Same here. I’d love to have about a month between LE and PoE 2 so I can fully enjoy both games, reach pinnacle content, and get bored before jumping into the next one.
Because of the overlap, I won’t be able to fully experience either update.
Same here. I’d love to have about a month between LE and PoE 2 so I can fully enjoy both games, reach pinnacle content, and get bored before jumping into the next one.
Because of the overlap, I won’t be able to fully experience either update.
i think even 2 weeks would be enough for most i could enjoy LE for 2 weeks and be done with it since there is very little endgame
I very much doubt they will delay their launch. They have set their date and have been doing all the marketing around it for a couple weeks already.
After delaying it for months, it would be a huge blow to delay it again.
We’ll see what they say in today’s interview (Ghazzy almost certainly will ask them about this), but they either launch 1 week earlier or they launch as planned.
Yes, that’s fair. I like the freshness as well (though I don’t play MG and don’t really care about economy, nor did I have care about the economy on PoE1, I just took it as it was).
However, as I said before, EHG had already set the date when GGG decided to hog it. It’s not EHG that is making you choose, it’s GGG. Nor is it on EHG to change it.
Maybe you want to go to GGG’s forums and suggest they change it instead?
already did and suggested there too
Oh the horror! You’re right, we should never be forced to choise what entertainment to consume/enjoy!! There should only be one that everybody can all play at the same time!!!
And you can. I will. It’s ok.
Why? Because then you can’t be first/corner the market/be a tradelord & make a bajillion currency?
yeah you just dont get it no point arguing with you just read Waiden first comment he explained it perfectly your mindset is for the minority i speak for majority
Just because I don’t agree doesn’t mean I don’t agree doesn’t mean I don’t understand. Just because you disagree doesn’t make you stupid.
oh look EHG delayed their launch exactly becuz of the reasons i mentioned now i can laugh at your stupidity its clear you dont know how games like LE/PoE/PoE 2 work with their seasons/cycle stuff and just how important it is for MOST people to be able play on league start together with everyone else instead of playing the league 3-4 weeks later
The funniest about all this is that you don’t even realise that @Llama8 wasn’t even discussing about if there’s going to be a delay or not, but more about why should “we” care since both games will be available to all of us without any “real” time constraint. Don’t get swayed by FOMO tactics play what you want.
At least someone understands. The entire concept feels to me like the worst excesses of capitalism (& I’m an accountant, so it’s not like I’m a soap-dodging hippie) that exist more for the services & grandiosity of the company rather than the people.
Probably because you specced into glancing blows instead.
most people do care being able to start playing the league on day 1 insetad starting to play on day 30 you are the minority who doesnt care about it good for you but the majority care greatly about it so does EHG thats why they delayed it becuz most people will be done with PoE 2 league in 2 weeks so they can start on day 1 cycle in new LE update
no you still dont understand anything you are delusional and narrow minded games like this would die out if the devs listened to people like you
Hey! I resent that. I’m a hippie and proud of it and I most definitely use soap. Dr. Squatch, only, but soap to be sure.
I try not to be a grammar nazi, but for the lobe of god learn to use punctuation. There is no way to read your posts without inducing headache.
Well yeah, I pity those who even try to defend something like that. Damn them class traitors. XD
But hey, no need to try and offend the hippies there
While i don’t disagree with you on a fundamental level, i’d argue it’s less about people geniunly caring about it (only exception for this would be in context with friends), it’s just more of an byproduct how Seasonal Games work for most people / normies. It’s more like a “Eat it while it’s hot”-situation. Seasons are exciting for people to go back, it’s fresh, everyone is going back to it, like a little Event. Now the thing when two seasons drop, obviously people will pick their favorite and push the other one back, problem is: when they saturated with the one game and rdy to move on, the buzz for the second game is already gone. That’s why i’d assume for ARPGs / Developers it’s in the best interest that they have no competitor that close, because then they get the biggest swing of the playerbase. So a 2 week delay does make sense, that is for a lot of people enough time to feed on the one game and rdy to check out the other one which starts fresh.
Very mature, especially due you could’ve been wrong with your assumption too. You just need to look at Videogames-Releases historically, it’s not like that all competitors always care what drops when. Doesn’t mean that this would be a clever decision, but you can’t take it past that EHG could’ve also simply just not care and still drop it. Just sayin…
Honestly, i don’t really like this argument that much because it doesn’t take into consideration two things. Firstly as mentioned above, people and that’s not a concious decision, prefer seasonal games while they’re hot. It’s fresh, there is hype, people play it yada yada. Secondly (which also builds into the first part) it doesn’t take into account friends/social dynamics. Let’s i would care for either season, and they sticked with the date… i’d have the situation that i’ve two different friendgroups playing their game. Which would mean i’d have to decide for one, and most likely miss out the other one - because seasons are often dropped after 2 weeks so on. While - technically true we’d have time and wouldn’t need to fall for FOMO tactics… in reality it’s not that easy, that’s why FOMO like this are specifically effective. And i’ve to point out, i get not everybody understands that, some play solo - or they’ve just a single friendgroup to play with and then you can plan it out, for starting which first, but i do value my time which i can spent with friends and family members, that’s why i’d also appreciate such a delay/a gap between both seasons…
atleast somone understands
As far as players go. it’s just herd mentality.
Only a very tiny minority of the best players benefit from a fast league/cycle start, since they get to endgame really fast and can take advantage of a small supply of certain items/currencies
For an average normie starting 1-2 weeks after is actually more beneficial, since the economy stabilizes and the items that they’d actually want to trade for become more affordable.
As far as a game studio goes - EHG had no choice. The vast majority of streamers would’ve switched to poe2 after just two days of season 2 starting. Doesn’t matter how many actual players lost it equates to, it’s still too much of a gamble.
Oh the irony. Which one of god’s lobes are you entreating? I personally hate using a phone keyboard, I fat-finger typo so much…
I try not to, but sometimes they get upwind of me.
Yup. But i would’ve expect “certain people” to understand that because that reduces their ability to exploit others.