The real problem with Lagon

Only thing that might one-shot you is the beam shot (with maybe). All other attacks aren’t that dangerous. Otherwise you are missing something in your defenses.

I don’t think health is that high considering fight takes comparable amount of time as previous boss fights, if you do not factor in mid section.

Difficulty of this fight drops with your experience. Making it even easier would be pity for experienced players and new players would lose sense of accomplishment. If there is a problem then it is most likely in your build, not in the boss fight itself.

I have to be honest, when I finally beat Lagon the first time after a dozen attempts … satisfaction is not what I felt. It was more like “good riddance you bastard”.


Gear up, lv up, skill up, the game is easy enough, keep trying until you get it

I don’t think there’s any real problem with Lagon, especially since they changed the fight and you can actually target things now instead of having to click off screen.

But for newer players, Lagon is hard for two reasons:

  1. While he’s not the first boss with some mechanics, he is the first boss with a really big HP pool which means you actually have to interact with those mechanics for a long time during the fight.
  2. He’s really the first gear check. I imagine that most players aren’t dying to his beam attack, but actually to the waves in phase 2 (after the intermission). Particularly for melee characters, it’s very hard to both damage Lagon, dodge his attacks, and try and dodge the waves if your resists are low- those waves can hit you for half your HP if you’re poorly geared. If you can’t face tank them effectively and you’re melee, you will struggle to actually down Lagon because you can’t damage him and dodge all of the fight mechanics at the same time. The whole thing is basically a “do you have cold/lightning resists” check.

Orobos needs to be reworked entirely as he has many variations and many of them have combinations that are almost impossible to dodge

Fire + Void turrets into oblivion charge, generally un dodgable.

Ice + Void commet+ black hole: covers entire screen + spawns ice right on you

Poison + blood: mis time your dodge or get punished for predicting correctly.

Electric + Void turret: good luck out running 3 lock on projectiles.

These combinations are worst ones in my experience as result is unavoidable damage. Means you can loose hours of progress from a bad roll, and you cant know orobos spawn is goinf to be as his skills are random and element is random

It’s not as easy as that, especially now that they’ve removed the ability to hit him in the face. I understand they probably did that to get players to focus on his tentacles, but they’re so far apart that I don’t even always have time to get off a single attack before I have to run back the other way, and the cooldown timer on my move skill means I can’t always rely on it. And he can be faster than you might think. One time he smacked me with an overhand blow that stunned me, and then hit me with another one in the split second that the stun ended, before I could even move.

Anyway, I didn’t come here to complain about those things, but rather to say that two simple changes would probably suffice, which is to allow the damage done to his tentacles in the second phase apply to the boss fight, and make the three phases happen at 66% and 33%. Right now the second phase starts at 58% and he’s still at 58% when you start the 3rd phase.

I do believe the difficulty of the 3rd phase is probably very useful for training new players, but expecting them to maintain their skills and luck for 60% of the fight is very, very difficult, damn near impossible if you get unlucky multiple attempts in a row. So what ends up happening is most players have to overlevel and overgear their characters to survive that super long 3rd phase.

Hell, when I go through the monos I always go around him and do him last, and even then sometimes I have to grind for all my desired blessings from all the tier 50 monos before I can survive the tier 50 Lagon. Then I grind all the other lvl 100 blessings before I do the lvl 100 Lagon - which I’m not 100% against, but for his level of difficulty I think he ought to be the last mono boss, not in the middle.


I would have just allowed us to hit his head in phase 2,. Phase 1 would be 100-60. Phase 2 [optional] would be 59-40. And phase 3 would be 39-0 or What ever his HP was. This would allow for both high risk and low risk plays as you could burn his head down for shorter phase 2 at risk of kiting tentacles or do it normally.

The result would in theory be more fair no?

To me, Lagon is a simple mechanics check, regardless of under or over performing gear. As long as your placement is decent, you can breeze through once you understand the mechanics. However I am not an Uber casual player, so I realize if my gear is not overpowered, then I need to learn something opposed to earning a reward ribbon for spamming skill #1.

