They should have worked the server issues out in beta

I’m cool waiting for them to troubleshoot these issues, but I’ll say this again. I played in beta and experienced a lot of server disconnects, as did many other people.

I really am surprised they launched before fixing those issues in beta. People in the forums at the time were saying patch 1.0 would fix those d/c issues and I was hopeful, but had my doubts. It’s perplexing why they launched tbh. They weren’t ready on the server/infrastructure side of things. That’s becoming clear to everybody now.

But I will be patient :slight_smile: They will fix this stuff eventually.


You can’t fix issues that you don’t know you have. None of this was a problem until 150k people started hitting the servers.



But they did know there were server issues. Many people were experiencing disconnects in beta and they did know about it.

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it is not a hot take the choose to roll out completly new build on release day which wasnt massively tested just by choosen ppl… for game that has been in early access for 5 years or how long this is straight up just dumb they could roll it like a month ago on early access and fix the flaws alteast most of them. but they wanted to “impress” ppl with graphic overhaul… so now ppl are impressed cool loading screen but the game doesnt work

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No, because the issues are that its not “beta” anymore.

if they released this patch in “beta” i promise you, they would have had like 50k peak which would be a nothing burger.

This is what happens when freaks refuse to play a game till its “official” so they have no way to test live peaks because no one wants to show up to actually test the thing until its “real”


As far as I’m concerned at this point, the game is still in beta. We’re all just helping them beta test their server infrastructure now.

And that’s OK. The only real issue here is that they marketed it as a launch. I’m sure they are embarrassed by it. Oh well, live and learn I guess. Maybe we’ll get lucky and they will solve all of these problems in the next few weeks or so.

I’m not sure how much longer I can continue logging in and getting booted from the game though haha. I did that for a month in beta, I might have to log out for a while.

That’s a really cynical point of view :slight_smile: I doubt that they are hoping people give up on the game and log out. I’m sure they want tons and tons of people online and enjoying the game. But they thought they had the engineering chops to handle that large scale networking … and they don’t. But that doesn’t mean they won’t figure it out in the near(ish) future.

Just when you think you’ve heard it all.

except they stated that it is not a capacity issue but some kinda of data transfer issue during loading screen which could be fixed just fine if it was found, i am not talking about stress test unless mass amount of players is needed to make that issue happen it was always there

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Disconnects are not the same as server load. Disconnects could be client-side or server side. These issues are likely purely server-side due to server load.

Checking Steamcharts - Last Epoch for all time, they had ~1-5k average since 2021. It spiked briefly to ~40k for 1 month in Feb 2023. That means they had no real way to check the server load of 250k people.

We don’t know what kind of experience the team has with high-load server environments, or mass-connection attempts. Maybe there is a problem with the load-balancer, or perhaps they are trying to get additional servers setup as we speak.

This kind of issue is very typical at launch for pretty much every game, for pretty much the same reason: There’s no effective way to test it in-house.

Doing beta weekends, or stress-test weekends is not guaranteed either, because they continue to patch and update the game. If the game is in a finished state, doing a stress-test weekend might reveal issues… and then they need to patch it again. Which may introduce more problems which would need another stress-test weekend, etc. etc.

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I never said give up on game, I said to force them into offline so that they dont have to pay as much for servers

Only a small fraction of people want to play in pure solo mode offline though. Most people will quit a game entirely before going into solo offline mode. They want to be online because it’s more fun.

I would accept that argument if game was on GoG, people can quit all they want, once you got their money and past 2 hours on steam it matters not. Steam wont honor refund requests on a scale large enough to where its not a viable business strategy

Most important take away, is that this problem will go away, soon. One way or another, because large content creators have moved fully offline. So its not a conspiracy as much as direct observation.

I think they want people playing so they can sell them future content a year or two down the line. They can develop more chapters to the story, new enemies, new maps, new classes and people would pay money for it. But if people quit the game, that won’t happen.

95% of players quit a game after 1 month of playing, 70% of those players never return. From a pure business perspective, planning for future makes no sense.

I hope I am proven wrong, but evidence does not bare out people’s perspective of them trying to fix it

It’s easy to get bigger numbers of players for test - make free weekend before release to see how many players services can handle before breaking.

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Yeah. That’s what a release is, dingbat.

Yes I know it feels very satisfying to say cheap nonsense like this, but it’s full stop, do not pass Go, do not collect $200 dumb. If it was going to be found before the massive release day loads, it would have been.

Keep telling on yourselves that you know nothing about how any of this works though, it’s funny.

Honestly, I feel like I already got my $35 worth just playing a month in beta lol. Fun game. I’m rooting for them, hope they work this mess out.

I agree, exactly for that i belive that we will see improvement on weekdays and we will get the same shitload on next weekend (in the same way as we saw with PoE devs laughing at people’s face for years). I could bet for that.

Games do not do that anymore, as if the launch goes bad, game does not sell. Ideally in a world where everyone is living in fey land, ye that would be great