So will there be gold sellers etc.?

I’m curious how the game will handle the economy. Will there be an incentive for people to farm items and sell them for real money outside of the game? Hopefully not, that has been a real issue for a lot of games.

Not that it really matters tho - this isn’t a pvp game right. So if somebody hacks the game and dominates the leaderboard people probably won’t lose sleep over it.

Short answer yes there will be gold sellers and bots.
Just like in every other game infact if you take a peek at certain sites you can already see them selling RMT services without trading and once trading comes they can sell gold etc.


My personal opinion but I think EHG is overly optimistic on how much the measures they have put in place will curb RMT (aka Defacto PaytoWin) . Not sure why any ARPG with any amount of trade leaves any loophole in at all that will allow it directly for items. It’s not like that is air the characters are breathing.

I will remain cautiously optimistic that trading/gifting does not “tip the scales”. It’s very hard to completely negate botting/gold selling/gear selling, but it looks like there’s a decent amount of safeguards in play to try and prevent it from becoming “the norm”.

Games don’t need trade, to still have RMT. “Leveling Services” have been around forever, where you give a 3rd party your login information, go to sleep, and wake up the next day with a max level character and a complete set of X tier gear.

Lose sleep over if it, if it’s that important to you. Or just accept that it happens, and just hope if doesn’t run too rampant in the game you enjoy otherwise.

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That is why I very specifically called out direct RMT for “ITEMS” as the primary problem. Funny how the “But there is going to be RMT for leveling services no matter what” always gets trotted out.

For every RMT boogeyman you can think of, I can come up with multiple ways it will still take place. Why? Just to keep people awake at night, trembling, over RMT. It exists. That’s life in the online gaming world.

There hasn’t been a single game it’s ruined for me. But, I also don’t base my worth on what number is next to my name on some Leaderboard or Ladder. Nope, instead, mine is based on how many people tell me, “nice car”, when I go through a drive-thru.

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This is like asking if the “war on drugs” will ever be won. As long as there are people buying, there will be people selling.

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I wasn’t thinking that humans somehow evolved since the last game came out :slight_smile:

But I was sort of hoping LE devs were clever enough to solve this problem. Unrealistic hope now that I think about it.

The limits to trading tha are in place will make RMT a lot less useful than it is on other games. The devs are also not going to publicize any anti-RMT systems they have in place.

Favor will likely be more valuable than gold.


I think people underestimate and Over-estimiate the system at the same time.

If you didnt know the following:

  • A purchased item in the Auction cant be resold

  • You need Favor to buy items in the Auction house that you can only get when you play

  • You need to level the Guild (Faction) to be even able to trade properly.

In all 3 Points i mentioned you MUST play.

Will there be RMT?
I think yes on a very high level when top players grinded out the game to beat the leaderboards maybe?

otherwise that system they showcased is very promising better than any ARPG i have ever seen:

In POE you trade outside the game basically. Thats very annoying and a reason why i never used it.

In Diablo there is no trading. Its like in POE there is some Platforms in the web like for POE but guess what ? Annoying asf.

The system the EHG Team made is very Promising and wont be perfect. But now tell me what system in the world is perfect?

thats how i see it.

BTW: everything in life is pay to win. (No i didnt payed 70 Euro for a Horse in another game)

The time gates to trading are going to be a huge difficulty for RMT. Have to level your faction rep or play with a specific person for an extended time. All of which resets when an account gets the hammer. A lot of these things the best you can do is damage control. You can’t stop the most dedicated cheaters. You can make it so difficult the majority of people who would cheat find it not worthwhile.

Is there this misconception that RMT providers don’t play the game? Of course they have their paid farmers, accumulating both items and currency. The drawback, is that there’s investment in those accounts, so any bans or other actions against them hurt a little more. But that doesn’t mean RMT sites won’t have access to trade favor, and/or the ability to group with players to ‘trade’ with them via trade tokens (whatever they are called). There will still be ways for RMTers to function. It’s just a bit more inconvenient for them.

Unless you do what D3 did (I mean, what they did after they tried to solve RMT by making sure they were the ones doing the RMT) and have no trade at all, there will always be RMT.

I don’t think LE’s system is intended to stop RMT. The main purpose of LE’s trade system is to stop the toxic trade strategies you see in PoE. It’s meant to allow players to use trade as a tool for getting gear, rather than it being an endgame mechanic that many people spend the whole league doing. It’s meant to stop sniping/price fixing.
The fact that it also hinders RMT a little bit is just a bonus.

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The thing you forget is that RMT is a business. They want the transaction to take as little time as possible. The entire Favour system is meant to cost them more time than it’s worth.

RMT relies on 2 key trade mechanics to work efficiently:

  • Private transfer between characters (from bot to trade account, then to you)
  • Maximizing a Gain/Time ratio

Because transfers are only public unless through the Party Gift system, they risk exposing their bot accounts directly. As currency is stuck on that account, that means bans will cost them farmed goods on top of the $35 account.

Because you also need to pay Favour to trade, that also means it’s gonna cost you time, when RMT are generally marketed towards saving you time. So the purchases are only going to be for harder to get things. Medium rarity items are generally going to be their bulk revenue, because it’s common enough to farm for them, yet time consuming enough for the players, but if you’re gonna have to farm 3h for Favour to buy it, might as well just farm it yourself, right? That leaves them only the very rare items, which won’t be as profitable, timewise.

There is also levelling services, but you’ld need to risk sharing your account, or buy a $70 horse account package, which is still at risk, because the RMT guy buying 200 keys / week is kinda sus.

Carries don’t work well either, because they can’t boost you to their Corruption, they need to come into your game and grind out the Mono.

Don’t get me wrong, there will still be RMT services, but I expect they’re gonna be more expensive and less prevalent in LE than in other games.

Unless EHG do what all other on-line games companies fail to do … BAN GOLD BUYERS AND RMT SERVICE USERS … RMT will be a plague in this game like nearly all others.

Thankfully, my offline gaming will be RMT free. :stuck_out_tongue:

Great explanation, thanks. This is the kind of smart thinking I was hoping to see by the devs. Let’s see how it goes. I predict it will have the intended effect.

Just picked LE up and optimistic about the two systems being implemented. The only thing I cannot seem to find an answer too is with the release of 1.0 will the be a direct way to trade gold or gift gold itself. I am hoping the answer is no to this seeing they state you cannot trade crafting goods but I did not see anything specific to gold itself. Essentially what i gathered is in person trade and post a rank 1 item and they trade X amount of gold for worthless item. I was unsure if it could be freely traded.

Short answer is no, though you could make a direct trade (as long as both players have the favour for it) and sell a trash item for 1M gold. So kinda?
I expect those would be flagged and closely monitored, though.