Target farming unique with LP is a pain

Exactly… I’m not selectively viewing the results to confirm my belief that Rogue gear is more heavily weighted to drop on my Sentinel. It’s just how I’m perceiving it…given that I’m only interested in Sentinel gear I need.

To be fair, they’re quite similar and get confused quite a lot.

Not really. It’s how you’re recalling it, which makes it confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is oftenly affectd by previous perception bias, but you can sort of think of them as perception being a present thing (something dropped and you made no notice of it because it didn’t matter to you, or it made a negative impact because it wasn’t what you wanted), whereas confirmation bias is in the past, where you recall all the times things happened that confirm your assumptions, impressions or feelings.
It’s not as clear cut as that, but for this specific example it can be looked at this way.

This is excatly what i mean. I feel that the game force me to play a other class. It feels like the game says: “Don´t play a mage, i want you to be a minon master”.
From a statistical standpoint, it’s not possible that I don’t get loot with Intelligence stat but have the box full of BIS items for other classes.
I’m the type of gamer who finishes a character 100% before playing another toon. It makes me unhappy to play multiple characters at the same time.

The drop statistics you have presented here are extremely unexpected. If you do the math on it the chances of those numbers happening it’s almost impossible. Technically possible but so incredibly tiny. I would be surprised if a second person ever playing our game has such devastatingly extreme bad luck. I’m also surprised that these are the specific statistics that you chose to record as they were happening and not in hindsight.


Out of curiosity, how difficult would it be for you to do this?

It’s really just making the data collection to not be manual. I can already make the items really fast. I suspect it would take me an afternoon to make it work well.


Ok then.

Though I suspect the analysis would be more challenging.

And then it’s an afternoon of not working on something else, and you know how people cry about the devs not working on things. :wink:

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No, it’s not. Because I think this when I’m actually playing the class, not just relaying it to a message board… Please, don’t tell me what I’m thinking or saying.


Can we not have a measuring contest about WHAT bias it is and just agree it IS a BIAS and, therefore, given the OPs original post not an issue with the actual game statistics (unless Mike runs those tests and reconfirms.)


Sure, but the bias applies only in what we were discussing lately, which is drops being for different classes. Not the same thing as the OP. But regarding that I think we’ve also established that things will change with factions and we might as well wait and see how it will go, so not much left to discuss by now other than our preferences for loot, at this point.

I can still say I’m almost unable to find Exsangs :smiley: . it’s like 1 exsang every 300h of gamplay.

Steam says I’m around 200h and I’ve found one some time ago. But I was actively hunting for it at the time, meaning doing the armor echoes and using ascendance runes. Haven’t had another drop for me, but it’s supposedly a rare drop so that’s to be expected.

But I’ve yet to find a single health/health idol for any of my builds.

just my two cents, I have brought lots of complains and discussions around here, but I never suspected the game was against my class. I still think the same way.
RNG being RNG and the Bias play a huge factor to you @MiamiNice

Just keep grinding and I think you will be surprised. As a different side of the story, last week I decided I will try a new beastmaster build, and I startet to go after some itens, I realized the weapon Cleaver Solution has never dropped to me. The moment I said it openly I needed one (and of course directing some of my play time to target farming, like the unique axes/maces echoes that I used to skip) I found 3 of them already. It was almost as the gaming was reading my mind. But in an usual way, because If I remeber it right only one of them came from the echo reward.
One of them is a 2LP one, and It happened to be a T4 Julra drop, where I was not expecting to find it at all.
If I can give one advice to you is play different timelines and dungeons from time to time. (in a same playtime section dont be focused just in one place). In my 1k hours, as much as this could be a strong bias of mine, I think the game punishes players who stay forever in a same timeline. I used to only farm Ending the storm timeline with my druid. Now I climbed corruption in Reign of Dragons and sometimes also a third timeline. So I generally switch at least between two timelines. And I try some dungeon from time to time, even If I dont need to craft a legendary its good to run Temporal Sanctum for exalted drops. Even if I dont have the money to spent in Lightless arbor its good to run it sometimes.

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Being a new player, below are the steps I saw and felt throughout this.
Leveling, fast smooth, fun, few bosses caught me offguard, couldn’t just tank and spank which was pleasantly surprising.

Endgame started, No clue what monolith’s were, confused by the “mapping” system, but realised after researching outside of the game how it worked.

Then started to look at endgame builds, where do i want to play, what looks like fun. ooo, Sacrifice zombies looked fun, what’s required, don’t expect it to just be handed to me.
Ok, need loads of gear i cant get untill i finish monoliths. kk, time to drag myself through this, which felt like forever, when does endgame begin?

Fine, need more items to craft good items, what’s important again? right resistances, health, staying alive. Fine fine, craft roll, cost 1-10 forging potential? how can i mitigate? another rng scroll? wait so i need to rng it up, oh it can critical craft? how do i maximise that? not possible, damn… Wait i cant move the affix after T5? oh there are T6 affixes? T7? how do i get T7? another RNG… But… So far recrafting is kinda pointless, to much rng, i gotta farm LP which is more rng, i gotta find the right affix, more rng. No mitigation to rng?

This is the point, there are stages but they feel awful, and most games out there teaches you that items are the pillar to a game. Why can’t we build our own? POE crafting is nice, would be good to have a “simpler” version here with less rng…
So far feels like they will charge you real money for rng mitigation, cause this is waaaaay to much and id rather not get to endgame, and honestly put me off the game now.

So if this is the new player experience, i can only imagine how you guys must feel.

Once u understand the crafting system is pretty easy to gear ur self up.

Imo crafting in LE is way better than in POE. U pretty much need a college degree to craft in poe.

Best advice i can give is always us gylphs of hope.

Dont give up keep at before long u will be crafting amazing gear.

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If you look at the process from getting the right basi item you’ll see that LE is a RNG Onion with layers upon layers upon layers of rng and rng systems on top of it. You have 2 options:
1.: Get used to it
2.: Play a diferent game
Between al the “The system is okay once you understand it!” you’ll fin some critics that will not be heared because all they get is “Once understood the completely luck based system is fine!”. If you want to keep you oppinion heared… good luck!


I absolutely agree with you
After 5 minutes of gambling affixes to make yourself something mediocre, the “crafting system” becomes almost unnecessary.

Once you get the unique LP 1+ you need, you didn’t want to use items with T5 affixes. Therefore, gambling affixes (sorry, I can’t call it crafting) becomes even easier. You pick up an item from the floor, and if it does not initially have the T7 affix you need, you throw it away.

That’s not the crafting part. But if you’re at the point where t7 affixes are dropping/the upgrade youre looking for, you’re fairly deep in the endgame.

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… at 230 corruption.
BTW, i was farming 1200+1500 corruption, same chance to drop T7. The rarity of the item +1000% objectively means nothing. That was my main disappointment.

All the talk that IR increases the chance of getting more T5++ items, or another misconception that the chance of getting more unique items increases, and therefore a greater chance of getting LP+ - all this is a lost theory.

In practice, all chances should be divided by 10. Since runs becomes much longer, and the chance of dying is an order of magnitude higher.

The practice boils down to the fact that the most effective method to get the right items is to grind 100 corruption, ignoring crafting. And resort to crafting only after you get 3/4 of the necessary affixes and one of them is the main T7 (there is simply no other way to get it)