[SPOILER] Community List of all Uniques found in 0.8.3!

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Ty. Found another (random drop):


Lethal Concentration: https://imgur.com/a/kjIq6nF

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The gloves are a random drop :).

Yes, both items from that post were random mono drops when they dropped. Non-Randoms cannot be found in the wild. Considering those items are level 6 and 19 that makes them random. The staff I found at 62 is mono or slow leveling random. The Relic is specific to Lagon level 78+ the killing character has to be at or over 78 but can drop from the 75 Lagon at a lower rate.

Sorry for putting all in one post its late here i want to go to bed, been playing all day. Hopefully tomorrow i will start empowered and have better and more drops (i have leveled a new char today until 82)


  1. Marinas lost soul - Wand
  2. Corsairs blood Cowl - set rogue helm
  3. Sanguine hoard - quiver
  4. Tongue of the Aberrant seer - ring

I think its good to mention that i had Oceareon (unique ring) on normal MOF Ending the storm - burning forest location drop (as a random drop) even though it is not from this patch and therefor not related to the subject it is very rare drop might help someone

Edited i have deleted a post i made before i confused one unique from previous patch to this one since it was drooped for the first time

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Found the gloves on a brand new toon, not mono exclusive as it seems :).

To OP, you’re still missing the polearm which isn’t in your original post:

Lethal Concentration: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Nice 2H Sword


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got really lucky in 5 ours of farming :slight_smile:

  1. Yulias path - unique boots
  2. Stormhide paws - unique gloves
  3. Corsairs boarding shield - set
  4. Eye of Orexia - unique mage relic
  5. Fulgurite shard - unique dagger
  6. Vilatrias downfall - Set two handed staff (got 2 drops today)
  7. Scales of Eterra - Unique catalist
  8. Lethal Concetration - Two handed Polearm
  9. Curse of Perseverance - Two handed staff
  10. Flayers Pride - unique shield

So thats 14 drops in two days not bad :slight_smile:


Have anyone found those Unique IDOLs yet?


Sacrificial Embrace unique gloves from Elder Gaspar in The Last Ruin timeline. Got this from the empowered timeline while farming Ravenous Void gloves

Found with a Solo Necro... so sad ^^


Leviathan Carver


From a “set/rare” mono reward in Reign of Dragons.

Very interesting…

Set helmet




Find some items more that i will not post since they are very common i got like a lot copies of them, but this 2 bad boys are 2 out of 3 chase items for me. I am very happy and very upset i got them only after 30h of gameplay 1 hour apart (and really good rools as well) ether i was brutally lucky or that drop rates need to be reduced. Please tell me if anyone got this 2 so far.
PS Heavy I got Omni wand finally haha

Edited: as for the staff of Vilatrias sett i got 4 copies so far its a random drop any any mono. But its difficult to get high roll on mana


I really want a Bastion of Honour, was it from a normal or empowered mono?