The absence of Updates and Support

Love this it reminds me of what I loved in Doom 2 as a kid

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Yes & this isn’t it. You’re pissed off with it & that’s fair enough, but that’s not the case for everyone.

That’s kinda normal these days.


Well that takes my image of the Void in an entirely new and twisted direction. :rofl: :joy: :crazy_face:

I think something is wrong with you, I just dont care what

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Nah, I just have some self-respect left.
I’m not satisfied with low-quality, alpha stage, buggy, unfinished products. Do you have some self-respect?

What about you? Do you have some manners, or is this how you talk with people?


If you think manners is waiting for 5 years without meaningful demands, not being vocal about the problems of the game, not having expectations, not asking more from yourself surely, I have none. That said this forum seems to be almost full with people with such, with very few folks that quickly get silenced.
Enjoy 3-4 more years with nothing to do in this game, beta-testing masteries, multiplayer and reporting bugs.

I agree with everything that you have said from the start but i do not agree in the way you said it couse the way you have said it turns eyes away from the problem that you have pointed out couse that way of conversation is just not something that is normal for grown up world.


Agree 100%. I stopped replying because I feel like a parent berating a child screaming in a shopping centre because their ice-cream order is taking too long…

Life is too short to deal with people throwing tantrums and behaving like this. Its just another sad example of the modern world where things like manners, common decency and etiquette have be overrun by people screaming their demands and it clouds any hope of decent discourse and practical results because rational people with respect for others simply can no longer tolerate it.

Too old for this kind of crap.


I understand that you are displeased with us as developers. We receive very large amounts of criticism about the game. We also receive large amounts of praise for the game too. It is by no means one sided feedback.

I’m sorry that our communication is not in the channels that you would prefer. I do believe that we are a very communicative development team. It’s one of the things I take pride in about our team.

It’s difficult to not take over threads and just end the conversations as a developer. I frequently have to restrain myself from just killing a debate with facts. You’re right, we don’t have major numbers like the big players in the industry right now. We have been waiting to really start pushing marketing until we were closer to 1.0 launch. As expected, we try to use our resources strategically for the most benefit for the game. All the major information about the game gets posted to the forums first and then linked out to other sources from here so the big communication is all here.

I just want everyone to remember that people having conflicting feelings about something doesn’t invalidate either feeling.

General note to everyone here: please keep your replies respectful and focused on the issue, not the person.

I believe that Last Epoch is poised to become one of the great ARPGs and I am very excited for the future.


You’re right we’re super disappointed in you. Now go clean your netcode or your grounded from developing content again.



Hey, thanks for responding.
Naturally you receive both praise and criticism, but when you look at how the game is standing and in general most chalk this to constructive criticism of people that had enough, people that want the better of the game, and unconstructive criticism from folks that scream into a wall.

The communication has been lackluster. I’ll explain why. It’s not because you don’t share news. It is because the plans for development has been changed multiple times, because there is no roadmap, and because you basically want people to hop onto the new update but with nothing to do in the long run. ARPG players in general want to have a long goal in a game, something that this one is lacking, and you should know that very well, since you’re making one. I’m not being ironic, these are just facts.

About marketing. This is something I personally do not care about if a game is decent, but when you market a product, you generally invite people in. Does it feel genuine to invite all audiences just for them to get bored after 15 days? This is what happens after every patch. When the game has a meaningful gameplay loop and pinnacle content people would want to stay and come and won’t feel cheated they have been invited for no reason. I’m not saying this because it’s a bad thing, but because it has been done multiple times. And it’s called false advertisement to any player that expects to have fun beyond the story of the game.

The crafting/grinding is extremely unrewarding considering what the gameplay loop provides. Why would someone spend unreasonable amount of time to perfect their gear or play more than needed, when the current content doesn’t ask for that. They shouldn’t and this is why people don’t.

About what Last Epoch is destined to, nobody knows.
But hear this, its better to build a player base, not pull from pool of players just to disappoint them. The first impression is really important, and a lot of us have bought the game already.
A lot can return, but the facts are a lot won’t return from what they saw.

If you folks are fine with that it’s ok, but there is no doubt if there were more things to do in this game in the long run, the results were not gonna be the same.

Sorry about throwing the facts, but no, the game will become something is a statement in the future, and not the near one. A favor that you guys can do yourselves is make sure there is more to do in the game after the story. Monoliths and Dungeons are just not cutting it.

PS. This is all valid if a player can endure the great number of bugs that are still in the game, being single or multiplayer. If a person cannot, decisions happen rather quickly.

