sometimes it actually feels good).

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