So I went back to PoE for a week

You mean people are complaining about PoE because its the popular thing to do?

Having just looked into it myself, that new Paragon system looks fantastic - a “choose your own adventure”.

As much as I found Diablo 3 to be boring, I have to give them credit for allowing players to continue to progress on a single character. That is more in line with what I am looking for out of a game - I am not always interested in picking up other characters to play, they often do not interest me.

Seeing that paragon system has actually renewed my faith in Diablo 4; I am eagerly awaiting more news.

Looking towards Last Epoch’s future, it would be nice to see a way to progress after reaching level cap. I had mentioned in some previous threads that a prestige system where, upon reaching max level, you would reset your “Mastered” character’s levels. The skill specializations would gain increased experience and level up beyond level 20.

The last statement from the devs we have about a leveling system beyond lvl 100 seems to indicate, that EHG aims for non-character power and such system would be for item acquisition

Obviously it is not finalised and things can change.

I personally would prefer a well spaced finite progression and no infinite power progression system.

But most importantly, what LE needs currently IMO, is content that incentivices building a strong enough character.

Currently there is only infinitely scaling content, which does not feel like reaching “milestones”.
The new T4 dungeon is the cloest we got regarding such content I am talking about, hopefully we will see more, with other totally different rewards.

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I think you’re missing the point. The problem is in fact that it’s trying to do 4000 things at once. The game needs streamlining.

As for doing 3990 of them well, I certainly can’t resist responding to that…

and nobody is saying remove ALL league mechanics and monsters. that kind of exaggeration doesn’t really help make your point.

Actually its the only thing they talk about because they are dull

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No, the censure overlords are on a constant forum clean up rampage to ensure community harmony. Say anything out of line that God-King Chris has decreed and he will smite you with a hail of lightning from his eyes. My gambling comment got “adjusted” by PoE Staff for the RNG layering is equal to gambling due to not being able to understand or accurately mitigate risk comment I made earlier in this thread. Then proceed to allow immortal builds to exist because the cool ones built them.

That’s a bit… hyperbolic, to say the least. Playing devil’s advocate here:

They “fixed” the few remaining immune builds, they buffed bows, self-cast spells no one use because why stay in place, and melee/strike each patch is worse, any performer, nerfed. Surprise they didn’t nerf spell suppression.

The thing is, nobody expected half of the balance patch, which tells us their decisions are hard to understand for anyone: huge disconnect.

Nothing new under the sun, best balance ever, or another round of nerfs over nerfs, choose your line.

Better some over-moderation than letting the mob loose whining to no end.

Chris, yeah, god-king, after all, is his game, more or less. They are trying to push their vision over what most people want, and that’s fine, you already have AAA publishers trying to cater everyone’s tastes for big money.

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Now you understand my point.

This is the most prevalent issue with the PoE Dev team, they do not engage the way LE devs do. That is a huge opportunity loss, but with the vitriolic PoE community, I wouldn’t engage with anyone either. It is a situation that devs created out of their own hubris.

Yes, the devs are entirely at fault & solely to blame for the way the community reacts to the slightest change to the game.


It’s the way the dev team reacts to criticism. The devs public reactions to said criticism created a feedback loop that caused the vitriol monkeys to sling more poo at the fan in hopes of getting the changes they demand in the game. Devs spend more time on Reddit than making a league. Perception is everything. EHG good can improve. GGG toxic must improve is my take on it. I am not saying I am right by any measure. It is a viewpoint or opinion from someone that played since alpha.

Then the devs can’t win. If they get bitched at & moderate those bitching posts, that just causes the more virulent members of their community to be even moar virulent! Would you suggest that instead of moderating posts they just let the poo slinging continue unabated?

Which is clearly hyperbolic bollocks balderdash.

Maybe if the community didn’t constantly throw poo at them then they might react better? There’s two sides to that particular relationship.

I think the issue was the over-sensitivity to the critics, which in turn escalated the situation several leagues ago, especially after harvest league.

I agree with you on that point. It is the sensitivity to ANY critic, valid or not. So pointing out that the RNG layering is so far off the rails that you cannot access risk is considered a hostile act against the devs is not good PR.

It is really hard to stop a poo fight when the devs started it by curtailing honest and valid criticism. That is what sent a vast majority into toxic rage against the devs in any forum that would listen. For me, I see this thread as a cautionary tale and past experience so I just stay silent now at PoE.

Is so easy for poo fights to escalate.

I think the problem is not who started, these devs are passionate at what they do, also have the constraints a company usually has, we think the ability to stop a negative feedback loop is easy, but actually is quite hard, those who actually have the stones to stop the loop at their side, are the exception, not the norm.

Is a complicated issue, really. We are not robots. And don’t forget this is the internet: haters gonna hate.

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I am not disagreeing with you guys. My take is that EHG is so far taken the high road and avoided the pitfall of the haters going to hate crowd. I never said I hated or even disliked PoE, it is frustrating and head-scratching at times.

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Good on you, I am able to get only Amsterdam and Frankfurt stable (edit: relatively) - it has been a local problem for central Europe because of Telekom old AF infrastructure (look it up, its on the forums, the oldest ones are from 2016 or so). Also, 20ms and 4k + ms lag spikes (last ones were ~10k ms) is the difference I need to cope with, so yeah, I would be happy to get 450ms on Frankfurt, but stable. Also, I was talking about poison BV and shits like that which could go infinite on assassin prenerf (20+k ms latency and crash for either me if there was low load or whole server if there were several of us kekw). Also, Frankfurt can go down 1,5 month into the league (happened when I tried to level up new character, whole Global 1 was like huh? Best moment ever). And performance is fucking RNG - you can get smooth AF experience (3.7 legion for me was the best meanwhile GGG admitted they had problems themselves, 3.14 was great) or just horrible (3.5 was unplayable for me, 3.16 had a lot of missing texture issues, black boxes, etc). I am not hating, I am stating my own experience, so you know, I can be an outlier the same way as you can be. Also, Australia has some of the best connection stability due to main server being in NZ.

This is a very chicken-and-egg situation. Did the devs “start it” by curtailing “honest and valid feedback” or did the community “start it” by lobbing poo at the devs and voicing said feedback in a hostile/accusatory manner?

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The above quote is from a now-deleted thread called Tired of the RNG

Then give me your “honest and valid feedback” to my comment. Does that statement cross the line in deserving to be edited and silenced by GGG staff?

I added the gambling addiction here for emphasis because at least here we can speak more freely without the hammer being dropped on us for speaking our minds.

No, but one Swallow does not a summer make. shrugs

Whatever do you mean… Is it an African or European swallow?

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As if that specific unobtrusive part is why the thread was killed. There is absolutely NOTHING that GGG can do to please everyone. Even if they chose to change nothing in the game, there would be a huge number of players raging about imbalances that should have been fixed. When something is fixed, huge amounts of people rage on it from both directions (nerfed too much, not nerfed enough).

Maybe the community should just back off and let the game be the game. If you don’t like the game, leave. For some crazy reason, these entitled players feel that the game belongs to them.

If I were the game owner, I would release a statement saying exactly that. “If you don’t like the game, GTFO”. Then I would immediately delete the forums from the site and cease any community outreach. The community just uses every outreach that GGG does against them. The community is cancer and nothing good can come of it.

Maybe that is just the natural evolution of these things when the community grows past a certain level.

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