The Travelers Backpack - Our gift to you!

I must be lost is this only available through steam or is the backpack hidden in the stand alone version ?

I am almost certain this will be available in 0.9.

But its not clearly stated.

Thanks, great addition :slightly_smiling_face:

So this is an MTX and if I wear it I 'll have extra inventory space right ? :smiley: Jokes apart , thanks the devs! nice and lore-packed backpack :smiley:

No? What are the new supporter packs, compared to current ones.

This is a back slot cosmetic that will be available to all users who own a copy of Eterra prior to 0.9. :slight_smile:


Thank you very much :slight_smile:

But we only can get it when the 0.9 is released?

Ah ok is it automatically in the inventory or am I blind :slight_smile: and thank you for replying :slight_smile:

That is correct!

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There is a cosmetic tab in your inventory screen at the very top(where blessings are as well)

it would be nice of the “follow pets” could be changed to “Grabpets” :smiley:

Its just a different forum title-thing and maybe a different pet (from the kickstarter certainly, not sure about the alpha packs).

You might want to clarify that you mean the current packs, not the “original” kickstarter or alpha packs.


I see that and thank you … its official I must be off my rocker (must be lack of sleep) I see no backpack :slight_smile:

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It is not in the game yet.
The current version of Last Epoch (0.8.5F) didn’t had any patches since 9 months.

The backpack will become available with or shorlty after/before 0.9

Thank you again, I appreciate it so very much.

Pretty excited to see the game move on to the 0.9 update. However I am a little sad about not being able to upgrade my supporter pack while they were closed for almost a year now. I am looking forward to the new ones.


All Mike’s bee dancing wasn’t for naught. He will forever be immortalized in LE lore.


Whether he made it onto the backpack or not, that moment will always be immortalized!


Thanks for the thought, wonderful cosmetic :+1: