Legacy is unplayable without stash tabs

Good summation at the start there.

There’s an even simpler solution: Just refund the gold people invested in cycle tabs to legacy players’ gold amounts.
It’s not the most elegant one but it’s by far the simplest so we can at least re-buy the storage space we worked for.


Did Mike really say this? Like, this is an actual quote and there is no other context?

I fail to understand where he’s coming from.

My perspective is that the customer paid in-game gold (so, not real cash) for a stash tab in cycle and now it’s only available for item removal in legacy. That is loss of functionality. I listened to a pre-1.1 Mike podcast where he said something like, “we’ll move over those stash tabs that fit based upon the cost of the tab”. The implication being that if you have 100 tabs in legacy and buy 10 in cycle… yeah, you weren’t getting any usable tabs. And I thought, “wow, that’s bold, that’s going to be complicated to do… that sounds aspirational, rather than doable”.

And here we are. This is unfortunate. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Yes, it’s an actual quote. It was in the context of someone asking for a gold refund of the cycle tabs for legacy.

I know that he once said he liked the idea of getting new tabs in legacy according to how much gold you spent in cycle. However, it seems that that idea was dropped for now.

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And that’s a bad move from the devs which should be respectively admonished.

Hence here we are in this thread doing exactly that.


I was thinking about that too, do you happen to still know when that was and/or maybe even have a link to that exact statement?

Mike did say that thing in the Discord.
For reference, the chat in question is in the official Discord in the ask-the-devs-not-support-no-bugs channel
I don’t know if the link will work but this is my last comment , you can click on what the messages are in reply to and follow it back to the beginning, heh

Or search my last comments in the Discord, they were all about this very issue ( also named Wissle at Discord)

I don’t know, I’m sorry. I tend to do a lot of drive-by paying attention to games, LE is one of them. So when a new big release is coming out I pay attention, but not close attention. The only reason I really even remember this is because I thought it was bonkers. It just sounds like there are a lot of variables at play there, and figuring it out would be fragile.

So I guess that thought was accurate.

Here’s a link to a comment I made regarding this with Mike’s direct answer to that:

Many casual dad friends like me were blasting 1.0 for a while. Many of them uninstall right away when they noticed their empty 1.1 stash. Everything gone, the structure, all of it.

I would at least suggest the layout to be there and pay gold to unlock of that is an issue.

I don’t think it’s a big issue to use our past cycle stash tabs. We would just continue to build it up. Anyways the price is rising in the end! For MG cycle, it would inflate pricing a little but I think it would be a cool QoL.

So let this be my farewell post here.

What you quoted is inexplicable to me and has been corrected by Kulze already.

This isn’t the only EHG stance that alienates me, so I wish you guys all the best - honestly. Except for two posters outside this thread, I’d say we have had sometimes heated, but fair arguments.

I identify as a Settler now and not for those reasons, just makes it easier to let go.


Settlers are great! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, but those 1993 graphics

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A gold refund is still possible, EHG : )


Still waiting for an official response to this issue, as well. The gold refund option should be pretty simple to implement all things considered. But if EHG continues to show this level of disdain for the time and effort players put into their game, then I don’t really have much interest in continuing to play in a serious fashion.

A thoughtful friend gifted me Last Epoch during the previous cycle, as he thought I would enjoy it based on our past gaming experiences together. And he was right! I dumped a ton of hours into 1.0 because it seemed like the game actually did respect my time far more than the Lovecraftian nightmare of say, Path of Exile’s so-called “crafting” system.

During the 1.0 cycle, if you would have asked me if I’d recommend Last Epoch to any of my other friends, I would have given an unequivocal “yes”. As it stands now, I would tell them to stay away due to the decisions/lack of communication around serious issues such as this one.

Last Epoch has a lot of good to offer, but at the end of the day I’m not going to dump hours of my life into a game which then is happy to discard those hours of effort.


The only hope I have still left is that they think about a better solution for next cycle.


To add to that: They can easily still give gold refunds for the 1.0 cycle once 1.1 ends and they do indeed change stuff and have the system in place.
Everyone still has their 1.0 stashes after all


This is still relevant, mates.

