Stuck at Entering Eterra

Same here. Using steam.

I have the same issue. I’m also on Steam.

EDIT: I logged into the website and went to “Sessions” and clicked to log out all sessions and now the game works. :man_shrugging:

I also notice that before, the website said I needed to purchase the game and now it says “Please download the launcher to start playing the game” so maybe they are just backed up on processing new purchases or something.

I have the same problem. I bought the game today. First time trying to play.

Same issue here. Stuck on Entering Eterra. Tried all the known workarounds and nothing.

Bought this today and can’t get in either. Checked the files integity and also tried to run directly from the game folder. Nothing helps.

This is what fixed the problem for me. Everyone give it a shot, and good luck.

Same problem. Seems steam cant link with last epoch account… any other fix?

Bought the game last night, and tried playing this morning, and ran into similar issues as everyone here. I tried the fix recommended above and it worked.

I logged out of all Sessions including the active one (by logging out as well). After that I was able to get into the game via the Steam client.

Hopefully this will help someone here.

Hello there,

This is a known bug/issue and we are working to determine the root cause. While most players are able to login after some time has passed - we will continue to work on a solution.

Thank you for your patience

Thank you so much for the suggested fix and posting it here! While we will continue to look for a solution to the root cause, this is valuable information.

The “solution” doesn’t work for me :expressionless: I bought it like 5 hours ago and can’t log, F

Same here can not get past loading screen saying please wait, lost 36 mins of game play on Steam worried if I leave launcher running no refund as 2 hour time limit will pass. Big fan of this type of game was looking forward to playing wile I’m off work.

Some info: I was stucked ingame at “Entering Eterra” till completed verification of account on this website(email code).

Hello there, I am truly sorry you are not able to log in and experience Last Epoch. Rest assure that if this problem persists past the 2 hours and you would like still like a refund - we will honor your request. This is on us. We are working on a solution right now but do not have a prediction as to when it will be ready.

Once you verified your email - you were able to log in immediately?

Thank you for the information! Did you also verify your email address before or after logging out of all sessions by chance?

I bought the game last night and I still can’t get into the game. I’ve tried logging out of sessions and my email is also verified. My account shows I haven’t even purchased the game though I own it on steam.

We are still looking into the known bug of ‘stuck at entering Eterra’ aka ‘infinite spinning portal’. In the meantime, we have a temporary fix that will give you a LE-24 error which we can address right away. To do so, please submit a ticket to and we will respond as quickly as we can. This is a manual process and due to the holidays it might not be an immediate response. The goal is to get you all into Last Epoch as fast as possible while we come up with a better solution.

Yes, that’s it. Verified email, then started game again and logged in without any problem. Currently I can log in without any stuck.

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