The AFK timer is currently too strict

Nope, I think with maps what generally happens is you can lose your hideout instance, which deletes your map portals. But as long as you are actively in your HO without leaving, your HO instance should live, and your portals too.

You are literally a living breathing faq, thanks as always Llama. And yea, if you are bored try it out, throw a tier 1 map in the device and come back a few hours later. Unless your internet shit itself, they should still be there.

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I just got kicked while in the skill tree looking at stuff, typing into the search bar, and got kicked for being AFK.
How does that happen? I’m literally typing and the game takes it as being AFK cause you’re not moving around and using skills.

I wanna look and search in game cause I’m updating my loot filter as I go, but this is forcing me to use a third party website essentially. I want to change and look at my passive tree and skill trees in the middle of a zone cause I think of it in the heat of the moment. This is stuff I want, but I am assuming a lot of people must feel the same way.

The biggest grime is that I’m literally not even AFK and the warning message is impossible to see if you have the passive tree or skill tree window open. At least make the warning show up in the middle of the screen so you can see it.

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LE hasn’t been server authoritative for a long time. What made you think so?

Judd posted this on Reddit in a similar thread yesterday:

Now we’ll just have to see what their solution is.


Thanks Andrew. Hoping for a change that both parties can live with.

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Well, it has been server authoritative since 6th March. That’s a long time to some…

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Perhaps servers and bandwidth aren’t as trivially cheap as you think they are and companies that don’t have massive amounts of cashflow want to keep control of their costs.

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Yeah it makes sense that they might think its needed to save on server costs, but with how LE is designed, I can’t help but assume that they’r reasoning isn’t based on like, how people actually play LE. We can’t leave a map, to then portal back in later in endgame. So the only thing it would be keeping up when afk would be a single map.

So unless theres some big problem with a fairly sizeable amount of the playerbase just loading up the game, then going afk, I don’t really get why we have one.

Like if you take poe as an example, that game actually makes sense to have one somewhat. But for LE I really don’t see what part of the game an afk timer is targetting.

Combined with the initial pricing of mtx, I do have to wonder if the financials they’re seeing are looking pretty ominous right now. AN Afk timer to save on costs in LE, which really is the only reason to have an afk timer in a game (outside of some niche exploiting stuff, which i don’t think is the case for LE), kinda just ends up functioning how it does now; a thing to cut costs, by actively removing players who are mostly active in the game, not a thing to cut costs by removing people who are taking up resources for no reason.

It seems like it would make waaaaay more sense to solve the problem at the server design level, places people are gonna be afking are in between mono runs, in end of time etc…

Random thoughts on this as well:
Monos got changed somewhat so theres less load screens, maybe that is imapcting servers a lot when people take a break in between monos.

The game uses more data comparatively to like, any other game remotely close to it for me, and maybe that’s impacting stuff making them feel a strict afk timer is needed.

Regardless an afk timer feels like something seen as good idea, only because no one thought once about how the game is interacted with/played. It just doesnt make sense for a game where every instance resets/is just ended, when we portal out lol

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This is, for me at least, the primary issue.

We have zero idea of how they are implementing the server components or what the limitations are for each that intiate an “incremental cost” associated with their cloud server solution. The “cost” may not even be financial but limited in some other technical way. Off the top of my head I can think of a dozen possible issues or reasons for this, technical, financial, development wise etc. It may even be as simple as a server resource allocation that is so heavy with debug info they need that it cannot run indefinitely and needs an AFK timer to reset sessions faster than is practical for players right now.

Who knows.


yeah true, didnt take into account other problems, that would probably be worse lol

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There’s always a financial cost. If they have X people AFKing & someone comes online that they need to spin up another set of hardware which they’d have to pay for, or the bandwidth usage for AFK players (no idea how much that’d be, presumably significantly less than an active player, but still).

I don’t know any of the details nor anything about their specific cost-base or anything comparable (never having seen financials for that kind of stuff).

Amusingly, I almost got kicked & the AFK timer started with a 2 minute warning…


Cost is always a factor but there may be technical limitations within their current solution that restrict resources that may not automatically end up being a direct cost.

It may be that they dont need to “spin up” more hardware, but are virtually restricted in some way with concurrent resource usage or any number of other things. It may be that there is some other technical limitation on the resources - e.g. CPU cycles can only perform so fast or memory can only be reallocated in a certain timeframe when a session closes. Indirectly gettting more resources would mean more cost yes, but that may not be automatic so they may have to artificially claw resources back or prevent a more catastrophic event by leaving sessions open. It could even be an issue with how the game is saving state to a database system and having limited session concurrency. It could be anything.

Again, who knows…

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Sure, but thats the case for anyone running an online game is it not?

Feels like this was put in for the future without considering the now. “Well what if we have 100k players? that would be too much, need to make sure we cull afks”

But right now the number of players in game shouldnt be enough to ever require them to kick people imo.

No other game has this strict of a timeout, and people are just getting passed it with macros or numlocking skills which im sure stresses the server even more, because now you also got an afk guy who is spamming skills on the screen.

The more ive played with it and thought about it, I think it actively hurts them in the long run, hell previously they had login server issues, where once you got into the game it was smooth, but logging in was terrible. So they are gonna constantly be booting people so they can always have people that already were in hitting up the log in server again? Seems really silly.

“Sorry you had to do number 2, back to queue you go!” thats like so weird man.

I engage with cloud architecture professionally on a daily basis. I wrote what I wrote knowing full well what it costs and what the considerations are. So perhaps you should pocket that snark for when you do know.

And that is why I’m not receptive to any defense that’s based on the cost of resources consumed by idling clients. LE’s concurrency is light years away from a volume in which it is reasonable to believe idling clients are consuming server and network resources so severely that they need to be culled aggressively.

You think that was snark?

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Not everyone knows your life or job to be fair.

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What I don’t get is what kind of “kick” this is. When I get the message, I still can see new messages in the chat. Doesn’t that mean I haven’t get kicked from the server yet? If thats the case, how does this help the game in any way?

My guess would be that the chat service has its own server, which is not tied to the game’s main server. This is a common approach in many multiplayer games, if a problem occurs in the chat service, it doesn’t affect the game server, and vice versa.