So you're advertising your game as finished 21st February but 3 chapters of story missing on release

Damnit Jerle, banner-posing here as well? :stuck_out_tongue:

What does RPG mean in my mind? Role Playing Game.

My point is the bar is set so low in ARPG’s for storytelling IMO. Therefore to me, that’s not why I play them at all. I get the storytelling I’m looking for in other things like books, D&D, or other videogames (looking at you witcher 3).

But that’s just me and my preferences. It’s not like I think it’s wrong for someone to enjoy or come to play LE, Diablo, Torchlight, or POE for the story in any major way.

1 cup = 16 Tablespoons = 48 teaspoons = 384 pinches
I hope that helps.

It’s also 250ml, which would be ~120 grams for whole wheat flour

i didnt know that either to be honest and its not really clearly stated when you purchase the game. now granted, i wouldnt want to refund over that, but yea, i dont consider that to be a good move either.

They came out great thanks

Even then, to say that 100m isn’t a lot is ridiculous.

uh, no the hell it does not, they have so many holes in the story with D4 it’s not even funny.

For the online service and advertising? It is nothing.

Mmmm Muffins. I love blueberry muffins, but really any will do. :slight_smile:

Now I know you’re just trolling.

Even trolls love muffins.

Lol why you have decided to comment when you clearly do not work in this environment? Where is this urge coming from? Or is it just knowledge from the memes where people think small indie companies can release online service games without the help of the big daddy as Tencent? Do you believe there are 1 man studios or something?XDDDD

Honestly the story in D4 was the best part of the game.

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While you are correct in that I don’t work in the online game hosting industry (& it’s a fairly niche one), I can read through GGG’s stat accounts to pull their server hosting costs. For the year ending Sep 23 they had server hosting costs of 6.2m NZD (= ~3.9m USD), in their first published stats (year ending March 2019) they had server hosting costs of ~4.3m NZD (~2.7m USD). And while set up costs would probably be quite a lot more, they’d have paid those when they were a much smaller company without the ~93m NZD (~58m USD) of cash reserves.

So unless you can back up your statements with actual facts (& I’ll leave it to you to google what that means), perhaps you should take some of your own advice?

As I said originally, 100m is quite a lot, even at the expensive end of the market. Which EHG isn’t, especially when you’re talking about “market valuation” (which we kinda aren’t since the shares aren’t publicly tradeable but whatever Tencent paid for the less than 25% does put a defacto valuation on the company).

No, sorry, my accounting qualification & the audited stat accounts of a company that does do this.

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One step ahead of you this time :stuck_out_tongue:

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With pleasure sir, the quotes you have provided are only the costs of running the servers and server space which can go to as high as 30% of the total value (they only include storage space, bandwidth allocation, and server location which is the easier part) now the bigger part are the backend development which is provided by GGG and then sent to the party of their choice (yes beloved DevOps), for that you also pay not to mention server maintenance, bug fixes implementation, DDoS protection, market analysis, cloud migration as we are on steam, etc, those are based on the amount of data and time needed which costs a lot more than the pure cost of running the live service.
I cannot provide the full amount spent as only GGG knows and there are no “standard values” but we can ever assume they made giga deal and it was only 30% which I never saw happening in my line of work.

So yes 100m is now “quite a lot” not “a lot” I see which I can partially agree with yet it is not an extreme amount for the current market of online gaming.

There is a reason every “small indie company” is selling it’s core to bad, evil uncle Tencent as they are a necessary evil but in LE case it could be a bit more spent, and they should have been able to make better predictions and overall preparation than we were able to witness, on the other hand, they are keeping us updated and hopefully, conclusions will be drawn.

Which is part of their salary costs, maybe third party costs in the early days depending on when they bought them in-house. I’d imagine that they’re probably either a mix of employees & contractors or mostly contractors for EHG given their stage of development (& I don’t have access to their statutory accounts, sadly, so I’m totally making assumptions here) & in year ending Sep 23, all staffing costs (including all of the art & not even slightly server/dev ops-related costs) were “only” 3m NZD, so half of all the server-related costs.

Not according to PoE’s stat accounts.

Absolutely, I have no doubt that launching a non-live service game is expensive, and doing a live service one is likely more expensive, but there are some views that we can draw from PoE’s stats & one of hhose is that for a successful live service game, the server-related costs are quite a bit more than the salary costs of the company unless GGG are running PoE 1 on a shoe string, but tbf, any development costs for PoE 2 will be hitting the balance sheet, not the P&L. That said, however, they only have 26m NZD of fixed assets (an increase from 11m from the year before & that’s most likely PoE 2 development costs).

Yeah, hindsight is an easy thing to do though.

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The amount of content in this game for the price is absolutely INSANE. You are probably the most unreasonable person I have ever come across.

Wanna complain about servers dying? Go for it. As for whether or not the devs have delivered on the product? Not even debatable, grow a pair homie.

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