The Bazaar

I hope when the devs next share news on the bazaar, they would be clearer about what they hope the system will achieve. Because right now, it feels like they are conceptualising the system in terms of what they don’t want (not to enable free trade/promote rmt) than any actual goal for the system (an enjoyable experience? What exactly does that mean?).


I like the bazaar system proposed here but I can see a few problems that prevents me from using it.

Most posters here thinks from the buyer perspective, but from a seller perspective, what’s the point of selling an item in bazaar? Gold is mostly useless currently and are dropped in abundance. Most people I think would just throw/alt-store/shatter their spare loot away rather than bazaaring simply because gold is not worth the time and trouble.

From the buyer’s perspective, the problem with the planned bazaar is the ease of crafting and convenience of lootfilter. Don’t get me wrong, I like the craft and loot system as I am mainly SSF player but it disincentivize me from spending my time browsing even the NPC vendor( when I can be out there with a better quantity of loot drops and more chances of relevant affixes. Thus, I can’t see myself ever exploring bazaar safe for a random chance of goods.

A major gold sink is necessary for a trade economy to survive. The currency need to have value. One suggestion I have is to attach a gold cost to crafting in 2 stages. An example formula can be: individual affix tier cost(1-5 tier)+total equipment affix cost(1-26 tiers). This ensure that crafting low to mid tier items affordable while keeping gold cost prohibitive for that BiS tier items. Side effect would be it increase the value of good drops in game and increases difficulty from mid-late game. Increased difficulty wise, I am in favor of it as currently the power creep pacing is too fast in the mid to end game stage.

On a slight off-topic but still somewhat relevant to bazaar. Maybe it is just me but I strain myself browsing through items and reading their affix in this game. Perhaps it is the combination of item size, distance between items in inventory, wide spacing between affixes, no centering and small sizes of the font. It took too much time to glance through the assortments and discourage me to browse a huge selection of random goods in the vendor.

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I think the relevance of gold as the currency for trade had definitely been brought up. But definitely worth highlighting as you did.

Would be nice if sellers could ask for crafting materials in lieu of gold.

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Based on an older post (someone just resurrected) EHG seems to intend to make The Bazaar work off of gold and have some sort of gold sink involved. While there are fees that are paid (lost) to the system itself, I do think some other sink (other than Gambling) would need to be implemented. Either that or item prices will be pretty high as a result.

In fact, as I’ve said before, attrition of currency or items has to exist, or else, over time, the pool of items will simply grow infinitely. Binding takes items out of the pool, whether Bind on Purchase, Bind on Craft, or Bind on Equip, the idea is trade once, then its out of the pool of tradable items. The same for currency. It has to be lost/spent so that players need to go get more from playing.

I can easily “Gold Sink” all of my current cash just trying to gamble a decent blue base with 2 affixes I actually want. I’m doing it every day on the current build.

Funny enough, I found it easier to gamble and get uniques than to get a magic base with 2 “required” affixes for my build. My luck sucks… :smiley:

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As is now planned the bazzaar does not look appealing to me at all, sad because i really wanted a good trade system, and since the implementation was so bad i thought i could at least “reroll” but since the devs dont even want that i am gonna need to not use it at all, more trouble than anything.

I’d wait and see what actually comes down the pipeline before getting too down in the dumps. They’ve done everyone proud so far, so let’s see where their creative juices take them on this issue.


Sure. And then after, they’ve already shown they’re ready to change what they do. Beta versions are made for this.

i would be neat if you could farm reroll shards. That way in order to trade you need to play the game.

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I like Auction Houses, or whatever you want to call them. But, and it’s a big BUT, whatever system you go for, it WILL attract RMT sites and bots. I loved the vendors people put outside their houses in UO, I quite liked the EQ bazzar, ESO is another interesting one and rather like the suggestions made by devs here already, but…and another big BUT, the rich guilds made trading only guilds and prices escalated, and also an outside third party site was needed to find anything you wanted rather than going round masses of vendors. I hate the PoE system where people never answered and it was just a waste of time sitting around waiting for an answer.
The bog standard AH is more than likely the only way to go, as I can’t see anyone these days prepared to spend hours going round random vendors looking for a specific piece of gear…ESO proved that with the external site needed.
So, surprisingly to me and also my friends, I don’t think we actually need trading (did I really say that???). I’ve only been playing this game for a couple of days, and I love the loot that drops and think the crafting is fantastic, and gives you far more satisfaction to actually craft something which improves your character. I have several uniques that I know my friend would like as he never plays the same classes as me, but am sad I can’t pass them on to him.
I despise RMTers, and the people who buy from them, bots are a nightmare and it’s been a breath of fresh air playing LE to not have any of these in game. Please, let’s just think of a way we can GIVE stuff to friends, like a guild stash or some such or if we don’t have guilds, then a “friends list” we can give items to, although the latter may well let in RMTers somehow. It needs a lot of thought and a lot of gatekeeping and balancing.

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That, I fully agree with.
I’m now at 900+ hours in the game, if trade existed I would have purchased several items and sold some, but it would have been convenience, no more. I still don’t have an Omnividence or an Orian’s Eye, but I can live without them.
The Bazaar as proposed seems very interesting for me and I’d like to try it, but I also love Rosy’s proposal (already proposed by other people before).


I was literally hyped about this game exactly because I was expecting a trade system that wouldn’t force me to have to resource to third party tools or have to stop doing whatever I was doing to go to someone’s hideout or have someone on mine to face to face trade whatever I was selling.

Then I stumbled upon this post and my dreams were shattered.

Worse, what shatters me the most is seeing other players supporting the inexistence of trading or accepting it as a system that HAS to be hard. WTF? What the royal f…?

I mean, sure fine, you don’t have to make an actual auction house. That would bring too much quality of life to the game. I understand that today’s players have the right amount of masochism to not want such things…but RNG shops? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA starts crying and laughing at the same time. sigh…

Seriously, I was kinda enjoying this game but fcking hell…no way I’m playing a game where the devs entertain this sort of ideas.

i read all the post, but I it cant be real… if anyone thinking of adding same rng shops etc… then must be out of mind…

If this happend this game is doomed

U cant be seriuos

I don´t know what is best really. I just remember that shopping in World of Warcraft worked.
Shopping/Selling/Trading in Path of Exile is just hopeless and unnecessarily complicated.

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No instant search of the absolute BiS item.
I love this solution, it is pretty much how it was solved already a long time ago with old school mmos.


Sry for my English :slight_smile:

I totally agree with you!
And I will add wishes from myself.

  1. A separate currency is required for such trading, this is a really necessary thing
  2. Give the opportunity to make some kind of personal traders (NPC) that I can place in the bazaar and they can sell my items if I am online. I want to play the game and not stand in the bazaar :slight_smile:
    Make getting this merchant difficult enough. Give the opportunity to have multiple merchants.
  3. Make pointers at the bazaar!
    For example: here is sold armor for the Necromancer, and here is a weapon for melee builds.
    Even the regular market has departments.

Not if we get more gold sinks, so gold has a variety of things you can spend it on.
This way you have to decide how to use your currency

I don’t think the system is supposed to work like what you imply here.

You can setup your bazaar and just play the game, you don’t need to actively to anything to let your bazaar running. You just need to re-stock your bazaar actively, the whole selling potion is automatedm probably even when you are offline i suppose.

I think giving the sellers some options to attract people ot their bazaar in any way would be cool.

This would range from informative stuff like a Sign, where the owner of the bazaar can write stuff on to even customizastion.

I would want my own bazaar to be customizable, the Booth, the NPC Standing at it, decorating it with adorable pets. Maybe displaying some of the most valuable items without the need of clicking/opening it etc.

Yay, advertising, that’s what games need more of…

Shotgun running the Eterra Advertising Standards Agency.

A previously essential “gold sink” is already (Patch 0.8.3) removed with the weakening of the Gambler.