Thanks for the feedback


The difficulty is determining which group is which, both think that they “want the best for the game” & that the other is just a bunch of inbreds screaming into the void (aka, white knights & whatever the opposite of that is).

This happens in real life & when it does developers are in a bit of a quandry. They can either keep quiet & let the community know when things have become clearer in terms of what’s going to be happening (ie, what EHG generally do) or they can let us know immediately plans change every single time they change & probably horrify a group of people about how chaotic development can be when they have a particular plan for a thing & it doesn’t pan out. They are damned if they do & damned if they don’t.

Because #### changes & people ###ch at them when it does 'cause they’re (understandably) upset about the change.

This isn’t a communication problem, it’s a lack of content that you enjoy problem.

Yes & no, you are lacking one & I’d imagine quite a few people are, but not everyone, so this is a bit more subjective.

It’s what happens in PoE as well. This is, sadly, not uncommon in the industry nowadays. But it’s not false advertising.

I think you might want to rethink that.

There is space for improvement, certainly. Would T5/6/7/etc dungeons help? Would making it easier to scale corruption faster in monos or tweaking how the difficulty scales with corruption versus map modifiers help?

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Basically, everything is subjective if you look at it from that stance, and everyone are biased in their own way if you look at it that way. But that is an easy way out of every dispute, and I usually don’t take easy way outs.

Mike was very kind to respond and was thankful about it, this is generally enough considering he needed to filter all of this because people here apparently defend the game as much as they would their family, sounds weird. I hardly need to answer to any of this as this is what I feel. I’d generally wouldn’t defend anything that doesn’t concern me or my stance. But you asked an interesting question.

The content is usually maps, these are random maps with random modifiers. This is obviously made as a core endgame start. It is mandatory to complete and get a few good passive buffs and items to help you beat the Dungeons. However after T4 dungeons, it felt that there is nothing like a challenging boss, challenging series of bosses or obstacles.

Leveling those up to T10 (saying this theoretically) won’t make it more interesting. You would just need to grind monos more, and dungeons more.

What I need is there is for more variety in end-game content, more gameplay loops and pinnacle content.

About the monos themselves, they are slow to complete, even if you speedrun them, monotonous (unintentional pun) to the point you kinda get sick of them after some time.
If they were a little faster in a meaningful way, that would surely help, but I understand at the same time, if everything is too fast. The endgame will finish too fast aswell. So the improvement in my eyes is strictly more endgame content.

That is as much a cop-out as “everything is subjective”.

It’s common, more so online than offline, but people are tribal & more than willing to defend their preferred thing from perceived attacks. It’s not just games/gaming, it occurs everywhere, music, sports, politics (shudder), you name a thing, there will be groups of people willing to defend it.

Exactly, the maps/monos/whatever are “normal” content, not “pinnacle” content, that’s what the dungeons would be for (if they went high enough, which apparently for some, they don’t).

But it would be something to strive for, a reason to improve your gear just that teensy smidge that might give the player the edge to defeat the Tinsert arbitrarily high number here dungeon bosses. It would be more akin to D3’s greater rifts rather than PoE’s pinnacle bosses, but it would still be pinnacle content (IMO).


It’s rather easy… if you are happy with mapping then you like the endgame because it’s mapping. Dungeons to me go into the same category because they are rince and repeat as well. The endgame of LE is static and boring to me.
Then again I played PoE endgame Diablo endgame (yeah even 4 ^^) and almost every other arpg that had some sort of endgame but LE feels the most lackluster to me and I can’t pinpoint why I feel this way. To me it’s boring af and feels like a waste of time rather then an improvement.

If there was some kind of progression outside of a passive point every now and then things might look different but in LE I even get less gear upgrades then in D4 and that’s totaly confusing. I simply lose the motivation to play at a certain point because the game progression slows down to a point that makes the game tedious and not fun anymore.

That’s most likely a me problem but then again it’s like beating a dead horse and posts like this pop up again and again and end up the same way as usual in a pro and contra camp where one side isn’t able to understand the other. As usual when it comes to this topics I leave my 2 cents (see above) and get the F out of here before I end up in a writing frenzy ^^.

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Oh you dear summer child…

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Threads like this really deserve only one reply, and it’s this:

It sometimes makes me ashamed to be a gamer when so many can’t just say “I don’t like this game” without first running it through a filter of abject narcissism so it comes out as “This game is bad and the people who make it are bad”.