Trade & Item Factions

I don’t think I was the one that brought it up - I was talking about how trade is inherently insanely powerful and how CoF has to compete with it. Nothing I have said so far is about SSF balance, you can play CoF without doing SSF.

Just because CoF is the only playable option in SSF does not mean all discussion about CoF is referring to SSF - also some people play in offline mode, for which they have to choose CoF even if they didn’t pick SSF.

I have no idea where you though that me saying “I Think I am OVERESTIMATING the value of CoF and UNDERESTIMATING trade.” had anything to do with my opinion on SSF., I have not even stated my opinion on SSF anywhere here.

Sick!!! im soo happy to hear that CoF will be available offline as well.

I know, but an awful lot of people (not saying that’s you) appear to be conflating CoF with SSF though.


Where will my life ever find meaning?

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Not really, its just a bit ironic.
They’ve kinda twisted the trade faction into a pretzel trying to avoid it, but some of the things they’ve done actually encourage it.

The steps taken to avoid RMT are far fewer than it would seem. Almost everything is as it would be if it were magically somehow impossible to RMT.

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Hype. Let’s go boyschhhh!

If a group of friends all play MG, they don’t necessarily resonance to “gift” items to each other - the “gifter” could instead tell the friend exactly what the item has, list it for 1 gold while the friend prepares a search and immediately buys it. This does of course require favor and the appropriate MG rank from both but it does mean MG friends can “gift” items a little more freely than CoF players.
It’s probably not very important because this would only save the “giftee” the gold they’d otherwise pay (if they bought an item from a random person) and favor is likely more valuable/important, but just wanted to put that thought out there :slight_smile:

There is no need for all of that shenanigans.
Direct player to player trade (with the same restrictions as listing it at the bazaar) is available.

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I love it. You solved all the issues I have with the “friction” based trading torture chamber of some other ARPG which also makes SSF just another HC mode.

I will do CoF exclusively, probably in offline mode for zero lag.

However, I feel like MG will be mostly DoA, because a non-Wolf of Wallstreet-trading that isn’t strictly required for high end builds is probably not 50% attractive.

In this other “friction based” ARPG trade is done mostly because drop rates ar abysmally low and 100% of build guides call for really high end items for full potential.

Some also clearly love the “Jordan Belfort”-feeling “over there” as soon as their first, ahem, “device used to reflect images back” drops, but I think there is a certain distortion at play here.

MG would really need to come with its own perks to be viable given how lovely CoF sounds.

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What do you think encourage rmt?

In that scenario they could just sell it directly, no need to put it via the AH. It would still require favour & the traded item would still get the faction tag.

@navigator4223 no need to be coy/cute, you can mention PoE.

Can’t wait, keep up the good work! :muscle:

The big problem i see is when a player undercuts on AH all the player that list item lose favors.

Delisting an item from AH will cause lots of favor lost.
I see a big issue if not address properly.

Only if they choose to delist & relist their item, which is not necessarily going to happen. If they just list an item then forget about it, it won’t be a problem (until they go back to check on the item to see why it hasn’t sold). If they’re spamming the refresh button wondering why the item hasn’t sold in the few seconds since it was listed/last time they checked (ie, they want to play the AH more than they want to play the game) then yes, it’d be a problem.

Some options the devs could do:

  • Reduce the favour cost to list so the loss is also reduced. Doesn’t actually change anything but makes the actual loss if a player decides to relist a smaller problem. This also makes it cheaper to list items so players are more likely to list more items so there’s a larger pool of items for a buyer to potentially buy which makes an actual trade more likely to happen.
  • Give a partial refund but then reduce the amount of reputation you gain from listing an item (since you’re now spending less favour to get the same amount of rep for each listing).
  • Players learn self-control.

if an item is valued at lets say 100 as a nice round number.

and I list said item for 95, my item will sell instantly, and the people who have theirs listed at say 99 will be bought first etc. if the demand for the item is enough to get people to buy it at 100 it will sell.

if you list your item at 100 and it never sells because of “undercutting” that is not undercutting, that is simply the item isnt actually worth 100. if all the ones listed at the “correct non undercut value” never sell, then they are actually just not understanding the market mechanics and should be more competitive with their pricing in the future.


True, all that.

The effect is called “invisible hand of the market” and is a VERY powerful concept, that works in real life as well. As long as people trust it.

It just occured to me that, as the choice comes at the very end of the campaign, and I don’t really play endgame, I will probably never see the highest ranks of any faction.
Looking at the details of each faction, CoF first few levels look very strong, while MG feels quite useless until high ranks.
Yet one more reason to go CoF!

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Out of curiosity, why do you don’t play that much after the campaign?

I personally feel like the Time when you hit Monolith and the first few timelines are the most exciting from a progression standpoint.
The time it takes to level up significantly decreases once you hit mono’s and the levels between 55 and 75 go by really really fast with lots of progression boost constantly unlocking new stuff, getting new endgame viable base types etc.

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Not quite after the campaign, more like after the normal monos.
Once I know my build is good enough to do a few empowered, and my character is around level 80, I feel like I am not progressing anymore. Interesting item drops become super-rare, the extra few passive don’t change my character much, and he/she has already killed all the bosses at least once.
It feels like the job is done, time for a new younger character to try their luck!

I agree that normal monos are a good progression rate.

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Ok, then your initial statement sounded much more drastic.

I think if you at least play normal mono’s through you should get to experience a large portion of the factions.

Maybe it will take you a few characters to go into the Rank 8, 9 and 10.