Soulfire Bastion soft locked with "LE-67" error on door from second zone, after not getting a modifier choice from first door

In a Soulfire Bastion run, when I clicked the door to leave the first area, I was instantly zoned to the intermediate “crossroads” area, without being shown the screen that should have told me what bonuses that door provided, and asked if I wanted to proceed or go back.

Subsequently, in the second area of the dungeon, I got stuck, with both doors raising the error “[LE-67] Dungeon Entry Door is already in use”.

This is not the same bug that was reported fixed in 0.9e, despite throwing the same error code; I’m playing SAF, so the problem can’t be that someone else put a key in before me.

Video (only started recording after I saw the error, so doesn’t include the first door failing to show the “proceed” screen):

Player log: (1.0 MB)


I saw another instance of the error:

Also getting same issue… cant open any doors in the first area due to this bug

I was able to walk ‘through’ that door into the next zone then when progressing to the next ‘in between’ zone the door isnt clickable to proceed. Soulfire Bastion just isnt playable at all. Playing online single player.

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