The single reason I quit LE, probably forever

If you don’t mind, could you share with us how old you are?

Do you even have problems with T3 Temporal Sanctum?

Here you said the 2nd version of the boss

What tiers can you do and what tiers do you fail at?
The second version is T2 and Level 80.
Tier 3 is Level 95

What I want to get to with this question is the following statement:

You can craft a very big portion of uniques with only T1 and 2 already. some require T3 and even fewer require T4.

For the most part, the ones that requires T3 or especially T4 are the ones that are already very rare or strong in most cases. So wanting to upgrade them and make them even stronger is a reward and not something that should be gifted to you.

There are 38 Uniques that requires T3 and 40 Uniques that require T4 for legendary crafting.
From a total of 287 Uniques. For the most part, most of these realldy deserve to be rather hard to legendary craft, because they are strong to begin with already.

With all due respect, while I see where you are coming from, I don’t think games, especially action oriented ones, should even try to accomodate for players like the ones you are describing yourself to be.
While that is a bummer for you personally, there is nothing they should do about it.
Making it easier is a net negative for the game, even when there are a few more people that could interact with this mechanics a littel bit more.

Games where you can outgear content are very boring in my personal opinion and this is one of the things that I absolutely love about LE. There is always soem stuff that matters, specifically some telegraphs and boss attacks or other boss mechanics.

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Given he’s got a <50% success rate for the T2 Julra, I’d be surprised if he’s even attempted T3. He’s not even in empowered. I sympathise with him, but some content just isn’t do-able by some players & they need to be able to accept that and get enjoyment from the bits of the game that they can.

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Casual gamers vs hardcore gamers, the developers will always side with their hardcore members. That’s why bosses are going to be a problem for casual gamers or else the hardcore gamers will make fun of the developers for creating ‘too easy’ bosses and gloat over the Internet of how they are ‘the best’.

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It has nothing to do with casual vs hardcore. The bosses in LE can be easily beat by casuals as well. This can be easily seen by the fact that, besides Julra and Lagon (and occasionally Heorot’s dash), there are no complaints about bosses.

It sucks when someone has skill issues or reaction issues, but an ARPG is, by definition, an action game that occasionally requires decent reflexes.

As I said before, maybe when there is more content to do without bosses this won’t be an issue for other players.


Only when the question is “Should there be difficult content in the game that not everyone will be able beat?”. Otherwise, this is silly hyperbole.

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the slams get old, it would be better if you just “unlocked the cube” and it was in town.

Julra isn’t hard. It’s just annoying. That dungeon couldn’t be more anti-fun. Idk who thought that the most essential dungeon should be based on “cramps! have to go around again!” as its main level design philosophy.

It seems the problem is not your skill level as a gamer but your knowledge of the game and your dedication to use the tools and resources that are already available to you.

Checking your characters via letools, I’m guessing it’s mostly with your necro (87) that you’re attempting to beat Julra ?

On that character, you have FIVE piece of gear that are only rare, instead of exalted. In fact, you have ZERO exalted. Those rares are not even maxed out, with some Tier2 and Tier3 affixes. Worse, many affixes are simply useless to your build, like “Damage over time” that applies to you but not to your minions (but you clearly have a minion build).

Or maybe are you talking about your level 73 paladin who focus on Physical damage but somehow ends up with a rare ring with T1 cold damage on it, with a global 46% lightning resistance, with Woven flesh unique but not much leech elsewhere ? With both Fire dmg and Cold dmg increases with very poorly chosen uniques (Snowblind, Azurral), while you’re not focusing on either of those damage types ? With Renegade’s Will unique even though you’re not using Vengeance, but Rive ? I mean… maybe i’m mistaken because* I just glanced to your sheet and maybe i’m misinterpreting some things… but there’s a very clear lack of coherence on your gear.

That always amaze me to see people instantly blaming the game for their own faults and mistakes. The game is not “too hard”, but it needs some understanding of its mechanics and of what is needed from the player (ie. crafting a LOT and optimizing the gear, risking and wasting good items is part of the process and you should not dwell on bricking items since it’s an infinite and accessible resource / using the tools at your disposal like a Loot filter fine-tuned to YOUR needs (and not a generic one found online)).

With a well-thought and well-prepared level 80+ character, and WITHOUT a single 1LP legendary, I garantee you that you can beat T2 Julra in less than 20 seconds, which usually will be only 1 (or maybe 2) big-one shot slam to dodge. And I mean… with a minion build, come on, you really can focus on dodging those 1 or 2 big attack and your army will do the rest. You see her charging the slam ? You press D and… that’s it. You should be able to resist to the other stuff.

P.S. : When I got bored with the 1.0 version (simply because i’ve played too much not long before the release, my fault! and because I mostly play hardcore and RIPed a few good folks), I decided to challenge myself to kill Julra with the lowest level SSF-character possible. I did it as level 32 if I recall correctly and was trying to do it under level 30… but some other games pulled me away. I’ll try it again when i’ll come back; probably soon as I’m coming back to the forums :wink:

Edit : Inserted a note about the lootfilter, since in my opinion it’s quite imperative to learn how to use it (and tweak it on the fly) to save a great lot of time while searching for good bases for crafting.


Why a tanky build that allows rooms for errors when there are relatively cheap builds killing Julra in seconds?

Because of boooooooring. Well, that is my reason. I want boss fights to last more than 10 seconds. :wink:

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Sure, it’s boring for us. But he was addressing the OP. If the OP has a skill issue, rather than trying to go tanky, it’s easier to go full blast and kill the boss quickly so you don’t have to deal with the mechanics, which are the OPs issue in the first place.

What difference does it make?

Right now you have hit a wall at corruption 90 and can’t move past it.

If you became more powerful… You would hit a wall at corruption 200 and wouldn’t be able to move past it.

If you became even more powerful… You would still hit a wall at corruption X and wouldn’t be able to move past it.

What difference does the number make? Ideally, knowing you have reached as far as you can go would be enough of a goal.

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Yeah, in an infinitely scaling system this will happen eventually.