The Last Epoch Community Tester Program

Hey bud just fyi there was a delay on the launch of the game. the post here covers it!

I’m so proud of you

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From my understanding the canidates are hand-picked and not random. And from what i understand this is only the first invitation wave. So there will be more opportunities for other people still.

And remember, LE is still Beta/EA and basically all of the feedback you give right now here on the forum is considered and can change the game. This Program is just one more step between the “general public” and some more dedicated testers.

You are traveling a wonderful path. I predict a lot of success <3

Great news!
I wonder if Omnitrio received the invitation as well.

He’s been suspended, so shrugs probably not?

Suspended? But why?

As far as I know he used to be active member of LE community here and he still helps us on discord channels - provide explanations and share user experience on different game aspects.

Let’s not discuss specific cases of moderation.

Thanks folks!