Trade & Item Factions

You can have very low droprates at the start of the league, and then inflate them every week. Trade would still be powerful on a relative basis, but inflation in droprates in an ARPG economy would function somewhat similarly to healthily low levels of inflation in the real economy, keeps the wheel greased.

So excited! Cant wait for 1.0 :slight_smile: Great job on the game and the system!

Sorry if this has already been answered, but is this system going to be implemented in the permanent server? and if so, what will happen to existing items? are they going to be marked?
Also, is there going to be a COF ladder and MG ladder in the same server? Or will there be a separate SSF server like we have now?

Thanks :slight_smile:

There is a lot of ongoing confusion, due to PoE brainwashing and people mistakenly writing SSF when they actually mean CoF. So let’s be very clear:
CoF has nothing to do with SSF. Those are two completely different things.
You can group while being CoF. You can exchange items with people you group with. You share the same stash and server as your other characters. This is not solo.

And yes, the system will exist online, offline, in cycles, in legacy, softcore, hardcore, standard, SSF… Everywhere.

Edit: as for ladders, I don’t see why there would be different ones. I am not sure on that point, but I always assumed CoF and MG would share the same ladders. I think they should, it would be interesting to see who gets higher.


Yes and no. Gold im D2 is technically worth SOMETHING, but it’s not very desirable. In PoE, currency has a built-in crafting function.

Gold in LE feels closer to D2.

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awesome :smiley: cant await it.

but pleaaaasseeee fix the long loading screens with 1.0 for groupplay

What built-in crafting function do your dollars have?

Find me the list of daily survival basic needs gold is meeting in-game. This has to be the most asinine question I’ve been asked in the last 3 years, and I’ve been tutoring some seriously confused college students. And bold of you to assume I think currencies have any built-in value.


I agree, the MG rank bonuses are less interesting than the CoF bonuses, however, I think they’d be even less interesting if you had several things unlock then nothing for several ranks (which is where the putative other bonuses come in).

They do. You need to unlock the ranks again if you start a season character in subsequent seasons. However since seasonal content is going to be available to both seasonal & standard characters, you have the option of just not creating a season character. The downside to that is that you wouldn’t be able to play with season characters or place on the season leaderboards.

And yet some people actually enjoy SSF. Clearly theyre doing it wrong. Just think of all the profit that they’re giving up!!!1

It sounds like you’d enjoy MG a lot more than CoF, so you should probably go that route.

Well, there is a limit to how much faction rep one can get in a 24 hour period. Plus I’m assuming you’re only considering the Master Race gamers that will be playing Seasons, not the dirty ScrubCore gamers who play standard?


Nothing, until they get traded, then they get the MG tag.

Have you never tried to make a house of cards with notes?

But yes, what Noxious said.

hot air?

Maybe this will clear things up. The currency they were talking about is in game currency, not real world money.

PoE currency items each have a crafting function which puts a relative value of the currency compared to the value it can generate by using it.

We really wanted to avoid this situation. We think it works great for PoE but with our different trade system, it wouldn’t go as well.


SSF is a challenge that specifically involves giving up the advantages of trade and the ability to farm it via another character.

The POINT of SSF is that it is harder to get gear.

CoF doesn’t prevent putting the gear in stash for another character, so it isn’t true SSF

I think you are making a mistake personally - as the current state of gold will lead to massive inflation if trade works on gold specifically. There just aren’t enough sinks outside of trade.

PoE trade works more because everything has a currency sink then because specifically people are trading crafting currency.

We kind of need a gold sink that everyone wants to use at around monos level, maybe a mechanic that lets you dump smaller amounts of gold to improve monos or something that occurs in monos that gives its reward if you spend gold(like how the experimental mages show up sometimes). I say this because people are not going to go the mountain all that often, even if they have the gold for it, as it involves stopping doing monos(and they will want the mountain to take 5-10 mil gold first, just to push the rewards up to the max).

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SSF is a term used (afaik) only in PoE, where it is a different league, in which you cannot group nor trade, but can have as many characters as you want, sharing a stash.

Unlike PoE, LE in offline mode does have a SOLO challenge, with no shared stash. In online mode, The account-found challenge works like PoE’s SSF (shared stash).
I am not sure what you mean by “true SSF”, or in which game you saw that.

But strangely, you used wrong premises to reach the right conclusion: CoF is not meant to be SSF. Because you can still group, not because you share a stash.

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While I agree that LE needs 2 or 3 more gold sinks, so Gold is not only for a few stash tabs early on any maybe the occasional Lightless Arbor.

I haveto very strongly agree with Mike, that I really like that they don’t want to make the currency for trading something that has use cases for crafting gear.
This will lead to new players not wanting to spend their crafting mats because they can just buy what they need anyway soon enough. And when they ask if they should spend it or not people will give them answers like: “Nah don’t spend it, use it to buy your gear”.

This will lead to crafting feeling punishing if your are not 100% doing it perfectly and it will mean that a great majority of the community will not even want to interact with one of the systems, that makes LE stand out from others.

As Mike said, the way PoE handles trade (in terms of currency used) is great, but that doesn’t mean every other game need to do the same.


Just a though for the player that is using the MG to undercut and cost favor lost for the rest of ppl?

Did you ever think to the full extend cause isn’t free to list and delist items?

Also for me COF look like poe with atlas passive while MG is like naked game without atlas passive. I guess you cater to SSF ppl.

That really is not the case.

Prophecies are not “other game modes”. There are only very limited “game modes” in LE, namely Arena, MoF, Dungeons and Campaign. With the prophecies they just want you to do specific tasks in specific game mdoes that you would play anyway.
It is not really compareable to PoE, because in PoE you have chances for specific pieces of content to spawn in your regular “game mode” (aka mapping).
Prophecies just reawrds you for playing the game, they don’t unlock or give you access to something new and you are still spinning the wheel with thes.

In MG you do nto have to spin the wheel and can buy what ever you want by the press of a button, after you played the same content as a CoF player did too.


lol, thanks mike, but no there seems to be some sort of strange misconception emerging in various forums that because PoE currencies have crafting functions, LE will be somehow substandard for using gold
the comparison to irl money was brought in by me, as a reality check

go check it out for yourself if you want to read some really weird stuff

and clearly what you’re really really trying to avoid is in fact people trading with irl money, lol

Which unfortunately is inevitable if there is any way to connect buyer and seller in meat space. EHG can only use their switches levers and gates to try and keep it to a minimum. However, the fact that you can at all will serve to put considerable pressure from bad actors to find any way possible to break past those limitations. Hoping for the best but the Zork player in me is not to hopeful.

Indeed, CoF has absolutely nothing to do with SSF in the slightest, the devs have never said it’s SSF or implied it’s related to SSF. Just because it’s not trade doesn’t mean people have to automatically assume that it’s a)for SSF/offline & b)worse. Maybe, and you might want to sit down for this one, it’s fun.

Yeah, this is true. Trade “works” in PoE without massive inflation because people are constantly taking the currency out of the system by using it to craft. LE needs a lot more gold sinks than just stash tabs & the dungeon.

Funny that. Do you think that RMT-ing is a good thing? 'Cause I don’t get the lol at the end.