This is getting ridiculus - getting legendaries

Poor you, having to expend your precious energy muting threads you’re not going to read anyway.

The main question becomes: why is that one affix so important that a person NEEDS that particular affix or else feel terrible? Uniques were originally designed to provide the necessary bonuses, with the LP affixes nothing more than a cool bonus. Having 3 useful affixes and then bricking the item with the 1 useless affix is annoying and will make people feel terrible, no matter the odds, but what happened to “okay this affix isn’t the one I wanted, but it provides enough use that I can at least work around it?”


Yes it kinda is a people problem, not a system problem. For a lot. Of people things like that are always back and white. Either it is a hit or a miss, nothing in between.

And while there are scenarios where a unique only becomes a upgrade to a rare/exalted with the right one specific affix. This is generally not the case and any affix on the unique is just a bonus.

People literally talk about “bricking their items” when their 2LP twisted heart didn’t get the right affixes. That is just hyperbole. If the exalted item used didn’t had at least all somewhat useful affixes that is a player mistake, not the system. And while it can be disappointing when not the bestaffixes were transfered, that doesn’t “brick” the item or makes it any worse.


You can try with PoE… the itemization there is so smooth and easy.

Have you tried buying a 2LP or 3LP instead? Much higher chances of getting the affix you need…

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I can never understand why people think anything less than having perfectly rolled best in slot items on every slot is trash. Uniques are the build enablers not the affixes you can slam into them.

It’s a shame so many people came over from Diablo 4, and by extension Diablo 3. I remember the last time I played D3 was when I finished leveling through the campaign, I was given an entire class set for my class. I said, “well guess I beat the game” and was done.


I understand both sides. I’ve had good luck and bad luck with crafting legendaries. That said, the combination of the various RNG roll makes it frustrating beyond measure sometimes.

RNG needs to line up the following:

Getting the Unique item to drop
Getting, usable \ meaningful affixes
Getting at least 1 LP, let alone multiple LP


Getting the Exalted item to drop
Getting, usable \ meaningful affixes on it


Hoping the cache brings over the Affix you need or
Hoping the cache brings over a useful affix

Trying to get all those items to line up on even a single item feels impossible for anyone who doesn’t play 15-20 hours a week. Note I said feels, not is. Unfortunately, many games and companies make their money by selling games that feel good to the casual players.

There will always be elitists and technical folks who understand the nuts and bolts, but I don’t think that is the majority, obviously I could be wrong.

Not every poster is experienced in forum etiquette, and while searching should take place, new folks sometimes just come here frustrated and need to vent.

And just like those new folks who should search, their experienced members who COULD simply skip the thread instead of posting a sarcastic or rude comment,

Again, perhaps those folks are frustrated as well, I get it, but I find it easier to skip threads or any given user’s comments than waste time on it.


Hopefully they implement a system not tied behind a dungeon or put a waypoint in it so you won’t have to trudge thru mud every single time just to take a tiny chance at a decent upgrade…

But that just begs the question why a complaint is so common…

Not really.

For example, I’m less likely to engage in a thread with 200+ posts than one with only ~20. I can read through and respond to 20 posts; 200 is going to take hours and I have other things to do. As such, large megathreads actually reduce engagement. Assuming I’m not the only person who feels this way, it may actually be better for engagement and feedback to allow multiple threads on the same topic within reason.

Also, many threads on topics are old, as in, pre-1.0, and contents therein may no longer be relevant due to game updates.

Also also, posting in a thread that is rather old runs the risk of breaching that other forum etiquette: thread necromancy. :sweat_smile:

True; I experienced this on the D4 forums when the infamous 1.1 patch released. 9/10 threads were players seething with rage at the changes.

But look at the end result: it got the devs to change their minds about the direction of the game. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Readjust them up or down?

It is. LE doesn’t fuck with probability, if it says you have a 25% chance, you have a 25% chance.

It doesn’t. RNG is RNG.

Why? Those are the best possible items (assuming they’re useful for your build), they’re what we should be chasing, they should be hard to get.

Sorry, you think he’s the edgelord because someone else didn’t want to search & reply to one of the identical topics? Do you know what projection is?

Me either, I assume it’s a similar mindset that anything that isn’t the most brokenly OP is garbage/dead/etc. Like the thread on the change to Ballista, some people were saying that because it can’t clear an entire screen it’s now dead& non-functional.

It does, but there’s more than one answer to that.

Yeah, that’s fair, I know I don’t read the threads with lots of replies anymore.

While this is true, I think most, if not virtually all, of the heavily “duplicated” threads are post-1.0 topics.


What’s stopping you from trying different classes?

Are you having troubling getting to ideal baseline 300 corruption? Sounds to me like you are just trying to play with better equipment.

You are well capable of beating all bosses and content with 0-1 LP items. As for the fun factor, imo, it definitely hits a wall way too soon If the economy was better or there were gated content that encourages and promotes us to push and need better equipment then yes, this would be a terrible design.

if it’s only LP1 you only have a 25% chance. those aren’t very good odds.

if you can buy the unique you should be buying one higher than LP1

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Rare uniques with LP2 go for a couple hundred million now. The only way to acquire them is RMT or getting to sell one of equal value which is basically

as dropping an LP2 rare unique - that someone could buy for their build - happens once in a couple hundred hours. That’s the build you’re not gonna be playing yourself.

