The Imperial Uprising: Event Details & Poll Results

Regarding the new affix and subtype selections - is this only for affixes that appear on normal items, or can we search for affixes that appear on unique items as well? Being able to filter out unique items that do not meet a minimum threshold on a unique affix is highly desirable.

Unique item “affixes” aren’t really affixes and can’t be filtered in the same way.

You have to understand how ludicrous that sounds as a player/consumer, right?

Like, you made unique items with potentially very wide ranges of rolls on key modifiers, made them tradable, and didn’t give yourself a way to filter based on the values of those modifiers, which forces us to scroll through potentially dozens of pages to find items with acceptable ranges on those modifiers.

Could you possibly explain the technical barrier to doing something such as adding those modifiers to a new section called “unique item modifiers” and then allowing us to set minimum values?

edit: I just think it’s worth pointing out that virtually every build in Last Epoch that’s capable of pushing beyond 300 corruption requires unique items. They’re a major source of player power in the game. Leaving them out of the search filter considerations entirely purely due to the unique modifiers being different really sucks.

Most unique items that have special mods on them have multiple underlying stats that are hidden which are represented by a single “display affix” which is what shows up on the tooltip. There are very few unique items, if any, that actually show all of their affixes like normal.

The affixes that are filterable are defined as individual affixes in another affix list. This means that they can be collectively added to a big list in the filter UI.

The way that unique items are serialized also throws another spanner in the works. I hope we can find a way to bring better functionality to it in the future but it would likely require a significant rework of how unique items work all together.


I appreciate the response.

So if I understand you correctly, at the moment the technology doesn’t exist to filter by the display affix - one would have to filter by one of the underlying stats, which wouldn’t actually be what you’re trying to search for.

As a workaround specifically for unique items, would you consider giving us an API or maybe allowing for a trade site type situation (a la

I’m not in game, but couldn’t a potential work around be “filter by item type, subtype”, “filter by rarity: unique”, “filter by affix: other desired affixes w/ total affix level = a value that would require the unique affix to be a certain level”

For example if you want at least tier 5 on all 4 affixes, total affix level needs to be 25+

Unique affixes on unique items don’t have tiers. Take Unstable Core, for example. Let’s say that I’m very concerned about the modifier which reads:

When you directly cast Elemental Nova 6 times without a 2 second gap, the 6th cast gains (200 to 350)% increased area and +(40 to 100) Spell Damage

Let’s say I need an LP2 Unstable Core and am willing to accept one with at least 300% increased area on that affix. I can’t actually search for that, because that affix isn’t standard on items. So, in order to find the best deal on this item, I have to search for LP2 Unstable Cores, then sort from least expensive to most expensive, and go through potentially dozens of pages before getting to the least expensive LP2 Unstable Core with at least 300%.


Gotcha, I was misunderstanding the issue

I was thinking about this unique body too :grin:
+Mana looks like simple one, nova bonus - way more complex

The auction change is certainly great, and I’m grateful for it, but I still can’t understand for what incredible reason someone might have originally thought that searching for suffixes of only one tier is convenient. And why does it start on Thursday when people usually go to work on Friday?

To make it stable before weekend


Because working over the weekend is bad & employee health (both physical & mental) is good.


The developers say they have analyzed the experience of other ARPGs and decided to make certain changes, but ARPGs like Torchlight and PoE are released on Fridays.

Yeah, exactly. They release on Friday, but whenever something does not work as expected on Friday, the devs have to work overtime at the weekend to fix things.

If you sacrifice your employees’ well-being to satisfy your customers’ urge to play every new update the second it drops instead of waiting one or two days, you have the wrong priorities.

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Personally I think they’re doing it purely to piss of the Aussies & Kiwis. “Employee wellbeing” pffffft.

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I’d rather you just call the game bad than D4 tbh, that is quite the insult. Although personally, LE has become my favorite ARPG to date behind Diablo 2.

Whatever it is that EHG is doing, has caught my attention after putting much time in every ARPG you can imagine.

The only 2 ARPG I know I will always come back to presently is LE & D2. (played off and on since classic d2) They’ve renewed my faith in developers just because EHG actually loves their own game.

RIP Blizz North

I think they’re doing great, I am only more focused on their continued improvements, bug fixes, and balance changes so we can utilize these skill trees.

Also, yes I have to say it, I’d like to see them not be so afraid of trying new things, such as low level PvP arenas or battlegrounds. Having it low level can take a lot of complexity out of balancing it out through time, but I suppose this is just not a top priority for any ARPG unfortunately. I’ve been a PvP lover forever, but I have come to enjoy PvE only because it’s well, all there is.

There’s still no good ARPG PvP out there besides Diablo 2, and it’s just slept on by any others like PoE. The ARPG genre itself is used up by this point, hence why more are becoming RPG style if that makes sense. It’s nearly impossible, if not entirely impossible to avoid just re-inventing the wheel in the genre.

Anyways, I am excited and will definitely play a new char for the cycle, although I am pro MG 100% and love the new changes. I’ll be going CoF because I am still concerned about MG’s activeness after this refresh. MG changes really should have been done at the start of 1.1, it feels late and perhaps still missing some features I’d have like to see capability wise.

Still getting somewhere though so not going to complain.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great time on the refresh, will see you lads in The Barrens chat.

I just want to make sure there are no dupes found at least in the first week, because having dupes in two patches in a row is really frustrating, and that’s exactly what quickly killed Season 1.1.

Dupes will happen, no code is ever 100% perfect. My hope is for EHG to eventually come up with a solution that will minimize the impact by removing the incentive for such exploits to be abused so heavily.

Such as removing gold as a primary currency in trade would be a start. Taxes are another.

First of all playing CoF do not mean playing solo, we have tokens :wink: For solo purpose i don`t know the economy of bazaar to say anything but in around 25h of gameplay this cycle my character was speedrunning 1k corrupt so i believe for any casual it is enough :slight_smile: U can buy item on bazaar for gold and i believe items especially for meta builds are not cheap even base, what was prise of wrongwarp or unstable core with high mana this cycle? Were they free? As CoF player u jsut go for few propheccies and u drop with same chances that they are for ascending those and actually ur doing it while clearing monolyths and not staying in bazaar zone checking prices :slight_smile:

And in bazaar are there so many of those right basses with right t7? Are they this affordable? Everything need time and as CoF ur dropping so much more t7 exalteds that it is realy easy to get them ( base exalted from drops + 25% of rare drop as exalted + 33% chance to them drop with t7 - that`s damn a lot in my opinion ) and we do not even count experimental affixes etc which are super easy to get exalted with 25% rare always drop as exalted.

This several thoused have higher chance to get very rare stuff like lp4 uniques also this several thoused also have to fight beetwen themself for this high desire items. Maybe on paper this looks nice that there are all those items but can u actually buy all those if ur not one of duppers? And yeah if there won`t be duppers prices of those still gonna be insane, couse as u said they are even rare for CoF players :wink:

Well i would say if it was not done early cycle it should not be done this late anyway, i would also prefer if devs go for this to atleast use it to test something( yea even provisional buffs/nerfs, we already have builds that are way too strong compared to others) i realy believe tunning with numbers is not this much of a work and would still atleast feel somewhat reason to start fresh for CoF player.

Well we will see, i think bazaar gonna be in even worser state than in was with no this high desired items u mentioned earlier :wink: