Stash tab price change, but existing stash tab purchases..?

I have heard there may be a nerf soon to the price of stash tabs. That sounds great! However, I have already purchased about 50+ stash tabs. Would it be out of the question to ask for some form of compensation for the in-cycle price change? If you cut the price of stash tabs by a flat 50%, I think it would be fair compensation to have my number of current stash tabs increased by 50%.

Or, add a cool new item to the game that grants one free stash tab and then gift players a number of that new consumable to compensate for the price change.

At this point, I want to continue buying stash tabs but I don’t want to waste my current gold so I’m holding off pending further news…



I’m curious about this too.

I’d rather not have the discussion about this or the implementation take too much longer, as I’ve also been holding off expanding my inventory, but you know, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

For anyone who doesn’t know where this was announced, it was on the LE discord:

Will the price change soon?

if you buy lets say a car, and the maker of the car reduces the price few months after you got it, you won’t get back the money difference, so … :stuck_out_tongue:

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i’m just asking if this is going to happen soon, should i hold gold or buy? I’m not stingy! :slight_smile:

my stash is exploding, i have 20 useless arena key prophecies, i had to start leveling another char an now im starting to get tier7 exalts again, pls halp :sob:

Yeah I’m in the same boat. Trying to save as much gold as possible for when this change goes through. My current stash is in critical condition spacewise and I can’t organize them properly either… Fingers crossed, it’s in the patch this week.

Stash tab prices were over-powered? How did I miss out on this exploit?!?!?!?!?

I guess there’s no compensation for people that already had a large amount of stash tabs… sigh.

Patch notes today:

  • Reduced cost of Stash Tabs
    Stash tabs beyond the first 6 previously cost 10000 more than the previous tab. Now stash tabs 7 to 16 cost 2500 more than the previous tab, and stash tabs beyond the first 16 cost 5000 more than the previous tab. This results in the cost of large numbers of stash tabs being reduced by around 50%.

There should be a refund of gold or additioal stash tabs fot sure…

Also, we should return the gold we got for selling arena keys while the price was high! It’s the same thing, correct?