This is getting ridiculus - getting legendaries


I am so tired of trying to get an affix on LP1 item that I need, current system is not fun at all. I have tried 20+ times so far and I am never getting an affix that I need and thank god I can atleast buy the unique item, I cannot image the time it would take if I would try to farm it.
Each try is about 1hr or so, as I need to:

  • farm favour (around 15k per try)
  • buy the items for crafing (unique + affix)
  • find my way trough temporal sanctum (annoying most of the times)
  • beat the boss (sometimes I can bug out between teleporting with D, so I have to restart).

In summary, I have wasted 20hrs so far and I still cannot get the stat I need on ONE ITEM, I have to do this on more. How is this a fun design? How am I supposed to try different builds and classes between seasons where it is nearly impossible to get near the max with single character? I am not even mentioning trying to push for higher corruption. Please change this system as it is bad.



Random number generation happened in a game built around a random loot system. I took it personally.



BINGO! :smiley:


Be nice. It’s his first post here.

This is a really common complaint, besides. He’s in good company.


There’s a couple things worth noting here:

  1. Players hear a lot that they can “target farm” so that’s probably why they think they can and get frustrated when they can’t. [I personally don’t care that much, i am happy to run around with garbage gear that I found. But obviously it would be nice to find better stuff or have it feel less like a job.]
  2. There are a lot of players who get to this part of the game and then quit. So this issue might be kind of important if you want to sell more games or have them come back for new content down the road.

That doesn’t mean it’s a valid one.

Basic forum etiquette in any forum is to search first. You’re right, it’s a common complaint. Which is why there are a lot of threads about this already, some of them very recent. There really was no need for another one.
Anyway, it was nice since I got bingo. Now to start a new card. It’s been over 24h since a new respec thread opened, so I’m going with that one. :rofl:


I can clearly see that etiquette is a foreign word to you, not just on forums. Along with a few others, but I don’t stoop down so low as you.

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It’s ok. I’ll just stop replying to you and let your fragile ego think it’s because you won and not because you don’t have anything intelligent to say. Have fun with your echo chamber box.

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Having one thread with 200 posts about a specific topic is way better and more enjoyable for everyone else.

Having 200 threads about the same or similar topics is just make the forum unwieldy and less enjoyable.

Technically there is a rule for not posting duplicate threads, but it doesn’t get enforced at all, because from EHG’s side its better if people give feedback at all, then not at all, evne if the delivery is not ideal.

If people have authority or not doesn’t change the fact, when they give you valueable advice and you insult them. That doesn’t make you look good and makes every point you make even weaker.


For one, because it’s fundamentally rude to make redundant posts saying the same thing as others that already exist, as though your version of the same opinion(s) featured in the existing threads is so unique and important that it needs more attention and visibility.

For two, because it’s annoying to have to mute every new thread with the same overblown complaining over and over and over. It clutters up the feed and makes it harder to see the ones that are actually worth reading because they aren’t whinge-fests about non-problems and/or entitlement.

Rage out as much as you want. Nobody’s going to stop chastising posters who rudely, selfishly, and arrogantly make new posts instead of just adding to existing ones.

I get where you are coming from but at 43, I also railed against people creating redundant threads for quite sometime. It became obvious to me that this is not a lil trend and it’s the way things are now. At this point, still trying to police this sort of thing actually makes you look worse than the OP to me.

To be fair, I wish I existed in your idealized reality where this wasn’t a thing but it’s not going away any time soon. It’s the new normal. Continuing to try to police it just seems… off.

To OP:

I am mixed on your point. As said, it has been brought up. Some (obviously) outright dismiss it as an issue and for some, it is a very large issue. I am still trying to decide for myself. I think I am starting to lean towards having a lil more control over what gets passed on to a unique item as RNG has been against me and in about 10 attempts so far, I have NEVER had the most desirable trait move over plus I am on day 11 of trying to target farm even ONE unique item with an LP to likely result in the usual failure.

I hear you. I am starting to lean towards your position but I have also lost interest in games where they make things too easy so am still making up my mind.


It’s obvious the system is not fair and fun. The only people that like the current crafting legendary system are the ones with 400+ hours of gametime. If they don’t change this, i reckon LE will just become a Niche game with a small fanbase of for Hardcore (in time spent) gamers. Its fine actually… Wolcen still exists rolls eyes .

On topic, I believe drop rates should be readjusted to account for Eternity cache.

Provided that each affix is weighted equally for the slam (25%), the chance of that happening is less than 0.32%.

I gave up at 7 misses (13%).

Might be a coincidence but I feel like Eternity Cache is either bugged or favors lower tier of affixes.

In fact, this is as much in conflict with the rules of the forum as “Creating duplicate threads.” It’s under “Spamming the forum” paragraph.

No, he didn’t take it personally that rng exists. Just like me and many others, he has a problem with how it is adjusted.

Do you believe that there is no limit to how rare items should be in a loot based game? If not, then why can’t you acknowledge that some people might have a problem with the current limit?


You’ll never win with that DJ guy. That’s his thing. He replies to everyone’s posts saying “this topic already exists. It’s forum etiquette to search for said topic.” If he was a decent human being he would just ignore these posts and move on, or speaking of forum etiquette his replies would be on topic.

I don’t think he realizes that people are allowed to create topics on the forums. That’s why they exist. If not the devs wouldn’t allow new topics and we would only be able to reply to dev created ones.

So it’s better to flag him as trolling and ignore him. Don’t fight a troll.


I had 6 misses, but I hit the 7th time. It was annoying and the problem is that I have bought out the whole auction house of necessary exalts, more than 60 amulets, lots of them bricked during craft, I only had 7 attempts total.

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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 28 hours.

Maybe people should temper their expectations. At least I wouldn’t get steaming mad about missing a 25% chance that I walked myself into. I would never slam a great exalted item onto a 1 LP item, not unless it’s a unique that is impossible to get 2 LP+, and even then I would still try to get a 2 LP item before slamming them. I would use faulty exalted items (only 1 affix I want) on a 1 LP item. If it hits, great. If not, no loss to me. Perhaps your strategy and expectations are ridiculous, not the system.

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I agree with the OP. I play SF. I have one 99 level warlock. One 71 level Falconer. And one 85 Runemaster. I have a total of 1 ring LP4. 1 Chest LP3. And 2 LP2 weapons. None of which are useful for the classes I play. I have quit trying to slam/upgrade the gear I have. They need to up the chances of LP3 and LP4.