Steam Error - Missing File Privileges - Patch

After the path, I receive this error:

Missing File Privileges.

And the game doesn’t update or open to play :confused:

I’ve tried:

  • clear steam cache
  • repair library

None of these operations worked. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?

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This is also happening to me. First patch would not deploy fully. tried repairing library, clearing cache and reinstalling. stuck at end of reinstall now.

when looking at steam patch view it reads in red: content file locked


I got it!
This is what I did:
1 - Open Windows Terminal and type this command:

netsh winsock reset

And reset the computer

2 - disable Windows Antivirus
3 - Run Steam as an administrator
4 - Try to update or run the game

Try this and see if it works for you. :slight_smile:

Same issue, I tried all solutions suggested for this. Nothing works


I have this problem from last week probably.
Only solution i found is delete game and install it again. But whenever some patch wil appear in steam to download problem is there again and need reinstall. Fortunately i have quick download speed.

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