So will there be gold sellers etc.?

I mean, POE can just as easily track the trades of 200 mirrors, without receiving anything in return, but they don’t appear to have that capability at this time :slight_smile:

I doubt they don’t have the capability. It’s more likely, given their stances on trading in the past, that they don’t care and don’t want to intervene.

But it’s also possible that they can monitor it and are just being careful not to just ban some guy that was just dumping his currency on a friend before leaving the league, along with real RMTers.

My alien_reheating_consumable theory is that GGG actually sells currency to RMT sites, and is in on the action. So they have no reason to stop any of it. Or, they are just getting a cut of the proceeds, and look the other way.

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As much of a cynical person as I am, I seriously doubt that as well. I find it more likely that they don’t want to bother with it and have to spend resources dealing with the situation and also don’t mind that a small portion of their playerbase is based on RMT trade, both for selling and for buying.

To be fair, the vast majority of players aren’t impacted by RMT. Many aren’t even aware it exists. Other than the bots sniping/trade fixing, it’s something that doesn’t impact the casual player.
And in LE it would be even less noticeable for the casual player, because there are no sniping/price fixing bots. So they’re even less impacted by RMT than usual.

Favour will be more valuable than gold, yes.

It can be proven, but I doubt any investigative journalist with the resources to do so is going to worry about it.

Fun Fact: Gold sales for some games (more than not) generates greater revenue than the game does. LE is a perfect example where this can happen because of the auction house. Farmers/Sellers simply need to babysit the stalls, combined with knowledge of required / desired items from build guides, buy said items, mark up to unrealistic costs, ergo creating desire / need to buy gold. It’s an atrocious circle and it’s very evident in LE already.

Go pick a popular build, then make a list of the required items, now go find those items on the stalls. Nearly 99% of them have already been acquired and marked up.

I doubt that is because of farmers/sellers, though, since they couldn’t resell the item. And I doubt that RMTers (both buyers and sellers) are willing to just play along for a few hours until a resonance drops. Doesn’t seem like an effective strategy when farming gold and selling gold directly is much simpler and it’s immediate.

You seem to have missed a few critical points.
They wouldn’t be marking things up to just resell them.

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As a digital forensics and cyber security specialist since the 80’s, trust me when I tell you, it happens just like the example I gave. We’ve seen it in nearly every game with any sort of trade in the last 20+ years.

If real money can be made, it will happen.
No two ways around that simple reality.

I don’t disagree with that. In fact, I have said the same thing myself. And the current system isn’t actually designed to prevent RMT. It’s just designed to prevent the toxic trade of PoE. It just happens to hinder RMT (very) slightly.

I was just saying that there are faster and more immediate strategies than buying items from the stalls (which you then throw away, since resonance gifting isn’t as feasible) and then farming gold again to sell. You would need to increase the price (and thus the demand) by a lot (and I mean a LOT lot) to justify not selling that gold in the first place.

I believe you find less items for meta builds simply because most people are hunting for them and buying them themselves. As soon as someone finds one item for said build, there are already hundreds wanting to buy it.

Ofc there will be. How else would Blizz make money? :rofl:

Hm if they make gold not tradeable or giftable everything should be fine. If this isn’t enough make people pay with their favour and call it a day.

Delete MG and make everybody go CoF! Problem solved :slight_smile:

But if they can’t resell them then why would the goldsellers buy the items in the first place? If they had the items drop then I could imagine putting them on for a higher price in order to try & drive the price up (& hence demand for gold), but the lack of ability to resell items does put the kybosh on one avenue that you could try & drive rmt.

But then you’d have to barter for items. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

Well there is one bullet one need to bite no matter how you look at it ^^.

Rather you agree, or not, doesn’t change the reality.
You’re entitled to opinions and theories, but the data is pretty conclusive.

You mean the data on whether or not RMT sellers buy items in an attempt to drive up the price rather than simply selling the gold they just spent on it in the first place? You mean that data is conclusive? The data that doesn’t exist anywhere? Yes, you’re probably right.

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You digress off onto something more specific in order to win an argument, rather than have a conversation. THIS is what I originally said. Maybe you should read it again.

"As a digital forensics and cyber security specialist since the 80’s, trust me when I tell you, it happens just like the example I gave. We’ve seen it in nearly every game with any sort of trade in the last 20+ years.

If real money can be made, it will happen.
No two ways around that simple reality."

You digress off onto something else in order to win an argument, rather than have a conversation. THIS is what I originally said. Maybe you should read it again.

I said I agreed with you regarding the inevitability of RMT, I just disagreed with the specific system that was being discussed, where RMT sellers are allegedly buying items from the bazaar (and dumping them since they can’t resell them) just to increase gold prices rather than selling the gold in the first place.
It’s a system that works fine in PoE because they can resell items, not so much in LE because they can’t resell it.

Since you were replying directly to this saying that the data is conclusive, that implies that you have data on this specifc method.