The Imperial Uprising: Event Details & Poll Results

Such a terrible decision…i really thought this game could be the next poe competitor. Knowing now with the lack of consistency and absolutely no structure to cycles/leagues , this game is just another D4.

Such a shame.


I think the big thing for me just seeing this is with the 1.2 cycle delayed why not makes some buffs and nerfs to some classes being we are waiting to january for that. Kinda boring coming back to the same 5 op builds to run it back with no difference other than the 4 global buffs and loot lizards. Just food for thought

Yay! I’m glad to come back for this refresh. I opt out of the cycle at the end of july because I enjoyed surprisingly a lot the current Poe league. As always, switching between the two, I’ll miss the 3 seconds loading screens BUT it will feels good to get the lootfilter and the intuitive variety of builds/skills back. :wink:

About the event specifically, I’m a little bit confused : is it simply a way to say that there will be a reward (forum badge? cosmetic? something else?) for everyone who logs in during the event ? OR is it some kind of community challenge that’s updated during the event; like “Good job guys, you’ve killed a billion undeads!” ?

It’s probably the former but if it’s the latter*, I’d prefer an objective that’s active instead of passive. Something that I choose to do, that I choose to contribute to; and with clear milestones and impacts. Mike doing a neverending stream, like a subathon, but it’s fueled by the players killing Aberroth ? Heck yeah ! :stuck_out_tongue: A gauge on the website that counts how many legendaries gets bricked… HRM, I mean forged; with a reward for 10k, 20k, 30k ruined items by the community? Sounds fun! Or simply a “recycling” bin somewhere in-game to trash those sad failed attempts.

Anyway, it’s probably just an automatically unlocked cosmetic and that’s okay.

*Is it a proper use of the expression former/latter ? My english is rusted and i’m second-guessing myself :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you could add an option that characters who migrate from cycle to legacy become solo character found. That way, players who already have so much stuff in their legacy cycle that migrating into it would erase any progression they still want to go to have an option to continue playing.


I understand your feelings due to our conversations in other threads, but the person you’re quoting is referring to spending resources fixing the stash tab merge when a cycle ends/resets and a character moves to legacy. Those players are just going to make a new cycle character after the reset/new cycle and not even deal with the issue of stash tab merges.

It’s a very niche group that that issue affects

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EHG had a two major patches with cycles so far, with no meaningful difference between cycle and legacy. They had 6months of learning and adjusting to the community so far.

Do you think they are not trying and learning to make things better in the future?

Maybe 1.2 will not be perfect either, but I am very confident that over time they will home in on a more consitent experiecne, like they announced in the last news post.

Do you really would have prefered them not bringing in some improvements earlier and let the already spoiled cycle keep going for longer?

They are trying to increase the pace of positive updates to the game. And then make 1.2 a bigger and better patch. Do you not think that is worth having a little bit of inconsitency?

Sticking to the regular cycle cadence just for the sake of it will not make it better.

Let them cook a bit and when you are really unhappy with it, take a step back and come back in 1.2 or 1.3. There is nothing wrong with taking a break with the game if some of the current ongoing things are not to your liking.


Don`t get the logic here, so if all the content that is in cycle gonna be in legacy what is difference between two? This just make so atleast 50% less people gonna play this dumb refreshment. Yes 50%, couse pool is irrelevant as at any point devs do not mention they gonna add same content to legacy which would change result drastically.

But man what is actually even a point in doing a reset when u make no balance changes? We all know with not considering players who duplicate gold circle of fortune is waay better, market is not gonna be saved with this as there will not be players to actually participate in it, therefore literally same builds will be on top on rankings, nothing changes beside maybe nicknames as most ppl won`t even bother starting in this dumb refresher.

Well see you in legacy, and good luck for those who gonna for some unknown reason go again with boring farming basic monolyth and slow campaign in literally same meta in their “cycle refresher”. :wink:

A fresh economy.

Not quite sure on the logic behind that.

Apart from here, where they announced it:

Players dont want thier past progress ranks loot u name it.

It also comes down to ur choice to play cycle mode in a said cycle becoming a meaningless decision.