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Something i learned with Julra was that your aspect ratio can have a big impact. Apperently the distance from center to top corner and distance to left are not the same which is strange to someone who does not know about coding.

You can be in a hit box although visually you are not. I done this with husk of gaspard. I realized i could run inside the beams because the beams on my screen where not actually there due to latency.

On my screen i was being hit by it. And it seems some beams have their hit box in front of the beam over their backside. Which is weird as i found i often died to Julra as her spinning beam was not on me, but it was on me

Lagon’s fine except for builds that have no iframes or teleport on traversal. He can trap you with the beam if you stick to the side of the area too much. So in order to avoid that you have to stick to the middle too much where your dps tanks.

The problematic bosses imo are Julra and the tri-elemental beam bullshit guy.

The tribeam guy is the best way to put it as that is generally the only move i die to consistantly as i cant purge the electric bubbles as they would one shot my glass cannon build.

Husk of gaspard, should be renamed the bay blade of unescapablity as if your not right near him without large increase to move speed, you get killed

There are loads of games made easy for the sake of accessibility for everybody. In fact in modern times they are the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY (insert over 9000 lines of emphasis here). I personally find easy to be boring. It has no staying power. We only constantly repeat trivially easy repeatable tasks if there is some kind of reward for doing so. However if there is nothing challenging that the reward leads to. Why do it?

So if you want one of those easy accessible to all games. Go play one of those in the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY. Those of us that don’t want to be bored grinding trivially easy crap want more Lagon.


I think in general lagon has filtered a lot of people, so most likely ended up being as you said anyway. Lets assume about 10% of people who would been filtered go to look up a guide on how to clear a boss.

My video on how to clear lagon has 1000 views, so i would assume then that lagon filtered 10K people. That is a lot of people who may never buy an expansion, dlc, etc

That is not considering people who got filtered by husk of pannion, orien etc. That is a lot of money. While i would love for 1% of people to sustain a game, truth of matter is that tourists are useful. We need them to fund the game.

Letting people beat the campaign in my opinion should be the base line, so that they are invested in story and come back. Games like ff14 which are in my opinion bad games have been hard carried by story alone. For normies, we can make a concession. Now is that making lagon easier? My answer is no. But some kind

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Now what kind of terrible leap of logic is this ? Are you serious ?
You pull the 10% out of nowhere and extrapolate on it just to prove your point.

Minmax guide for lagon has 29k views.
Bina, 20k.
Venno, 10k.
So, I guess Lagon “filtered” 590 000 players at this point (with just the top 3 results on YT). What a wild beast, this Lagon :smiley:

And of which expansion-dlc are you talking about, exactly ?

Jeeeeez, dude. O_o
I think I just got psychic damage from that post.

But sure, the hypothetical “10k players” (or 590k) that are hypothetically “filtered by not killing Lagon but really really really want to see the end of the campaign but omg they can’t and they dropped the game completely and will never touch it again”, yeah those thousands of players, will not buy the hypothetical DLC that will come in 2-3-4 years (if it does at all).


Edit : Ok, ok, ok ! Wild idea, hear me out :
WHAT IF… we let the devs check the numbers, which they have, and let them decide by themselves (because that’s kinda their job and their project on which they worked for 5 years) what is best for the game, for his longevity, for the vision that they have, etc.

Sure, we absolutely can and should give our opinions on the game; but maybe we should focus on our own experiences instead of trying to be a mad scientist with data that we don’t have ?


The REAL problem is people encountering a “difficult” boss for the first time and instead of just watching one of the hundreds of guides on Youtube that show you how to make this the easiest boss in the game in less than a minute, they come onto the forums and complain because they fail to even try and figure it out.

