
What I noticed is: 1. Tool tips are partly above the items. 2. You automatically run into portals. Is sometimes frustrating, because in the city you sometimes automatically run into the portal. (My suggestion: LeftClickDown - where is nothing = runmode, portals / NPC cannot be entered until LeftClickUp, click on portal/NPC = interact) 3. Right click out of range - go to the Mob.

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First and foremost, welcome to the LE Forums.

Not exactly sure what exactly you mean. Do you mean tooltips of two different items overlap when comparing them?
Could you elaborate further on that point? I could not reproduce any overlaps or tooltips positions that are “off”.

Very nice suggestions, already heard alot of people complaining about accidentally using a portal, which is especially frustrating, since instances reset once leaving.

More options for different behaviours for different types of skills are always a great QoL addition. But there is already an option for that, at least for melee skills. It only works if you already hover over an enemy before pressing the skill though.

Oh, I think, Google-translator don’t understand me :grin:
to 1. right tooltips overlap when comparing.
3. However don’t see this. sorry

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I think, it might be related to your screen resolution? I could not reproduce that by myself.
I think a screenshot might be helpful, so devs could see, how it looks like for you.

Possibly this is even worthy for a bug report, depending on how exactly it looks for you.

The tooltip thing is annoying when you want to view the tooltips for a few items in your inventory. As soon as you put your mouse over one of the items you can’t see the others because they’re covered up by the tooltip - so you can’t easily move your mouse to the next item.

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Resolution is 1920x1200 (GTX 1660 Super)

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Ok ok, now i know what you and @billysielu mean. As soon as you compare an item the tooltip of the item you are hovering over, will get overlapped by the itemtooltip box.

Yeah i could also reproduce this. It never bothered me personally tbh, but i think that could be improved, if that’s stuff really botehring you (and potentially other people)

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