Some Changes Needed For MoF

First, I love the new monolith of fate. It is hands down many times better than the previous version, However that said, there are some big quality of Life things that would make it feel better.

What feels bad?

Memory Vessels

  • I was very excited the first memory vessel I found. I kept Expanding my web as I wanted to uncover as much as possible to be able to rerun as much rewards as I Could. I found 3 More memory vessels on my adventure. I finally Decided to use one and it reset all the pathways so I would have to rerun them. Honestly I see no difference between this and just resetting a web with orobyss kill. Either way you have to rerun all the echoes.

  • I recommend that the connections do not all get killed. This way you can go rerun JUST the echoes that you want to. That should be the reward. NOT that you have to rerun every single echo.

Chaos Vessels

  • The main problem I have with chaos vessels (I do like them) is that you already ran so many of the echoes that you didn’t want to just to find it. Also with the way webs work your branches are pretty singular pathways so your running 50%+ of the echoes as you uncover them.

  • I recommend that each timeline web should only have 1 chaos vessel and once you find it, it adds a “Reroll” (similar to the previous mono system) button and every time we click on a echo we can reroll it once (or if you keep multiple chaos vessels in the game as it is now you get reroll x chaos echoes found) this way after you have found a chaos echo you can reroll the rewards if need be as you uncover more of the web.

Web resets

  • I love building out my web and seeing my progress. I hate killing orobyss to see all that work go away.

  • I recommend that orobyss fights do not reset the web, instead orobyss fights should give reduced corruption (like half the current value) and be about twice as rare as they are now, but once you kill orbyss the web just continues on the other side of the orobyss echo. This would fix several things that i feel plague the current system with monotony

  1. Adding corruption is way to slow. Getting 200 corruption on multiple timelines for multiple characters takes weeks of play. That’s just to slow.
  2. The feeling of progression would continue on and vessels would feel even better with the above recommended changes.

No reset button

  • Even in the current version of the game there should be a RESET button. Preferably for several options:
  1. Reset Web/Modifiers added
  2. Reset Corruption
  • If some of the above changes are made the reset button would be mandatory as it would be the only way to start a new web.

Anyways these are just IMO QoL things that would make the monolith feel less monotonous and better for progression (Not getting into map exploration or other mechanics)

Things I love


  • Rewards are way more easily targetable. Want to farm idols? exalted? you can hunt them down much easier in monoliths.

  • I have no recommendations. I like it the way it is.


  • There is definitely more variety for echo objectives. Many times better than previous system.

  • I do recommend adding in even more in the future, along with map exploration type side objectives.

Few minor things on a final note

  • Why is stability capped at 2x 3rd quest cost?

  • I recommend removing the stability cap. If I want to run echoes all day and stack 2 million stability so the next day I can run boss fights all days I should have that option. I don’t see any reason why It should be capped forcing you into quest echoes or losing out on stability gained.

  • Beacons should uncover a larger area (or different size of beacons should be added)

  • As the echo web expands out there should be more and more connections. Especially to be able to work around nasty modifiers and are echo run enders. They should not just go off in a one lane path like this:

TLDR - Some things in mono still feel monotonous and could feel better. vessels could feel more rewarding atm they feel bad.


I totally agree with all the things you recommended changing for MOF, some to the letter like a reset button for the web/corruption. Another thing I would like is they reduce the number of orobyss you encounter significantly, to maybe like a number <5 in the whole web but they add significant corruption. It would actually be exciting to run into a shade node for once. The system was advertised as “The result of this is that quest echoes no longer reset your progression, meaning you can continue in your timeline as long as you like, even if you clear all of the quests”. well technically you cannot continue the timeline as long as you like because eventually you will just run into shade nodes everywhere and the paths all either becomes blocked or linear.
All that being said I’m loving the new revamped MOF and having a blast. If they could just fine tune it a bit more it could add so much replaybility and excitement to an already awesome end game system.

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Yes. I am curious as to why its no longer “unlimited” if it was because it will lag the server to much in the future, a storage problem, or something else. I do feel like a web should be able to go on forever and that you can gain corruption without resetting it. I like to see my progression. Its also more of a wow factor when you open up a web tree and it goes for 3 football fields. I see more jaws drop for that then seeing the corruption number read 300.

