Shaman Leap earthquake?

I got excited when I was looking into this game when I saw that there was a leap and an earthquake skill (Leap-Quake is my favorite playstyle, not a fan of Whirlwind) and every thing I heard about last epoch said that there’s an entire tree for every skill so it never even crossed my mind that there’s really no way as far as I can tell to build my character around leap?

I’d really love to see an ability to pick an enemy up and throw them into other enemies and doing that resets leap’s cooldown. That, in my opinion would be a satisfying rotation. Maybe have other skills used during our grab and throw ability?

I am a fan and I intend this as a constructive criticism.

You could certainly build around using Leap. You can even get a weapon that procs Earthquake when you use a movement skill (Leap), you’re just unlikely to be able to bypass the cooldown to such an extent that you’re using Leap (or Maul in bear form) constantly.

This is a bit different, not a melee build, but to illustrate that many things are possible, this build uses ONLY maul (the werebear form of leap) and is extremely strong and tanky:
Aschere's Vinebear Monolith Speed Clearer 0.8.5 | 10K EHP | ~50-100K DPS | Very Fast Clear | New Player and Hardcore friendly | Detailed Written Guide | 200+ Empowered

Just an example, I am sure you could make something very viable around processing earthquake or upheaval. And the cooldown is pretty short if you take the nodes reducing it, not a big issue.

Isn’t the most “leap-quake” thing we have right now werebears Maul?

It was (hence my post above), but the Mace had a 5s cooldown added & with 3 points in Fury Leap’s Panther Strike node you can get Fury Leap down to a 5.08s cooldown compared to Maul’s 4.4s cooldown.

Well leapquake is a leap that procccs a quake. I wasn’t even thinking about the hammer but Maul is the closest to it anyway. You have a movement component that tgriggers an AoE ^^.

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