Suggestion: make the forge always default to Glyph of Hope

My suggestion is to make it so that whenever you open the forge it always has Glyph of Hope pre-selected (or no glyph but hope is my preferred option).

Now, before you ask. Yes. I have accidentally used glyph of chaos on an affix I wanted to keep. And that is obviously entirely on me for being stupid and not paying attention.
But then I thought about it a bit more and realised that Glyph of Hope pretty much IS the default glyph. Whenever I use any of the others It’s only after some consideration.

For me defaulting to Glyph of Hope would be a nice QoL change as it would in most cases save some clicks and a bit of time as well as making the forge a bit more idiot-proof.
I obviously can’t assume everyone has the same approach to crafting as me so I’m interested in what others might think about this topic.

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Been there, done that (all the way up to t5, but that’s an entirely different story…).

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