Warlock much? Try a shaman. Or a druid. Try anything frostbite where you NEED Snowdrifts with move speed and Shackles with armor to DoTs or another relevant affix. And if you wanna actually freeze bosses at any relevant frequency, you need the rare rings with chill to freeze multi. (BTW that’s already like 1 billion gold, maybe more, if you include Eternity Cache chance to brick)

There are builds in the game that struggle with dmg at 300 even in all good T22s and LP1s. You can blame bad balance for that, not necessarily the drop rates, but I do believe that rare uniques - especially the boss ones - are way too rare. Common ones are in a perfect spot.


One more thing. Let me explain with an example. So I’m playing this meta traps/ballista falconer now. But I’m playing my own setup with 5 traps and shadows to maximize ballista procs. I gotta stack mana regen for this. Now, I’m not sure if this is better than the 3 trap setup from maxroll which gets mana from 0 mana cost traps and can afford dmg affixes instead of mana regen.

Just to test this one variance of a build I would have to: replace my rings, amulet, weapons, and relic with rolls with dex, crit multi, flat dmg to ballista, etc. instead of mana regen. That’s whereabouts of 50-100 million gold. Luckily the weapons are common, if they were rare, it would cost more like 5-10 billion to make this one little change in my build.

This is what’s stopping people from trying different builds. I can’t even try a different setup of one build. Unless you’re a streamer and play 10 hours a day, it’s impossible to get anywhere with different builds in a Cycle.

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A cycle last Months, you have plenty of time to farm or craft whatever you need. You’re playing MG so just make a flex filter with on demand items/affixes and grind.

3 months. If you play 2-3 hours a day, that 180-270 hours. Just enough to maybe drop one rare unique with 2LP.

But I did. 30h in Dragons. Not a single 1LP Heart.

How exactly do you grind affixes? Afaik you can only target monos with specific slots to farm exalts. You can’t influence what affixes they drop with. Can you?

And about 95% are T6 which sell for 0 gold. Most T7 are worthless, too. Move speed on boots, crit multi, popular skill levels have value, and maybe a few others. Everything else is trash.

that’s how it is, you can also try CoF for more interactive farming, either way you gotta grind, ARPGs reward consistency.

I agree and would like to say that it’s way more complex and more of a a base by base factor. While many

Yeah, maybe majority want’s the easy way out while the elitists and technical folks such as myself expects the grind. As much as we hate it at times, more times it helps motivate you to hunt to maximize.

There are many critical points and goals to meet to say what’s right or wrong so it depends on what direction the company is trying to go. They both have it’s pros and cons…

I have 5 characters all over 500+ corrupt… Although I have no shaman or druid, my good friend is druid and is at 300+ corruption for sure, and i can assure you he does not even have all t2 items.

You can blame balance for sure but there will always be meta where something is better than others by a significant margin.

Since I don’t know the balance on which uniques are more important/higher demand overall and/or harder to obtain, I do know from experience that this Twisted heart that many people complain about, definitely doesn’t seem as rare as it is complained about for what it’s worth.

TH (twisted heart) - While yeah, 3 and 4 is the “impossible”, i have found an handful of LP2 and tens of dozens of 1LP … forget even mentioning no LP… just target farm the bosses, skip literally everything and you have avg 1 minute echos… Come on

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If you think it requires u 5-10 bil to test a build, idk what to tell you… I can clear 300 corruption with several different characters/builds with all 0 lp gear…

Do you expect literally any build to clear 300 corrupt? You absolute do not need any 2 LP items at all to clear endgame baseline which is more than enough to test and try out playstyle of builds. Whether you want to dive deeper into a build and see how well it can do pushing higher corrupt, that will take a bit more patience, time, etc. It’s surely not impossible as many people are able to obtain 2 LP items just fine.

I’m just saying, there is a lot more variable builds out there and many many many builds that can clear baseline end game 300 corrupt with ease aka all 0-1 LP items or less.

I both agree and disagree with you here, on it being a people problem. I agree that folks coming to the forum talking about ‘bricking their item’ are being dramatic. But I disagree that there aren’t design issues here. Here’s why;

You remember a time prior to LP. You remember them adding LP. You know it’s EHGs attempt at adding chase items to the game. You know all this because you’ve been here forever, you read these forums. In addition to that, you have a certain mindset that highly values a long term chase. You fail a bunch of chances to make a 1LP legendary and you shrug it off because you love the chase. Most people aren’t like you. Most of the long-timers that are here, are like you.

Now we get a bunch of new people into the game. They see LP, they see builds online with high LP items, and they expect that 2, 3,4 LP items are more or less reasonably obtainable. Even if not, I think it’s reasonable to assume that they think they should be able to get an affix they want on a 1LP unique. But that is not the case. A 1 in 4 chance is pretty much crap odds for all the tedium that goes into this. For the non-rare uniques the hardest part is getting an exalted item with four affixes that you like. Then you have to run the dungeon for ONE chance at getting the legendary (this part is just tedious unless you are trying to make a legendary that requires J4).

IMO, it’s a design problem when your design requires a lot of up front effort for a high chance of failure. It’s like the developer is trying to make your customer feel bad. The only thing I can think of to make this less painful is to let you try again with the same unique/legendary. Or, you know, just say ‘fuck em’, and eventually all your customers will be those that don’t mind this system.


Go for higher LP items if you want a better guarantee. Youre choosing to take a bigger risk by getting the cheaper/more common item.