The Imperial Uprising: Event Details & Poll Results

Developers, please read! First, thanks for the update. Second, make a function that will allow you to immediately find out from the inventory the price of an item at which other players are selling it, like Awakend Poe Trade in POE. There are hundreds of things in the inventory and for each one you have to enter a filter and search, it’s just killing you. And it takes up a huge amount of time.


Can we get more% drop chance for obsidian resonance for CoF players who play in party? Me and a friend played together alot this cycle and i have only received approximately 4 obsidian resonance, same with him. Which mean gears we have been waiting to give eachother stayed in our stash due to lack of Obsidian(purple) resonance… Merchants guild can sell and trade everything they find, us CoF players are trying to gift it to friends FREE and cant even do that…


You do realize that a lot of players supported this game way before 1.0 and before it was a cyclical arpg right ?

People playing cycle don’t understand that some players do prefer (offline) permanent progression.


You aren’t required to cash in your sales on MG if you ever hit the cap, you can just let them idle in your sell history and cash them in one by one once you spend your gold and are below the cap again.

Personally, I have no issues with how stashes are handled. I mainly play Cycles. There’s no need to move every item from cycle stash into legacy after the cycle ends, you just grab the items you need from cycle stash when you need them … I know people don’t like it, but I see no issue.

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There’s a button in your stash to transfer 1.0 Cycle faction reputation, gold, and materials to Legacy. After completing this merge you’ll be able to wear all of your faction ranked gear in Legacy.


I love playing this game on Steam Deck! Keep up the great work on supporting this feature and making it better! Getting it right on Steam Deck now opens up the possiblity for solid console support in the future

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You and I are talking about 2 different things.

The quote was about retention of cycle players, not legacy players. The overwhelming majority of players who play cycles will never play legacy, period. My advice was to not waste time trying to make legacy more attractive to cycle players.

If you personally like legacy offline, have at it. That has nothing to do with what I said though.

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That is a fair point, but at some point I would assume that the LE team won’t want every player to have 10 separate stashes from each cycle. At some point those cycle old stashes will become an issue from a performance standpoint. Thus meaning there will be a time when that gold/time investment will go away. Even now clicking on my stash has a very noticeable delay before I can interact with it. Again I understand that my situation and perspective is a tiny fraction of the entire player base, but it is a concern for some players

You can & it does, though the faction rank isn’t transferred over automatically, you need to do a thing to “import” it. @DJSamhein has a link to what you meed to do.

Or @AndrewTilley will have it…

It won’t have the effect you want it to since everyone has 50% more gold so prices rise by 50% (ish & ignoring the gold dupe fuckery). More gold is useful for getting more stash tabs & doing Lightless Arbour with more modifiers & that’s pretty much it.

Pretty much, though as long as there isn’t another gold dupe the gold cap will be less of an issue, but inflation will be more of an issue compared to a non-gold-duped market.

Resetting the leaderboards without resetting the characters is pointless sine Joe Bloggs with a chatacter that did wave 3,000 5 mins before the reset will be able to do it again 5 mins after (if we ignore the eye-gouging amout of time required to get that high).

People are allowed to enjoy different games in the same genre.


I guess I didn’t make myself clear. I figured it would be obvious that the characters themselves would be reset. Yes, of course in order to compete in a “Cycle 2.5”, you’d have to start a new character, and you wouldn’t have any of your loot. The only thing you’d retain would be your stash tabs and your affixes.

I have now edited my post to reflect this.

This is absolutely true, but the stash tab issue doesn’t affect those players either. A very niche group of players who don’t play legacy except after a cycle are affected. Players who only play legacy OR cycle aren’t affected and players who primarily play legacy (like me) and maybe make one or two cycle characters are barely affected

Ohhh, I didn’t know that, thanks for letting me know!

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You know if everyone has 50% more gold and nothing else changes, the prices will just increase by 50%.



Doing a refresh/restart of a cycle also with out releasing a new cycle. Makes ur decision to play cycle mode pointless.

Forcing players that want to keep playing thier 1.1 cycle 2 characters into legacy removes the free choice to play cycle mode

Biggest reason characters become irrelevant in legacy for players imo is they didnt pick that mode of play to begin with.

Why have the choice at all if im going to later having to play in legacy to keep playing my cycle characters.

Cycle mode characters should remain as cycle mode characters for the duration of a cycle.

I dont appreciate being told if i want to keep playing my cycle 1.1 or possibly future cycle characters play legacy.

Makes my choice for cycles meaningless. Im just not going to keep playing that cycle anymore.

Why though? There is no difference between Legacy and Cycle as of yet.

Well, it’s technically a mini-cycle if a cycle refresh occurs which seems will be the case here.

Correct. Still dont know the exact reason why the gold drop rate is getting increased since the community didnt really had a chance yet to figure out MG pricing after 2 exploits in 1.0 and 1.1. Hopefully this will not turn out bad in 1.2 when the modifiers are off again? But at least now we know the exact number for gold and unique buff rate.

Eventually, all characters are going to end up in Legacy. It doesn’t make your choice meaningless.

What is the difference between Legacy and Cycle for you? If Legacy was called “cool long cycle” would you continue playing there?


Such a terrible decision…i really thought this game could be the next poe competitor. Knowing now with the lack of consistency and absolutely no structure to cycles/leagues , this game is just another D4.

Such a shame.