The french translation?

When do you plan to update the translations for your game, please? It’s been several months since some affixes in French don’t mean the same thing as in English at all. For example, “increased area for area skill” becomes in French “dégâts du feu augmentés et vulnérabilité au feu”(increased fire damage and vulnerability to fire). This is not the only affix with such a problematic translation that completely hinders the use of the French version. Bugs have been reported from the beginning on your forums, but no action has been taken until now. Could you give us a date? Your game is now in version 1.0; it’s no longer a beta, so bugs shouldn’t exist anymore. Thanks! <3

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Not the priority at the moment but i upvote this since it could ruin our fellow country player who arent playing in english

What a shame to ask for feedback on the translations when everything needs to be redone from start to finish. We’re not talking about 2-3 translation bugs, but dozens of bugs. Hire competent people and stop using Google Translate! You are not being honest with us!

4 months later, after reporting some translation problems, I see that some are still relevant… The correction of this will clearly never be done and it is dishonest of you to say that the game is in French when it’s completely buggy