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True. Currently it’s very similar to the old MOF in that you still take a very linear path to try and get much stability as possible until you hit a shade. then trying to branch out somewhere else til you hit another shade and so forth. The reward should definitely be looked at also. A unique or Set item, even shards etc needs to roll at a certain level or rarity. I’ve mentioned this in a few other threads, it’s like a slap in the face when the unique you get at the end of the echo is the 50th valeroot or the slab for the day.

I’ve been thinking about that atm we usually take only one pathway in the web and neglect others (till the reset of course). I suggest a special ‘treasure map’ nodes. Where you by defeating a mini-boss or other encounter get a map with an approximate location of a monolith node with valuable reward. Like exalted items. And that node can be in the opposite direction from the one you took. So that encourage the player to explore multiple pathways from the starting node.


Ooh, that’s a good idea. So you’d have to like search for it but you know the general location.

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Feel exactly the same way… I like “playing the web” rather than resetting it… Only time I do it is if I am trying to farm the shade but the rest of the time I like having a huge web and mix and matching each MoF affects so that I get a favourable combination for a big fight…

100% agree… Its far too slow… if you average 5-10 mof to find a shade that gives less than 10 corruption, it can take well over 150 Mof runs just to get to the magical 300 corruption (excluding the 100 your start with for empowered).

This is what I thought it would do - was a little disappointed the first Memory reset I did…

I find this would be useful for newer players/lower level characters where you end up getting yourself “modified into a corner and cannot progress” because the MoFs have gotten too hard… Less of an issue for a late game char OR if you actually have some plan in your web work…

This is good… I tend to find myself farming exalted items all the time…

Ive owned the game since Nov 2019 and played just over 1k hours, im going to leave feedback as after playing this patch thoroughly - if nothing changes overall I probably will not be playing this game anymore as I cant stand endless scaling in an aRPG when its the main core gameplay loop which is Corruption

For me the problem is the game feels pointless when the mobs have no limit, upgrades you find are just temporary, even if its almost the best gear you can get. I played D3 pushing the ladder, when going for Rank 1 you would just fish for good rifts, which consisted of opening the rift looking for a good layout/mob type, if you dont get it you leave immediately and open another one

EVERY build will get to this stage at some point, its just different points you will hit it. Also due to the pure nature of RNG as described you could actually get stuck earlier or much later if you get good/bad mob types - this is massive in this game

The ‘web’ is just content bloat to me now, the only decisions is what is the least dangerous or trying to stack the same mod, ie 3x Glancing Blow, if you decide to play past 200+ corruption its fairly unlikely you are doing it just for blessings/unique drops and you probably are just looking for Shades to get more corruption…to do it again and honestly the only reason to stack corruption is Omnis or show off to others - when the arena exists for this reason

Cant farm other timelines for other blessings or play other characters if aiming to stack corruption as well so you are pretty much locked to a single character, if you aim to stack corruption you have to assume your character is completely finished

For me the most logical is to actually cap corruption and leave arena


I feel there’s many things that could still be improved about the rewards. So instead just generic ‘rare rings’ it could be ‘turquoise rings’ or ‘rings with t4 %spell damage affix’. That would be much more interesting to farm for. I would even go further - my previous suggestion of ‘a treasure map nodes on the Web’ can be expanded and the treasure is actually an expendable item allowing you to make 2-3 nodes on the tree to become more specific. So you literally can turn a generic ‘rare rings’ into more specific one.


Yes , exactly. Adding an interactivity component into the Web is always good imo

One thing that occasionally plagues me (and probably only specifically me, lol) is that I tend to expand the web in a lot of directions at once and I occasionally forget where the starting node is.

I like to leave a couple of low stacking modifiers to save for later when I run into a quest echo boss or orobyss. However, I can never remember where the starting node is. I almost wish there was like a background of concentric rings (like orbit rings). This would show two things:

How far away from start you are, and thus how much stability you get at a quick glance without manually clicking on each of ten different nodes.

Also, which general direction you need to scroll the map to get to the starting node.

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