Trade development update - Introducing merchants guild and circle of fortune factions

It’s really interesting, we’re getting quite a few people suggesting that MG is going to completely eclipse CoF.

We’re seeing a similar number of people suggesting that CoF is going to completely eclipse MG.

I don’t think that it’s an easy thing to predict really given how big the changes are from what we already have. In order to improve the quality of CoF drops, we are introducing the Prophecy system. It’s not gone into detail on in the main post but essentially it will be a Favour sink that will allow you to influence your drops so you can more easily target specific items.

We also have several dials that we can turn for both factions which will adjust their relative power. Chief among them is simply the Favour costs of everything. CoF falling way behind? Prophecies 50% off, get 'em while they’re hot! (Disclaimer: just a random example, not an exact action that will necessarily be taken)

It is going to be tough to balance the system. I think we’ve put enough different ways we can adjust their relative power that we should be able to get them in a similar spot.


I can’t agree sorry. For me fun is more important

I could be wrong about this one and it will be subject to change but I think it has to be multiplicative in order to be a consistent relative power to MG.

I missed a few small points regarding the MG

  • You cant trade uniques until Rank 4
  • ‘Set items cost less favour’ so items cost favour to buy/sell according to that

So you cant trade uniques freely right away and they cost points to sell/buy, so even if you had infinite gold it appears you are gated by another system anyway, and you cant apparently ever trade LP uniques or exalted armor? Unknown how long Rank4 would take, not many people enjoy being locked from a system due a rank level. Obviously this is subject to change

I can imagine someone running out of points and seeing another item for sale and cant afford it, have to go do some quest for more favour, come back and the item is sold

I think there is an issue with allowing trade in general and then restricting it by means other than your financial wealth, I truly believe the power should be solely in the players hands to do what they want if they can

Personally after hearing this proposal I just want it to be a permanent choice when you choose your class you can go CoF/MG permanently and just unrestrict MGs trade to not have all these conditions attached

Please realize that there are lots of players who like organically finding items and not just go and buy them even if it is less efficient. And with the new Rank system the gap between the two faction is not that huge.

I understand the pull to try and draw conclusions from the limited set of early details regarding balance but please be careful with the assumptions and read the whole post for more information (including the FAQ).

The lack of rank explicitly stating that you can trade LP uniques doesn’t imply that it won’t exist (it will). The FAQ talks about being able to trade items all the way up to and including Legendaries. Each Faction will have 10 ranks. At max MG rank, all types of equipable items will be tradable at the Bazaar.

I understand the desire for open trade but in order to accomplish our goal of not splitting the community and allowing people to play together regardless of the selected faction, we need to be able to balance the relative power of each. Even if you couldn’t play together, we would need to be able to balance the relative power. This means that we need to have dials on both sides of the equation. So, we are going to keep the limiters on trade.


Wow, this solution seems awesome. Kudos to you guys for finding a middle ground.

:wave: Here’s one

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We’ve been waiting for this update since we bought this game back in 2020. Thanks for bringing us a new multiplayer/trade experience. EHG, keep in mind you cant satisfy everyone’s needs. gg!

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isn’t it the same thing as saying ‘I want that node on the skill tree right away because that would make levelling so much faster and more fun’? The way you earn ranks and gain more options for trading is how the devs see the faction progress for your character. It is a part of the gameplay.

I really find this confusing. Lets say the drop rates are slashed by 90% gold increased by 2000% would you still solo or would you buy? Conversely if it cost you 2 Million gold just to open the trade window once, would you trade? I mean its a lot more delicate a balance then I like X so I am going to do it.

I can’t speak for them but I suspect that the implication is that if the two options are roughly in the same ballpark of balance but if finding items was moderately worse, they would not use the trade system even if it was available.


Neither. I just wouldn’t play at all.

I am really stunned with this design you came up with, EHG. You continue to surprise me, in a very good way :grinning:

This solution really shines in letting both ways of playing open, even with the freedom to taste a bit of both if ever we wanted to. Making them cohabit using this faction system is quite innovative.

And even if I’m maybe more aligned with CoF, I can’t wait to test both of them, this is certain !

Impressive and smart, as always ! :sunglasses:

I am very fan of the direction LE takes, and the fact that you continue to take all of your community feedback into account in your decisions ! Keep it that way :+1:

*edit: typo


Hmm not really anything alike since unique have level requirements so you are gated from that anyway but if you feel arbitrary restrictions are good thats your opinion but if you are making a new character you are either 1. restarting from nothing 2. have the means to be twinked

If 1. is happening not really sure the gain of restricting low level players from engaging in trading low level uniques, then all that happens is newer players dont learn it, seasoned players will then hoard uniques to saturate the bazaar the moment they can trade

If 2. you wont need trade anyway since you can hoard your own leveling uniques

why are you bringing up unrealistic assumptions? just not point rly.


when you reach the pointt in game when you do need very rare legendaries or uniques with LP you will have the required ranks. That is my guess

Right, I get it you enjoy finding your items, not trying to take that away from you. However your statement operates that both are viable, and I see similar statements but people often forget about the viable part. Getting these two opposing forces to work together and towards balance is a lot of delicate work, that was the point I wanted to make.

A lot of people can look at a system, that is not balanced, and put aside personal preference. Like most things the devil is in the details.

I wanted to add, because tone can get lost online, this is not a dig or an aggressive attack. I was just trying to use the extremes to highlight my point.

I don’t think it is possible to absolutely balance those two factions and that was not the goal for the devs. But adjustments and tweaks to the system are certain to come with patches.

That was a general statement and not a reference to anything here beyond the principle of the post, nevermind I will work on my English and try again next time.

I love that system cause it creates the one thing I was missing in other game trading design, an advantage for “no trade” players. Instead of nerfing the loot system, you provide a compensation and I believe that’s very clever and positive so all types of players can get the system they prefer for the game.

I think that’s a very good middle ground that will probably get updated with time but that’s a solid base to start with.
I’m happy for the people who enjoys trading to be able to have fun their own way, and I’m glad I’ll be rewarded for going the hard way :slight_smile: