Trade & Item Factions

Is it possible to see what rank and which faction another player is?

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so you wanted that item for yourself or flip it lol ? :smiley:


You’re buying items to use, not sell.


To prevent item flipping, market manipulation, monopolies, and prevent progressing just by sitting in town (in combination with Favor requirements); We want the main way to progress in Last Epoch to be getting out there and killing enemies.


Good question! I would like to be able to see that as well.

Not rank, but the player’s faction is shown as an icon next to their name above their heads.


Thank you sir!

the whole system is much more than I’d expected. I see the nice UI and see how much effort and thoght has been put into this faction feature. Thanks a lot for your hard work! Hope the 1.0 release will go smooth.

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So glad they are trying make both camps happy. COF for me sounds way more fun though.


Those are all good reasons. My perspective is if I invest a lot of time and gold into a character, I should be able to get some gold back in the market to reinvest in a new character.

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Well done, guys. Looks fantastic! I backed you guys on Kickstarter, but really haven’t played very much, but will be when 1.0 launches. Looking forward to these changes and the future of Last Epoch.

I would have liked to have seen very rare affix shards (like level of skele mages) also to have been tradable, but I am likely in the minority there. Otherwise, it looks very interesting!

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Thank you very much for this, guys.
CoF looks fuckin’ sick.

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still can be traded as an item with such an affix

CoF Rank 9 (Whole Set) seems like a completely dead rank. Sure, it’s funny the first time you don’t own the set already (by rank 9 you probably should, also given 45% RoA retention) and even if you lack most sets… Sets are mostly just not in a good spot right now.
Either sets are given a rework and are more sought after or I would put the whole set idea right at rank 2-5 somewhere, if not remove it outright.


This look awesome on paper! Looking forward to how plays out.

Keep the excellent work!

supposedly they will be getting one at some point

Please show the stall UI behind the MORE button.
From what I see, stall is pretty good for buying items. The only issue I see is searching for uniques by subtype. For example there are 5 different unique iron greaves. You can still find them by item requirement, but wouldn’t be better to just add proper unique names for the unique item type?
I guess there won’t be any possibility to filter unique modifier rolls? For example, if I need Prismatic Gaze with good crit roll, do I have to read though all the listings? And to randomly search through pages after sorting by the price?
As for selling, price checking will be a nightmare. Memorizing all unique prices with all LP levels and rolls and all exalted affixes on all bases is not realistic. If I’m not sure about the price, I must go to the specific stall, and manually set all the filters, for every single item. That slot with equipped item is good when buying to compare with current gear, I would like to have one more slot, where I can put an item from the inventory or stash, and then be able to click on mods I’m interested in (item type, LP, FP, affixes, unique name and unique mod roll range) to search using them. Ideally I would like to have a price check tool always available, just like forge (not the whole buy/sell UI, leave that for the bazaar, just the price check!). Make a good price check tool yourself, that’s totally achievable with a few tweaks into the presented UI. Noone wants a 3rd party tool.
One more thing I’d like to have, is a button to change item price. Or even better a button to make a discount, so I can lower the price for many listed items fast. Or even a bulk discount for all listed items. Does unlisting give back the whole listing favor cost?

What if I combine bought exalted/unique item into a legendary, will I be able to sell that legendary? That’s a new item technically, but I guess not.

Isn’t that too much? Making 25% of rares into exalts, that’s too juicy.

I would definitely prefer trading, but with current implementation, it’s too much of UI micromanagement and traveling between zones/stalls to price check. I’m seriously considering doing some prophecies, while occasionally resonating with friends. The Observatory location and telescope UI are magnificent, great job.

WOW :partying_face::partying_face: great Frankly, a major revolution in the world of commerce within games ARPG…I can’t wait for a day 21 February :star_struck:


I know I am mean, I love that people usually rushing into monos will now have to go all the way to the end of the campaign to get their faction.

Well done, the Circle of Fortune looks very very cool. :+1:
(And probably the Merchant Guild as well, but I won’t use it so I haven’t really read it).