Sorcerer Disentegrate is BROKEN and is a complete Joke

Ok, a skill that deals zero DPS without a specific unique, is a broken skill. That is more of a statement for this thread.

I decided to break my skull open making a build for this train wreck of a skill.

How to play

Use disentegrate to kill normal packs, use surge to move safely and regan mana. The beam will summon either fireorbs or lightning. Giving you procks of damage.

Your main damage is from elemental nova. We are using tri nova to force the game to give ud each buff, as each nova is fire, ice, and lightnjng skills.

This build is scuffed. But if should be viable.

Yes, you are a troll.

She’s using a node that causes the spell to deal only 40% damage, and she’s wearing a Birch Wand (+12-16 spell damage) for some reason. So her damage is exactly where it’s supposed to be and perfectly fine.

I don’t see any bug demonstrated here. her damage changes almost exactly as you would expect it to
Laser Focus gives 60% less damage (so 0.4x damage)
Hyperfocal gives 1% more damage per 8 mana (@1189 mana thats 148% more damage. so 2.48x damage)
0.4 * 2.48 = 0.99
ie. taking those two nodes, at that mana, should give 1% less damage.

Her testing shows the first tick without the two nodes was 330
and after taking the nodes was 317
a 4% damage loss.
bugged? it’s possible but its more likely to just be the result of a few rounded variables.

1200 mana required just to break even seems a bit harsh though. at 2k mana it would only give 40% more damage

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Have you equipped any gear, allocated any passives & specialised the skill?

It was tweaked this season 'cause they made Gambler’s Fallacy stop working with it (so they had to buff it).

you dont see a problem thats a bad skill design, those nodes are effectively useless until you hit 2k mana, and even then its bad skill that has no real scaling of dps