Trade & Item Factions

Ah. I mean, yeah, he definitely gets points for actually suggesting something rather than bitching about it like the rest of us. It’s a lot harder to create than it is to tear down. Just because I don’t agree with all of his choices doesn’t mean I don’t respect him for trying.

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Oh I’m not bashing the suggestions, just that I found the delivery funny.

I do think that there needs to be some better incentives on rewards, but we do need to be careful with what they are because trading is strong and by all measures will make better builds than any amount of CoF will.

If I had one gold each time someone confuses CoF with Solo… Well, I would have so much gold, I might consider trading.


I see what you did there.

If I would have a hat, I would put it off for you


While that’s true. There is only one faction that works if you only play a Solo Self Found ladder (SSF). For me it’s either CoF SSF or MG if I want to trade.

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Yes Solo Character Found or Solo Account Found will always be CoF.

But CoF will not always be SSF or SAF. And with how people talk about CoF throwing around terminology from other games people coming from these games will not really know what CoF is all about.
And it is NOT about playing solo


Yeah, it’s just about not-trade.

So the Merchants Guild is really exciting. I’m curious if they’ve gone over the “More” button to the left of the search bar in the video for buying items.

Eventually it would be great if EHG could implement something like Torchlight:Infinite (TL:I) does with their “Price Check” tool when selling items. It basically lets you look up specific affixes on your item on the sell page itself. You just check the affixes that apply and see what other similar items are selling for. (This is a longer term feature of course).

Beyond that, I’m not super excited about a gold based auction house. I actually prefer the systems in POE and TL:I where you trade crafting mats. These mats tend not to suffer from as much inflation as gold does in markets.

Apparently a price check fuction (beyond what I mentioned in the second post) isn’t going to happen. I didn’t see the comment myself so I don’t know how hard a line it is for them.

Yeah, I’m not sure how much better using runes/glyphs for trade would be, in PoE the vast majority of items trade for chaos or divines with alchemies an honourable mention. Do glyphs/runes drop enough to be used as a currency?

Dear EHG thx for your action for the trade in ARPG.

Thx to you we will have instant buy out in POE2. And unlimited trading (including crafting mats and no bind on trade stuff).

Please take in consideration like other company to learn from their decision to have a unlimited trade in LE. (don’t mind the favor cost).

Ppl that don’t like this go COF and get over it.


And yet this is a limitation on trading. You can’t buy as much as you want because you won’t have the favour even if you have the gold.

“Respectfully”, one could say the same about no re-trading, “people that don’t like it can just play PoE and get over it”…

EHG want the primary source of item acquisition to be killing mobs, not trading (something that can’t be said for EHG), this is why there are the limitations there are. Plus there would/will need to be a lot more gold sinks in LE before the limitations could/should be loosened. PoE has the currency be sucked out of the economy via crafting, that doesn’t happen in LE.

With all do respect talking end game. Even if you find the item with the wanted prefix /suffix you still need to craft it. You go seal 1 prefix/suffix or use it for legendary making. This mean crafting. If you skip this step isn’t and end game item at that point just.
With that in mind all items in end game for min max will be crafted and not found.

Yes, but not for the reason you give. For traders, most of the min-maxed items will be bought then possibly crafted because of the low chance of getting the desired affixes at high rolls on the right base with a high roll implicit. Byt generally I’m thinking that the craftinb in that scenario will be to finish off the item rather than craft it from scratch like you can do in PoE

For a CoF player, most min-maxed items will be dropped then crafted to finish it off, presumably with more crafting because they can’t use trading to shortcut the RNG (nor, apparently, do they want to).

I think that your implication that crafting an item is somehow “not finding it” or a replacement for drops is wrong/false, since due to FP you’re limited to how much crafting you can do on it. In LE crafting is very much used to tweak or finish off an item (ignoring legendaries, obviously), doubly so given any min-maxed item would have to have at least 1 exalted affix which can’t be crafted. Unlike in PoE where you can get a white base of the appropriate ilvl & go nuts with the crafting mats to get your desired min-maxed item. That’s just not possible in LE.

I did look through this but don’t see an answer: is MG separate between a cycle and legacy? I know some people are hot for cycles but I also know more people than you think really just want to not restart their economy or characters every 3 months. Loot itemization is so much better (and varied) in LE than D4. Building your stash of unique and materials and finishing a character can take a “regular person” 6+ months. So I wonder if there will be a separate, thriving “legacy” i.e. non-cycle economy. I would like to consider moving from offline to online and what would push me there is access to the MG. Sometimes you can just be permanently unlucky and never get the idols you need or that one build defining unique. Of course, like many people, I am torn about trading undermining the rush you get when that items finally DOES drop.

Yes. Factions follow the same “rules” as the stash. If your characters can access the same stash then they will be working towards the same faction rep.

I’m gonna buy a 4lp of every unique in the game and nobody can stop me!

Hey first, Nice work, it looks promising. It shows that you care and put heart into your game. To be honest I didn’t read all the comments/answers in the blog. But one thing concern me.

The gameplay around : I want to go with the merchant guild but it seems that it is less supplied than the other faction and a little less fair. Like CoF having lenses added to the pool, prophecies are basically more ways to play and enjoy. Merchants have only shops and that is all, i would have liked to have a particular item like runes, something using gold in forge with the item (with a rank giving more gold) something like that . I don’t mind if Cof has better loot and I think it is the core of it but the number looks really high to me, especially T4 T7. Maybe i’m missing something and feel free to correct me if so

The premise is that you’ll be able to buy your loot from other players, so if the specific thing you’re looking for is available you can buy it regardless of whether the seller is online or not & you don’t have to meet them so it doesn’t matter whether they are otherwise occupied or not. I’m not sure what’s “less fair” given the potential to buy the exact item you need. While CoF players are still shackled to the vicissitudes of fate RNG, albeit with ways to slant the odds, they can still be fucked over by RNG.

You can also trade face to face with any other MG player if the RMT whim strikes you, or you want to “trade” an item to another MG player for 1 gold 'cause you’re nice (without the RMT happening outside the game).

I’d also think that because trade takes you outside of the main game loop (killing mobs) that it’s probably more challenging to come up with gameplay-based “things” for it (like the lenses).

What would it do? Have a higher chance of giving a better roll?

Thank you for your answers. When I talked about “less fair” I was talking about the content or the way you obtain an item. On the one hand you are right, if we take the possibility of buying the item we want then yes MG is “stronger”. But let’s think about it, if I want such an item. Firstly, someone must loot it, secondly, the person must not use it (for him or his other characters) and lastly, Litem must have the right stats.

The way I see things, with 1.0 the loot is x2 with CoF (don’t take the x2 value literally) and “Vanilla”/beta loot for MG = same odds. So I imagined something x2 for MG. Like having other vendors, a ring seller, another one-handed weapon seller, etc. item always random using the reputation gained in events. Basically another way to get RNG. and don’t wait for an item to appear once every 2 weeks in the bazaar

Yes something like that, a single use rune that can give a better roll, a rune of refinement++ but by writing this i see that is not a good idea because it destroys the usefulness of the rune of refinement so instead because we are vendors after all (in MG) a rune to put a name on it with no forge cost. This item was forged by “name”

BTW as a side note: It’s nice how things ended up from free trade, to no trade to what we have right now. More so considering that other Hack and Slash developers overthink their systems in place because they think EHG did something intresting.

It was along way untill we’ve been here but the result is nice and something that hopefully sets a trend for future games. Just wanted to lift my imgainary hat and call this a job very well done.