The content is the same for now legacy and cycle mode are two different things play style wise

Thanks for the headsup!

hopefully, the Bazar panel sorting (by newest, min price, max price) will stay selected even after the Bazar panel is closed. This means that if I sort by minimum price, the Bazar will always do it until I decide to change it to sort it for something else.
This is a simple change that will improve my quality of life by a ton.

Another change I hope to see is to increase the dropdown height used to select the item tier, it is annoying that I have to scroll it down every time I wish to search for T7 affixes

Ah answering only parts, despite later it was said.

  1. fresh economy for what? WHat has changed to make this “fresh economy”
    2 logic was already desribed, what new content u get to play on fresh economy when on legacy u have literally same?
    3 and what u have pasted? Im talking about cycle content that will be added to legacy not this pointless event.

Getting rid of all the duped gold. Hopefully there won’t be another exploit that’ll ruin the economy for MG.

Yes, that’s fair, at the moment EHG are ading what they consider “core” content.

Sorry, I wasn’t sure what you meant. At the moment (& until at least 1.4) there’s not going to be any cycle-specific content.

No. If you’re looking for a specific thing, MG is better. If you’re at the point where you’re looking for BiS upgrades, or specific exalted items & uniques to create specific legendaries, MG is better. Even the devs have said that at the very late stages of the gear upgrade process, MG is better.

That is a potential issue, yes.

Which is the same in legacy until 1.2 & we’ll see how that improves things.

Getting rid of duped gold, great, again who will actually put u this items back? With good winds for this refresh there will be maybe 50% players play that were on cycle start, then atleast 50% of those will go to legacy to not bother with boring early monolyths/campaign with same builds they can play anyway, or drop on the first few hours as nothing changes?

And yes Bazar might be better for gearing this LP 4 items but only this? With nemesis and fortune LP 3 uniques are common af, and t7 already droppin crazy, so yes, fortune is still way better and most of the player still gonna go for it.

In this case also extra gold drop is again irellevant for bazaar players as new prices will adjust to more gold dropping so it only matter for fortune players again. And in case there was no refresh this extra gold would atlaeast help players to actually buy this winded priced items.

Also i`m kinda sure in 1.1 on start there was no cycle content added in legacy from the get go? Maybe they added it later, even if, not changing main topic, this refreshment is super dumb and gives nothing, and instead of using event to atleast relive a bit cycle devs are killing it even harder by splitting still active players between legacy and cycle.

Extra gold is absolutely useful in MG because of the Lightless Arbour dungeon which probably generates most of the useful exalted items in the economy

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May be so, not playing bazaar as i don`t care about those LP 4, still price of those exalted items from LA gonna have to adjust to extra gold so don not think it makes that big of difference in the end.

Whatever the prices end up doesn’t matter for this argument that gold doesn’t impact MG. People mostly complain about the gold dupe not because of what the prices end up being but that they are priced out of the economy because someone else suddenly has 1000x of their gold and buys all the good items

How it doesn`t matter mate? 50% more gold mean with no more thinking about it 50% increase prices, everyone gonna have same so it kinda not matter unless u use LA to gear yourself instead of trading items off in bazaar which i think is not the point ye?
Like the dupe happened in the begining of the cycle if i remember correctly after so much time do this incident still such a problem? And not the fact that looking on steam charts game is dead and you have no retention on bazaar?

Dont misunderstand me, what I said doesnt matter is whether or not items cost 10,000 gold or 100,000 gold, if everyone maked 10x the gold. However, LA makes it more complicated than that because of people were making 100k gold per day instead of 100m gold per day, they’d never do LA and we’d never see a lot of the good exalts and even uniques and idols on the bazaar.
What I’m saying is extra gold does actually make MG even more powerful, because of LA, but that’s not the reason people are pissed about the gold dupe, it’s being priced out.

As for the dupe happening in the beginning, thats true but the listings remain there and people are still listing items with that information despite not nearly enough gold entering the market. To make it concrete: if you are a new player joining right now, you’ll have a way harder time entering the market because the gold dupe happened 2 months ago, and would have had an easier time if it never happened.

I dont think MG will be any worse than it is currently, with only about 3-4k concurrent players. My guess would be we’ll have higher player numbers with the reset


Its not only ladders or economy

Alot of players do not care about any of that.

Like me i play cycles/seasons/league. For thw fresh start