Shade of Orobyss farming

What is the point of this reply llama? can you not see there is a frustration among the community over this issue? Please don’t be a “nice nice nazi”

he called people “tryhards” awwwe. are ur feelings hurt? u want a hug?

There’s always going to be a tension/frustration between “tryhards” & “dirty casuals”, but calling each other names isn’t going to solve anything.

It’d just be nice if people were a bit more grown up about things & realising that there will always be people better (& worse) than them & that maybe they don’t need to get their panties in a twist about it.

If you’re frustrated about something, you always have the option to not be a dick about it. It’s less cathartic though.


Why can’t this be put out upon release? Why is this so sacred that it has to be “discovered”?
Now I can make a plan. Thank you Rayzier. 300 corruption is my goal.

Because the devs want people to experience the joy of finding stuff out by themselves, as much as that’s possible in the days in the internet.

As I’ve said before.


Because its fun for people/communities to find these things out for themselves, its very engaging.

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oh please bro. u serious? Have you not learned anything yet?

In life, when people get frustrated…THEY BECOME DICKS.

Thats why its always a good idea not to contribute to their growing frustration.

oh please bro, u serious? Have you not learned anything yet?

In life, when people get frustrated… THEY CAN HAVE SELF CONTROL.

just sayin’.

Edit: Which I obviously did not just display very well.

and another one. You people are the ones who talk trash to someone, get punched in the mouth and call the cops.

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I’m not your bro, mate. I also have two teenage boys. And was one myself.

And eventually, they learn some self control & become better people for it.

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

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you got that right

I would get it if devs forbid you to tell „the community” (whatever that means) otherwise you’d lose your tester perks.
But it’s a whole different story if YOU dont want to tell. That would make you… not cool :wink:

Also, using this whole „community endeavor” argument is such bs. Either this is not actually a community discovery quest, or you are not actually part of the community. You cant have both :wink:

They have told us that they don’t want us to tell “the community” (ie, everyone that’s not us) so that “you lot” can discover things mostly on your own.

I would suggest that in this regard, the community testers have been politely asked to not be part of the community (kinda). Apart from the occasional snippit.

So it’s not a community endeavor, it’s an individual one.
And you, as community tester are not actually part of the community.
Got it!

PS: your argument reminds me of an old popular joke back from our communist era – The Party instituted the 8h/day job with twice the benefits and a big fat paycheck, except you have to work 12h/day, dont get payed and have no benefits, but otherwise the Party is correct.

Not quite, you lot are more than welcome to share your findings or thoughts on the requirements for the other items to drop, but us testers have been asked to not share all of the info that we’ve already worked out on it.

In this regard, IMO yes.

At least, that’s my view of what the devs have asked of us. @Trasochi or any of the others could correct me if I’m wrong or stepping out of line here.

It was very intentional that we did not mention how to get Shade of Orobyss uniques because it’s a great way for the community to come together and figure it out themselves.


See, it’s not just me being a dick.

Maybe I dont share your kumbaya pov, but I really dont see a community gettin’ together.
And if by any chance some community members (that is – non-testers) find out, it will be an individual task – as exepected for a single player game. Then he or she will post it on reddit.

got another one:
all players are equal, some players are more equal than others and then there are community testers. /s obviously joke no insult :smiley:

I am forced to close this thread because it looks like members of the community are unable to play nice. I am also going to be issuing out warnings. Just a reminder, if you do not have anything constructive to add to a discussion I am going to ask you not to post.