Titan Heart Hit Box Bugged

The Titan Heart Hit box for the Titan boss fight in Lightless Arbor dungeon is severely bugged. It is almost impossible to get a hit to register when fighting the boss. If the boss didn’t have adds to bounce AOE off of I don’t think I could have downed it. You can see the issues in the video below at 1:25 onward.

As seen in the video I am running around constantly mashing forge strike and rive but my character is doing nothing but running their face into the boss. Something has been off about the attack targeting of skills for awhile now. It seems to have cropped up ever since attacking while standing still was changed, and ability canceling got taken away. Inability to use skills happens a moderate amount of time against large bosses in LE in general, but never to the extent that I’ve faced against the Titan Heart.

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