With the upcoming reset it would be a good opportunity to change your approach for this, EHG.
You can still refund the 1.0 cycle gold and please keep doing so for all upcoming cycles too.
Those who don’t play legacy won’t care but for those who do this is important.


I’d go so far as to say that for individuals like myself, who were planning on playing Legacy and only really hopping on Cycle in limited circumstances, EHG continuing to not address the stash tab/gold issue has completely killed our motivation to play.

I rolled a character for 1.1 but only played them halfheartedly in comparison to my 1.0 experience, thanks to this problem. And I haven’t logged into Last Epoch in a few weeks at this point: According to Steam I last played on August 13th. I keep checking back on forums/the Steam game page to see if there is any update on the matter, and doubt my feelings/motivation will change unless, at a bare minimum, we get a gold refund for the already-purchased 1.0 tabs.

Again, this is about my time as a player being respected. If the developers are going to casually discard hours of in-game work, then I am going to pursue entertainment elsewhere. My free time is too valuable to waste on such an easily-remedied situation.


Adding my WTF to this thread also.

“I just don’t understand where the expectation is coming from in the first place. It feels like this is being looked at this as though we’re withholding something that was earned. While I would think it’s more like we’re not giving double value for the tabs.”

Assuming this is an actual quote: I simply don’t understand anyone, especially a rep from the creator, that doesn’t understand this.

You ARE withholding something I earned. An in game stash tab costs in game gold. Each gold coin in game represents a unit of time that I have personally spent to acquire it. When I spend 1000 Gold on a stash tab, that 1000 gold represents an EARNED resource that I earned through playing the game and spending the time to acquire it…thus the stash tab, once purchased represents an EARNED resource…I spent an earned resource to purchase a thing, that thing becomes the Earned resource now.

“While I would think it’s more like we’re not giving double value for the tabs.”

So we agree, here, that a tab has some form of value. Nothing “Free” has value in a game so since you’ve agreed that a stash tab has “value”, and since I cannot USE that stash tab in Legacy, by definition it is something withheld that was earned. I payed X Gold in Cycle to have a “deposit/withdraw” stash tab and when transferred over to Legacy you gave me a “withdraw only” stash tab…by definition this is "withholding something that was earned…thus negating the original postulate.

Now we’re just dithering about how MUCH value that thing has.

This is not a difficult concept and it’s nothing more than corporate double speak by people who don’t want to admit they screwed the pooch and disenfranchised tens of thousands of customers out of hours of their time.

If I have to buy a stash tab, that stash tab is as valuable as an item I get that drops in game. You’ve already decided that items have value because you carry them over to legacy for me…ensuring that an item I find is never lost. Yet for my stash tabs you intentionally force me to LOSE those tabs by making them retrieve only and not replacing them in legacy nor refunding the cost for them.

I spend money on Cycle to buy a tab, that tab belongs to me…if you are not going to carry that tab in a usable way over to legacy, the gold I spend on those tabs on cycle should be refunded, otherwise there is NO REASON to play cycle ever.

With your current system every Cycle character is throwing time and effort away. You can’t really play the game without buying stash tabs and every stash tab you buy on cycle is throwing that money away for a TEMPORARY resource.

Instead EVERY player should IGNORE cycle and ONLY play legacy, that way their work is not nullified and no player is disenfranchised of their time spent buying stash tabs.

As a business, if your customer service people can’t figure this out, they should be replaced…it’s as simple as that. 10’s of thousands of players spent a collective 100s of thousands of hours obtaining the gold for the 100’s of thousands of stash tabs that you have made unavailable to those same players. That is not giving double value for anything, that’s robbing tens of thousands of customers of hundreds of thousands of hours of gameplay.


It is an actual quote, yeah
It was in the official LE Discord server

That’s why I only played legacy in 1.1. Had I known this would happen I would have played legacy in 1.0 too but for flair reasons I joined the first cycle, assuming everything would transfer over because EHG generally very much respects our playtime and grind invested. I regret that, my experience would have been the same in legacy only that no progress would have been lost ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is hope