Stach problems


Just got 2 problems with stachs yesterday and today.

1- Stach categories merge : It looks like all the stachs from two (or more) categories are displayed in those categories. 2 categories are selected and stachs of both categories are displayed. It happened many times and even when creating new cateories and deplacing the stachs in the new categories, it happens again and again.

2- Lost a stach : I changed the color of a stach … and poof … stach dissapeared (with the items stached in it… sniff) when I confirmed.

Can you do something about this ? Really like this game, but if the stachs are failing, the game is loosing a bit of interest imo. Thank you for your concern. Looking forward for your solution.

Have a nice day,

Hey… Welcome to the forums…

The problem you describe is related to dragging stash tab order and dropping tabs onto other categories by mistake…

The devs have confirmed that this feature is not currently supported in the game (they only added the reordering recently) and what it does is incorrectly change the Tab and Category IDs (and order) in the stash save file.

There is unfortunately no in-game way to resolve this as the stash is effectively corrupted. Essentially the only “allowed” way is to delete the stash file (after backup) and lose your stash (and everything shared) but have a corrected stash file.

The following is probably not allowed in the ToS but as everything is offline & you are trying to fix the outcome of a bug I personally dont think its that big a deal:

If you are technically inclinded you can consider attempting to manually repair the stast tab ids & categories - essentially the IDs need to be unique (no duplicates), in sequence and tab IDs cross referenced to a valid existing category ID.

Backup your C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games folder first… The file you need is Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta. The tabs and category ids are at the end of the file.

The colour change issue is probably just a result of the messed up IDs…

(see Stash category duplicate - need to manually modify a file?)

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