Sorcerer Disentegrate is BROKEN and is a complete Joke

The topic says it all, I think the skill is effectively disfunction at any level of scaling or adequacy and does nothing for any build in the game.

The topic says it all

It says a lot about you, but it doesn’t say anything about Disintegrate. There’s no information at all about what you’ve tried with class, gear, skills, or passives, or what results you got with it. If you want the devs to do anything about the allegedly poorly performing Disintegrate skill, THIS SUCKS I’M MAD is not actionable information. And to head you off with the inevitable response, no, it is absolutely not reasonable or legitimate for you to demand they “look at it themselves” apropos of nothing.

Be better.


That’s quite vague for anyone who hasn’t played around with it. Would you care to further explain to us why you feel that way?

“Be better” rofl, show me any working footage of disentegrate build, the skill is absolute nuts, it does nothing at all.

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272 dmg, that is how much disentegrate deals to mobs per second, is that vague enough?

where any other skill picked up will deal 100x more


This does not look like a working build nor does it look like the guy is knowing what he is doing.

Disentegrate cannot crit, yet he stacks all kind of spell crit, please stop sh*t posting.

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Yes, it is vague. I doubt that you are doing the best you can do at building the skill, getting that much damage and any other skill does “100x more”.
Just watching 1 minute of that video DJ posted, the skill clearly does damage, and you still say the skill doesn’t work.
Nice baits and bye bye, person.

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When you don’t want to see, you’ll never see. There really is no point in continuing this because you don’t want to see, you just want to vent.



That’s not how this works. The burden of proof falls on the person making the claim.

So I repeat: Be better.

But I think we all know the reason you aren’t willing to say anything specific is that it would reveal you’ve actually tried nothing and/or had terrible ideas that obviously shouldn’t have worked.

Edit: LOL - Two Level 100 characters, both nearly carbon copies of builds posted to LETools. Meta-slaves can’t make builds work unless someone else tells them how, film at 11.


Be better than what? I am probably the strongest player right now in the game.

I’m sorry. I forgot that you were the guy that’s ultra competitive and that only builds that do 2k+ corruption and kill bosses in 2s are “viable” :laughing:


Strange, you must have mispelled your name, because you’re not in the ladder.

Disintegrate, I tested it last season, unless you can find a way to freeze, blind, and stun lock a boss with it at once, to prevent them from moving, the time it takes for this spell to scale up and do damage makes it none viable for a lot of cases. A lot of the builds show case its damage on the target dummie, spoiler… target dummie does not move.

I only managed to make it work on bosses like Harton and Hunter Argenteus, ON LARGE openers. Same build on a ghost flame warlock was doing much better. If a spell needs to be charged to be used, it will suffer the charged puncture treatment. Will be tossed into auto D tier for me.

This guy does a lot of builds, and I’ve tried some of them. He knows what he’s doing and it is a working build.

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The reason you stack Spell crit is because of the Ignivar’s Head Unique. If you’d actually watched the video you would know that.

The Unique effect is:
Disintegrate deals more damage equal to your spell crit chance

If you have 40% spell crit chance Disintegrate deals 40% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers)


rofl this guy :rofl:

Try to not answer, it obviously was a troll from the very beginning.

“300 corruption. Dead build.”


Pot meet kettle. Kettle meet pot.

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Here is the streamer publicly testing disentegrate and reporting it to devs on live.

Timestamp - 2hours 4 mins

But I am the troll, I feel like neither of you guys here have any clue how to play this game, have ever managed to achieve anything at all beyond 300C.