Do you understand how condescending you are being? it makes me wonder if you’ve played every build in the game or if you’re just playing a few that seem to have an easier time with Lagon. If you’re so skilled with him maybe you know things that other players don’t. Maybe you should do tutorial videos so other people can know what you know instead of talking shit about them.

This didn’t occur to me as the reason for it, but I did notice this is the case with Husk of Gaspar. When I run around him to avoid his beams it’s in an oval, not a circle. And the same with the bird guy that puts down the rotating purple things. I haven’t noticed it being an issue with Julra because I’ve been playing mostly minion builds and don’t have to circle her. I played a melee build a while back, but it was so long ago I don’t remember how I handled her.

Or maybe you should go play PoE or Elden Ring. Why is everyone else at wrong and not you? What makes your take the only right one?

It’s amusing that you seem to think that people who watch these videos magically melt Lagon and never ever have a problem with him again. it’s possible to watch a video to learn a boss’ mechanics and still have a problem surviving the boss’ attacks, particularly Lagon’s.

When I say that I don’t see a problem with any other boss in the game that doesn’t mean that I’m saying all the other bosses are easy. In particular the boss for Reign of Dragons is also a pain in the ass - especially when he backs himself into a corner, and then you can’t get close to him without hitting the degen - but surviving his attacks is nowhere near as hard as surviving Lagon’s, due to the multiple reasons laid out above.

Anyway, I provided a very simple answer above. All that’s needed is to adjust the %s at which the different phases kick in. Right now it’s 58% and no damage done in the 2nd phase. If they allow damage in the second phase they can use the percents for each phase as a slider and dial in the difficulty where they want them. I suggested 66% and 33% but they can put them where they want them. They could keep the mechanics exactly as they are right now and just make the hardest part of the fight be only 50% or 33% and that would still be a more palatable condition than we’re currently in - for most players.

Granted many of you are disagreeing, but there’s always going to be disagreement until/unless they add in a difficulty slider for the game overall, and I hope they do, if only because it would completely remove frictional conversations like this.


Fighting Lagon in the monoliths was the bane of my existence for a hot few minutes. Maybe like… 20 deaths?

I watched vids, practiced, etc. Eventually I got the mechanics down, learned to stay relaxed and treat it like a Tetris engagement and it was okay.

-I admit that some of the boss fights in this game are sweatier than is my preference. I try to avoid calling for nerfs on them because I am only me and I am aware a lot of people like to be really sweaty in these things.

-I like the game enough to research and get the mechanics down when I struggle so I can cope even if I personally would like to sweat less.

-All that being said, I have encountered bosses that are okay on one type of build and utter nightmare on another type of build and I do NOT like that. As an example, some builds require a space in which to MOVE in order to generate defenses and damage. Boss encounters where there is a ring of death outside the boss a ways are doable. Jura at the end of Temporal Sanctum requires you to stand in a tiny gap between her void beams. Fine in theory but completely destroys a build that needs even a little bit of space to generate it’s power.

Just my opinions and such.

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I’m so sorry you took offense as it was not intended to make you feel that way. I simply am explaining my positioning and reasoning.

In fact, you took my post out of context which does make it sound condescending, perhaps that wasn’t so clever.

Even if it’s true that Lagon is a giant filter, changing the fight to make it a faceroll for the player would just shift the filter a little bit further down the road to the next hard boss fight. There’s always going to be a filter somewhere. The question is where is the optimal place to put it.

Basicaly all you saying is nonsense.

  1. You can tank Lagun mechanics
  2. You can avoid Lagun mechanics with character movements
  3. You can totally avoid Lagun mechanics with “invulnarable” movement and not skills like mirage
  4. The boss is easy af with enough practice like any other boss. My first first impression of Malachai, for example, in poe was “omg wtf is that, how I can kill it”. And after just 5 kills I can do it without deaths. Just practice man.
  5. Life before Lagun is not easy as you think, many things can kill you fast like poison dots or any shit from sky, if you have low resistance. Even some pure phys guys can kill you.
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