The Imperial Uprising: Event Details & Poll Results

Ranks should just transfer automatically imo

LOVE THIS. I collect more than I should but being able to set my stash tabs up for sorting will help me get back to echoes much faster lol.

This is such a nice QoL addition. I was just going to play my Legacy characters during the event, but I think I might play in Refreshed Cycle just to try out Merchant’s Guild.

The community had feedback and you guys use it to improve. Love to see it. Thank you.

I’d personally love some way to condense the story the second time you run it. I would take something like that over boosts but it’ll be interesting to see how the campaign feels with the values adjusted.


Just want to say I love the game, and this post seems a step in the right direction, you guys are doing a good job navigating the game’s development.

Dungeon QoL? :cat2:

Ya at the end of a cycle. 1.1 cycle 2 isnt ending on the 19th. Its being restarted

No i wouldnt play legacy.

They arw designed different for different play style.

One is permanent the other isnt. Not sure why this even needa to be said or even explained. Its pretty clear whag the difference of both are. It ahouldnt need to be spelled out as to why

So in order to keep playing my characters in the same cyclw thats just restarting. I have no choice but to play legacy. It still being cycle on the 19th when it restarts cycle 2. Is what makes that decision meaningless

It makes my choice void sense now its the devs choosing for me u want keep playong them play legacy. Vs letting me play my characters in the game mode i choose

Characters moving over to legacy is where characters basically go to die. Once there they are done

Does the loot lizard shrine function at the beginning of the echo? I know that like 75% of the time I encounter a scorpion shrine, its at the beginning of an echo and I forget that if you trigger it it doesn’t do/spawn anything.

Thanks for the update!

But I do have questions, I’m new to the game , only started 1.1, so I don’t have extra stash tabs, including factions favor, would all those get transfer too?

I expected more

  • Bonus gold and item drops means it’s not really easier to get unique items for MG, everything is just more expensive
  • Because complex filters are required to find good items for all popular builds, up to 75 stash tab rules need to be set manually each cycle (could have been linked with a loot filter rule). At least cycles are 6-8 months now.
  • Unique item pricechecking isn’t changed: same 30+ button presses, takes at least 15 seconds, can’t filter rolls, have to run between stalls
  • Loot filter isn’t changed: can’t search for unique names, can’t filter using item rolls. MG players have to remember all expensive uniques, their LP levels and rolls. CoF players still have to read for a few minutes after a unique item loot explosion, searching among wrong uniques on the same base and bad rolls. Still can’t filter arena keys and small piles of gold.
  • At least buying good idols is now possible. Before I literally just gave up trying to by them.

There won’t be not enough MG players for a healthy economy. They will notice the lack of meaningful changes and leave, less players mean less items on the bazaar and even less players.

I’d enjoy CoF, if it wasn’t 30 minutes of rerolling/reading prophecies for every hour of actual gameplay.

I dislike wasting time on boring things (pricechecking, reading stats of items on the ground or among search results, reading prophecies) and not playing. I’d rather spend it on games with more fun/time ratio, even though I love LE.

It’s now clear that loot and stash filter UI is intentionally not perfect, cause for the bazaar you made specific unique filter long ago and roll filters now. You add a minimum of possibilities to filter for each UI to make it bearable, but’s it’s still unbearable for me, sorry, I can’t enjoy the fun of reading 50 pages of phantom grip rolls.

For the more common uniques that how low lpl, yes, I can accept that, but for rarer uniques or those with high lpl? Do you honestly think that 1 person with a buffed drop rate is going to have a higher chance for dropping specific gear than several thousand players? Even if you just need a particular unique with 0lp to get a build working, those are always for sale cheap, potentially free.

Yes, but are the right bases dropping with the right affixes?

CoF gives a higher chance for a single player to find good gear & maybe that gear will even be useable by them on that character or another one, but several thousand players will collectively have a much higher chance of having found the specific item you need for your build.

Yes, absolutely, though MG players can use it for stash tabs & to run the Lightless Arbour (again, as I’ve said).

No, all of it was added to Legacy (as has been stated several times) but Aberroth wasn’t unlocked/accessable for offline or legacy players until it had been killed in online cycle first. This was discussed prior to 1.1, there was even a poll…

Yeah, I kinda agree with this. Something was definitely needed to be done with the economy/gold issue, but I’m not sure wiping/moving everything to legacy was the right call. I do agree that an event was a good idea given the delay to 1.2.

That’s always the case though, I kinda doubt that’s going to have much of an impact.

No, they still need to be imported as I understand it. I think it’s an all or nothing approach for reasons (probably technical). But yes, I agree that they should.

Well, you’ll have a higher chance of getting a useable item (50% more, to be precise! Though still off a low base chance) & that increased amount of items should, hopefully, work to counteract the effect of more gold increasing prices.

This is mostly CoF problem
But what about MG cycle-legacy transition problem? Last time it was a total wipe of all items in stalls. Money lost could be x10 or even x100 from what CoF players have to spend on dozens of tabs

Were they not returned to the player or migrated over to the legacy AH?

Not sure if they want to add gold interaction to the loot filter.
I say this because it isn’t even considered an item… If you press alt+z to hide all item tooltips on the ground, gold still shows regardless.


ffs, I do not understand that whiners… “omg I have no time to play, omg cycle refresh, my loot nooo” - just play legacy, the exact same game, jesus, ppl are so dumb.
Btw, I do not trust MG anymore, cant wait for the next dupe bug :smiley: going to play CoF from start :smiley:

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Never understoon why LE’s legacy and cycle have no differences but a fresh strat. What drives people to start from 0 again and again while all their hours played are saved in Legacy where every new game feature is up to date unlike in PoE where players have an exclusive access to new content and can actually build up their wealth much easier in new leagues if they later want to play in standard(legacy) scenario.
I think LE should bring some more motivation for the players to play new cycles or Events with the resetted realm.

Yep. Lost 400+ items

Because they told us the first handful of cycles are not going to add cycle only content as they continue to add core systems that, while not critical to 1.0’s launch, were things they knew they wanted to add to the game.

Once all the core content is added, cycle only content will be released in Cycles first and legacy later.


The act of starting fresh without having prior wealth or faction reputation is a good enough reason for many players.

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That is so much worse, yeah

€dit: After posting it occurs to me that this sounded sarcastic - but I really mean it. Losing potentially god-tier items entirely is horrible

And now I’m trying to keep MG and CoF cycle->legacy players aware of what is coming. Legacy bazaar in 1.1 was much more healthy than cycle’s so I just got it as it is. Zero loot piles with broken prices from 1.0 market, and now it is going to be the same with 1.1 overpriced crap. It is ok

It because everything thats being added currently up to 1.4+ is all content going core to the game.

Basically they are adding in core content they didnt have time to get in before 1.0 full launch

Currently there wont be any cycle specific content like poe till the core of the game is done. At some point there will be cycle specific content.

For me its the fresh start. I dont care for ladder or economy. As well as over time having all the loot and crafring mats iv built uo makes gearing up new characters very easy. It gets boring for me.

Thats why diablo like games that dont have seasonal fresh starts i dont plah them for long and eventually stop playing them after a few builds. GD Chronicon ect i dont play anymore.

Titans quest 2. Will probably be a non seasonal game. Ill probably try it out. But only end up playing 2-3 builds and be done even when new dlc content drops.