The single reason I quit LE, probably forever

I wouldn’t usually post an “I quit” post. Who cares, right?

In this case, I’m motivated to do so because other than this reason, I love this game. It is unparalleled in skill diversity. There is such variety that I quickly filled all of my alt slots within a few weeks. It has an utterly amazing crafting system.

My reason for quitting is that I can’t stand having to run a dungeon and fight a difficult (for me) boss battle every time I want to try to slam an lp item. My win/loss record on this fight is less than 50%, and that’s having never tried more than the 2nd (90?) version of the boss.

I will never be skilled enough to beat it on a higher version, which limits the crafting I can do, which limits how far I can go with each character. Even following the most uber builds, I can’t get past the corruption 90 bosses. It’s a wall for me. Every one of my alts run ends around level 75-90.

It’s frustrating and it saddens me, and I can’t see a reason to continue. My skills are not going to improve to where I can suddenly do this easy (I’m already a senior). And I say forever because I can’t see LE ever changing this requirement of forcing a boss fight just to slam an item.

I wish everyone well and happy gaming.


You know this game has multiplayer right? Why don’t you ask someone for help in chat? When I get stuck on a boss, the community is almost always willing to help me.

Here is a boss guide, just read it and you will win. Temporal Sanctum Dungeon - Julra Boss Guide - Last Epoch

I feed I’d have to ask for help too often. Every single slam run? That’s too much to ask, I feel.

It’s a valid complaint. Not everyone has the skill, or even likes, bosses. Even in PoE.
This doesn’t mean that it’s the game’s fault, just that the player might not enjoy it, which is fine, since not every game needs to cater to every player.
As for not returning, I feel like this might not hold true for the same reason it doesn’t hold true in PoE: yes, there are bosses and you might not be able to get past them, but once there are more endgame activities, and more different rewards for those activities (and possibly also multiple ways to get to those rewards) then you can probably stay in LE and avoid bosses altogether.

Lastly, just want to point out that you don’t need legendaries to run empowered monos. You just need them to push as much as you can, if that’s what you want.
If you’re having issues even finishing the normal monos then that might be a build issue, since mono bosses tend to be pushovers for the most part.


find a easy character with a easy build and just use that character for getting past the slam boss (julra).

there are builds on multiple websites for every mastery and some are insanely overpowered without a single slammed item.

I’d need a build that lets me basically facetank the boss. My timing sucks with the switching, and the fight is far too long. I’ve tried lots of builds. Some do better, but nearly all of the bosses in this game require twitch/reaction skills I just don’t have anymore.

It’s a shame because I otherwise love this game.

I’m hardly asking for the best stuff. Many players are pushing 4-digit corruption, and I can’t even get to 100. I’d be content if I could get to ~ corruption 200 and be able to reliably slam gear.

I think the game might just get too hard for me. I’d just like to get to a point where gear can get me through the content and overcome my terrible skills, and I don’t think the game allows for that.

My reason for quitting is that I can’t stand having to run a dungeon and fight a difficult (for me) boss battle every time I want to try to slam an lp item.

Legendary items are the best items the game has to offer.

Those players are abusing overpowered and/or broken mechanics and interactions. I promise that it has absolutely nothing to do with their level of skill. They probably didn’t even come up with the builds themselves and just copied them from someone else. So don’t feel like the reason you’re not keeping up with those players is that you aren’t good enough.

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There’s no such thing as facetanking Julra… That’s kind of the whole point of the boss mechanics. Not saying it’s impossible to facetank, but it’s quite unlikely.

T3 is possible with a tanky paladin. T4, I wasn’t able to facetank. Perhaps I try again next season.

Makes sense, paladin’s are super OP right now.

Wasn’t even using the bonkers ward generation, but high damage mitigation, life, and healing hands.

I made this build exactly with the intent of slow / impaired people being able to facetank through most of the content up to empowered monoliths.

I have a paladin build, and facetanking works for most bosses up to around around 90. Not for Julra. The fight just goes on too long. She goes through that phase like 6-8 times by the time she’s dead.

It’s just a shame that the devs force a hard fight every single time we want to craft this way. It’s the only thing I don’t like about the game.

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You have well over 5 seconds to swap? You dont have to do instant swaps like you see people do. You can easily swap as soon as you see the clock which counts down for what 10 seconds?

This means the fight lasts longer, but is much easier, other then that all you have to do is make sure you dont stand in the beams. if your build is actually built to be tanky, this will let you tank all other mechanics on t3.

T3 lets you craft any item 75 and below. there is only 36 items above level 75, and all of which are boss drops or very rare items that have lots of power even without lp.

I have not run t4 julra a single time this season, never had to and didnt need her t4 unique. So why would I waste time/keys trying to fight t4 when I dont have to.

t3 is not even a level 100 zone, with about the same modifiers as baseline level empowered monos. if you cant do it, then there is a very serious build problem that needs sorting way more then you needing lp.

I think you are giving up to easily without actually attempting to overcome t3 which is fairly easy. Pretty much all content the game will likely make going forward will be harder then t3 julra.


FYI, I just use an OP build to slam LP. Since this game doesn’t have the concept of “Bind to Character” it works just fine.

It’s not a build problem. I followed lots of proven builds. I’m slow, my reaction time is horrible, and I can’t aim for shit. Some ARPGs let me overcome this simply by out-gearing the content. LE does not.

I didn’t find a single boss, post level 80, easy. In fact, I find most bosses very difficult in most video games.

What build would that be? I’ve tried some that are labelled as broken. Regardless of the build, boss fights still require the player to dodge lots of effects, and my reaction time is horrible.

No dodging needed for either.

until they nerf ward there are so many builds that allow you to do this.

if you havent passed level 90 enemies then its more about you not understanding the game and builds, than it being a problem with the game, since majority of builds can blow past 100 corruption as if its nothing.

i was able to do corruption 300 with a half baked build once i understood the game.

That’s my build. It’s a bit of a hybrid, since I usually don’t use the shield but an Eye of Reen as a second weapon for faster clearspeed. So it is not really optimized.

Getting to empowered monos is effortless with that character. It can tank and outheal bosses, or at least survive long enough to move out of harms way from some DoT effects.

I was lvl 90+ when I killed T3 Julra, so I never tried with a character that had not even reached empowered monos.